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Full Version: Interesting Gus Bradley Stat
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Do you just troll out of bordem? It's auto-correct you degenerate. It's when you phone corrects a word for you AUTOMATICALLY without you doing it, and sometimes puts the wrong word/spelling.
Quote:Do you just troll out of bordem? It's auto-correct you degenerate. It's when you phone corrects a word for you AUTOMATICALLY without you doing it, and sometimes puts the wrong word/spelling.

The greatest legal troll the world has ever known.
Quote:That proves my point. Belicheat would have no wins as a HC if he went 0-16 every year.


I think the OP was just making up crap to hate on Bradley. It is a common theme here.

A declaration of winning while actually losing. How comical. Hey, maybe the Jags could try that!
Quote:Do you just troll out of bordem? It's auto-correct you degenerate. It's when you phone corrects a word for you AUTOMATICALLY without you doing it, and sometimes puts the wrong word/spelling.

When you typed the right word it gave you the wrong word. That made it an auto-error.


I never troll anyone. I am just here to discuss football and politics.
Quote:When you typed the right word it gave you the wrong word. That made it an auto-error.

I never troll anyone. I am just here to discuss football and politics.
I think we are all just concerned with how you apply logic lol. It comes off as trolling because we expect you to understand common sense yet you prove us wrong in that estimation at every turn.....I digress though. The stat is comical and shows how much of a low point this franchise has gotten under the current regime. Changes are coming soon thankfully.
Quote:I think we are all just concerned with how you apply logic lol. It comes off as trolling because we expect you to understand common sense yet you prove us wrong in that estimation at every turn.....I digress though. The stat is comical and shows how much of a low point this franchise has gotten under the current regime. Changes are coming soon thankfully.

I actually was trying to be funny with the auto-error post, but the reason I made up that term is clearly explained.in post 44.


I have a thread on the Sideline to discuss stuff like how my brain works and what people should do with an autistic woman.
Quote:Extend Gus for 41 years.

Please for the love of God do not run this by Dave or Shad.
It would take Gus 5 straight 12 win seasons to get to 72-70, assuming he gets to 50 losses. He would need a half decade of pure dominance to just barely reach over.500. He bad, he should never get a chance to head coach another nfl team. Even college teams should stay away.
Quote:That is impossible. Belicheat's record would be 0-whatever 16 x 41 is.

Do the math.
Quote:That proves my point. Belicheat would have no wins as a HC if he went 0-16 every year.


I think the OP was just making up crap to hate on Bradley. It is a common theme here.
It's not made up, just do the [BAD WORD REMOVED] math you simpleton. Belichick has won so many games compared to his losses in his career that at this point he could go 0-16 for 41 seasons and still have a better percentage. That's the point.




Quote:It's not made up, just do the [BAD WORD REMOVED] math you simpleton. Belichick has won so many games compared to his losses in his career that at this point he could go 0-16 for 41 seasons and still have a better percentage. That's the point.





    One way of putting the tidbit into perspective is that legendary Bears Owner / Head Coach George Halas was the franchise's HC for 40 seasons during 4 separate 10 year stints.    With none of those seasons more than 14 regular season games.   Halas lived to 88 years old and coached the final time when he was 72.   
Quote:I actually was trying to be funny with the auto-error post, but the reason I made up that term is clearly explained.in post 44.


I have a thread on the Sideline to discuss stuff like how my brain works and what people should do with an autistic woman.

   Like i mentioned,  I have no intention of participating in that thread. 


  One suggestion though is if one or more people are writing something that doesn't make sense to you,  before deciding to reply,  use a search engine on the Internet to look up the information he/she mentioned.    The article that Brevardcnc88 provided ( if you found the article instead ) could have avoided the back and forth with other posters that took place after I provided the answer to your question on the previous page of this thread.   
Coach Badley !
Quote:I actually was trying to be funny with the auto-error post, but the reason I made up that term is clearly explained.in post 44.


I have a thread on the Sideline to discuss stuff like how my brain works and what people should do with an autistic woman.

Are you telling people when they should laugh now?
Quote:That proves my point. Belicheat would have no wins as a HC if he went 0-16 every year.


I think the OP was just making up crap to hate on Bradley. It is a common theme here.

Ok I'll bite so you can stop. The 0-16x41 record would start now and from here on out. It wouldn't override his previous record, it would add to it. So all of his current wins/losses would be added to the 0-16x41 record.
MJF has everybody blocked who is trying to break down the actual logic to her, in turn derailing the thread even more. Maybe since D6 broke it down for her, she will finally understand the math and then this thread can get back to being the glorious stat that it is.

Quote:Can someone whobhasnt been ignored please teach MJF simple mathematics or logic in general that backup the original post. Thank you.

I'm enjoying this thread at the moment, actually...
Quote:I'm enjoying this thread at the moment, actually...

This fan base has become so apathetic that this stat isn't even surprising, lol. How sad is that? On top of that, we are chomping at the bit to lock up mediocre players. This is worse than rock bottom. We are at the 7th depth of hell.


I have a thread on the Sideline to discuss stuff like how my brain works and what people should do with an autistic woman.


This is probably one of the greatest sentences ever written in The Jungle!  Bravo!
Quote:This fan base has become so apathetic that this stat isn't even surprising, lol. How sad is that? On top of that, we are chomping at the bit to lock up mediocre players. This is worse than rock bottom. We are at the 7th depth of hell.

Yeah...  I fell asleep during the game for 2 quarters!  2 Quarters...  I've never fallen asleep during a Jaguar game.  That's when I realized how bad it's been.  I think you are right though.  I can't see how this could not be rock bottom for this team and franchise.


I mean, there's no way it can get worse than this, right?  This is the lowest we can possibly sink, isn't it?  Unless you consider the Browns to be in a worse situation than we are in, which is a possibility...  And in that case, we have yet to reach rock bottom.
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