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Full Version: Asperger's syndrome, epilepsy, and other disorders
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Quote:"Accept" the positives? That looks like they don't really want to see the Jaguars do anything good.

Not necessarily, it could just mean that they're not ready to see the positives because theyre still disappointed with the loss. Positives and negatives are secondary to the result itself.
Quote:You're making the mistake of confusing correlation with causation.


Did the sun rise on the days you made those observations?  If so, that might be the reason.  Not AS.

You need to Google "autism spectrum disorders" if you still can't understand the reasons behind my behavior patterns.
GO TO BED JW....it's past your bedtime.
Quote:You're making the mistake of confusing correlation with causation.

Did you ever wonder if people with AS can't tell the difference between the two?


I have.


I've had to read a lot about Asbergers, and not because I wanted to.  I know you probably don't have a lot of extra time, but it might be worth checking out.  You may be able to understand those you live with or work around a bit better.
Welp glad to see Mrs JF get the attention she so desperately is looking for,

Quote:Welp glad to see Mrs JF get the attention she so desperately is looking for,

She's not the only one with her own thread.
Quote:Did you ever wonder if people with AS can't tell the difference between the two?


I have.


I've had to read a lot about Aspergers, and not because I wanted to.  I know you probably don't have a lot of extra time, but it might be worth checking out.  You may be able to understand those you live with or work around a bit better.

Correlation: a connection between two conditions or events.

Causation: What made a condition or event occur.


Just wondering, how can you read so much about Asperger's syndrome and still not know how to spell it?
Quote:Welp glad to see Miss JF get the attention she so desperately is looking for,

I am not married or here to get attention.
Quote:Correlation: a connection between two conditions or events.

Causation: What made a condition or event occur.


Just wondering, how can you read so much about Asperger's syndrome and still not know how to spell it?

"it" is spelled "i-t".


Just kidding.


Dyslexia?  Sometimes I get my "bees" and ps mixed up.

Quote:You need to Google "autism spectrum disorders" if you still can't understand the reasons behind my behavior patterns.

Your behavior is still your responsibility regardless of your disability.  There are other posters here who also have AS that do not behave as you do.


AS is no excuse, nor is any disability.  You, and no other poster, are never punished for your disability.  If you earn a warning for your behavior, it has nothing to do with AS.


I sympathize with your disability, however, that is not a proper excuse for not behaving.  That is no excuse for behavior.  You need to realize that.  You have not and will not be given a pass for violations you may or may not use your disability as a defense.  There simply cannot and will not be rules applied differently for different people.

Pirkster puttin the hammer down
Troll, troll, troll the board

Get the clicks I crave

Stupid posts will do the job

So many I enslave
For the love of Manetti. This is the kind of crap we get when we are at 2 wins? I blame Gus for this thread.
Quote:For the love of Manetti. This is the kind of crap we get when we are at 2 wins? I blame Gus for this thread.

It was the same before he got here, this isn't his fault.
Quote:For the love of Manetti. This is the kind of crap we get when we are at 2 wins? I blame Gus for this thread.

I blame the curse of John O for all of the Jaguars problems.
Quote:I blame the curse of John O for all of the Jaguars problems.

Well that goes without saying. Gus may have been Vince Lombardi if John weren't here.
Quote:To be fair, she gets ganged up on on the regular. It's like chum in the water.
The "grow up" comment should be dispersed among all the others that regularly, purposefully, try to antagonize her. Now that is cruel. 
Just like people used to team up against TMD and baiting him to react the way he did then complain about him...
Quote:One of your biggest problems is that you don't listen to arguments that don't agree with your own.  You ignore any logic that defeats your pre-formed opinions.


And that, to me will never make sense
... which has nothing to do with AS.
and this is why Asperger's is so quirky...YOU just said something will never make sense to you. but you can't understand that many common actions and normal things (to us)make no sense to her, but you can't understand that, yet when you can't understand something it's ok and normal...Our "normal" is different than her normal but you have a preconceived idea of normal that you won't compromise, to even try to understand that her brain doesn't work like ours...You have preconceived ideas of "normal" so you don't listen to anything else... Her brain is wired different than ours...maybe she's a Mac while we are Dell's/Windows.. 
Quote:Pirkster puttin the hammer down

Do people with AS understand the meaning of this or is this one of those things that confuses them?
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