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Full Version: What Happened To The Mad Dog? Banned Again?
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When TMD keeps his ego in check he is a fine poster.


This is a jaguar message board not a mental health forum. We shouldn't have to suffer a narcissist.

Quote:When TMD keeps his ego in check he is a fine poster.


People come to this board for information and actual discussion. We shouldn't have to suffer a narcissist.
Yup, you got it. Pretty much nailed the ol TMD spot on. This is the reason earlier in the post I have kind of switched over from my dislike of him. He had it in him to be a quality board member when he wanted to.
Quote:On a serious note, does Asperger's prevent learning? While I understand that they often have difficulty with empathy, it doesn't appear that JW accepts new opinions / facts as anything more than a suggestion. 

No,  it doesn't prevent learning.  


One interesting thing about Asperger's is that it can cause someone afflicted with it to be extremely focused on something.    I read a book called The Big Short about how just a few people foresaw the then-oncoming real estate collapse and found a way to short (bet against) subprime mortgage backed securities.  One of them was a guy with Asperger's who quit his medical practice to start his own mutual fund.  His Asperger's made him so focused, he was practically the only person in the world who bothered to read  the prospectuses of these subprime mortgage backed securities, and that led him to bet heavily against them.  He wound up making hundreds of millions of dollars on the collapse of the subprime mortgage backed securities, and he credits a lot of it to his Asperger's. 




He was featured on 60 Minutes.




Quote:On a serious note, does Asperger's prevent learning? While I understand that they often have difficulty with empathy, it doesn't appear that JW accepts new opinions / facts as anything more than a suggestion. 
This is an illness know has "womanitus". The main symptoms are the complete lack of any logical thought process and the ability to only make decisions based on emotion. Denial is also a very common symptom.

Quote:This is an illness know has "womanitus". The main symptoms are the complete lack of any logical thought process and the ability to only make decisions based on emotion. Denial is also a very common symptom.

You are just a bitter little thing, aren't you??
Quote:This is an illness know has "womanitus". The main symptoms are the complete lack of any logical thought process and the ability to only make decisions based on emotion. Denial is also a very common symptom.

Guess you have womanitus then.  It explains a lot  :thumbsup:


Sorry to hear that.  I hope they find the cure.  
Quote:I've come to realize he doesn't actually watch any jaguar games, but just looks at stats. It's hard to argue with a poster like that.

But the dance begins. It'll be nice without him for a while, then the dead season will begin and we'll all miss having a contrarian on the board to argue with.

Then he'll come back, it'll be a nice change of pace.

Then he'll go off the rails and annoy everyone. Then he'll be banned again.

It's the circle of life... Jaguar MB style
This so much this.
Quote:I think a daily posting limit would solve a lot of problems.  Set a daily limit of, say, 10 or 15 posts, and it would be pretty hard to hijack threads. 
 It would create one huge problem though, and that is the overall stifling of debate/discussion-the very purpose of having a message board.


Sometimes there are things that happen that make for intense discussion for whatever reason.  Posting numerous times a day, in itself, isn't trolling or spamming.  There are plenty of times people raise great points for discussion that warrant elaboration, even within the confines of a single thread.  Even though I don't post as much as I used to, I'd hate to think I'd have to ration my thoughts and posts due to some arbitrary post limit.


Such a limit might even encourage the creation of pseudo accounts to give one individual more bites of the apple, so to speak.  I don't think that would be good for the board, either.
Quote:This is an illness know has "womanitus". The main symptoms are the complete lack of any logical thought process and the ability to only make decisions based on emotion. Denial is also a very common symptom.

I absolutely value Carly's and Bchbunnie's opinions (and I'm sure many other women posters I don't know are women) over many of the guys that post on here. They present far more logically, factually, and reasonably than many, and the board would not be as good without their input.
When TMD jumped aboard the happy-to-be-winning train, he was downright pleasant.  I actually enjoyed reading his posts.  It's the absolute unbidden, psycho negativity and unsubstantiated criticism, couple with the constant "Look how smart I am!" posts that become tiresome and downright aggravating.

Quote:This is an illness know has "womanitus". The main symptoms are the complete lack of any logical thought process and the ability to only make decisions based on emotion. Denial is also a very common symptom.

This is an illness known as "moronitis."  I think you know the symptoms.
Quote:This is an illness known as "moronitis." I think you know the symptoms.

Are these even real illnesses? I've never heard of them before.
Quote:Are these even real illnesses? I've never heard of them before.

It's science.
Quote:I absolutely value Carly's and Bchbunnie's opinions (and I'm sure many other women posters I don't know are women) over many of the guys that post on here. They present far more logically, factually, and reasonably than many, and the board would not be as good without their input.

Awww...thank you!!! Big Grin
Quote:No,  it doesn't prevent learning.  


One interesting thing about Asperger's is that it can cause someone afflicted with it to be extremely focused on something.    I read a book called The Big Short about how just a few people foresaw the then-oncoming real estate collapse and found a way to short (bet against) subprime mortgage backed securities.  One of them was a guy with Asperger's who quit his medical practice to start his own mutual fund.  His Asperger's made him so focused, he was practically the only person in the world who bothered to read  the prospectuses of these subprime mortgage backed securities, and that led him to bet heavily against them.  He wound up making hundreds of millions of dollars on the collapse of the subprime mortgage backed securities, and he credits a lot of it to his Asperger's. 




He was featured on 60 Minutes.



Yes. The Big Short, by Michael Lewis - the same writer who did Blindside and Money Ball.


And by the way, JW isn't the only one who takes facts as suggestions, LOL.
Quote:I absolutely value Carly's and Bchbunnie's opinions (and I'm sure many other women posters I don't know are women) over many of the guys that post on here. They present far more logically, factually, and reasonably than many, and the board would not be as good without their input.

Suck up

Quote:Suck up


Laugh...but it works!! :thumbsup:
Quote:I absolutely value Carly's and Bchbunnie's opinions (and I'm sure many other women posters I don't know are women) over many of the guys that post on here. They present far more logically, factually, and reasonably than many, and the board would not be as good without their input.

This is so weak.




Guys, I know that this thread is about the TMD, but I think that it's kind of inappropriate to talk about other users like JW in a public thread.


Just my personal take on it.

Quote:Guys, I know that this thread is about the TMD, but I think that it's kind of inappropriate to talk about other users like JW in a public thread.


Just my personal take on it.

The mean posts yes. JW herself has made several threads over the years discussing her Asperger's so I don't think it's wrong that we talk about it.

Now the jerks that want to be buttheads about it any way...they are just sad little people!!
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