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Todman's got some talent, for sure, but I'm still expecting to see at least one running back drafted next year. Not necessarily early, but if the Jags escape the first four rounds without one (especially given the extra pick in round four), I'd be surprised.

Congrats on a wonderful performance!!!  Way to sieze the opportunity.  Take advantage of the chances to come.


Todman is a young talent with great speed.  He is a piece to the puzzle.  Good attitude.  Needs to work on his craft, but he is still young and developing.  Get him in space for maximum benefit.
I wonder how many Jaguars running backs haven't run for 100 yards in a single game?


Even LaBrandon Toefield has had a 100 yard game in Jacksonville. The only one I can think of in the past 10 years is Alvin Pearman

Quote:I think thats an excellent comparison. 


I too was one who pretty much told anyone that was near me at the sports bar whenever I watched any Peterson game since his rookie year, that the running back he most reminds me of is Fred Taylor.
Quote:People laugh at me when I say Adrian Peterson reminds me of a young Fred Taylor, but its true in my eyes. Freddy T had hamstring and groin issues early on his career, otherwise he would've probably had a 2000 yard rushing season and would've retired in the top 10 in total rushing yards. This is why Peterson is one of my favorite players in the league. Like watching Fred.
I also tell anyone who will listen about Fred's injury past & where he'd be if he hadn't been injured as much.
Quote:People laugh at me when I say Adrian Peterson reminds me of a young Fred Taylor, but its true in my eyes. Freddy T had hamstring and groin issues early on his career, otherwise he would've probably had a 2000 yard rushing season and would've retired in the top 10 in total rushing yards. This is why Peterson is one of my favorite players in the league. Like watching Fred.

I feel like Peterson has more "power" than Taylor did. I don't know that I've ever seen a player with the kind of speed that AP has, just rip through tackles the way that he does. Fred would simply juke you unitl you fell over and maybe throw a stiffarm on his way by -- it felt to me like he brought along his stiff arm and shoulder in the latter part of his career -- and then turn on the speed.


AP seems a bit less "move" based than Fred was in that Peterson knows he doesn't need you to be totally out of position in order to get around or through you, he just needs you to be off balance just that much and he's gone.
In his prime, when Taylor was on his game and healthy, his combination of size, speed, and elusiveness made him the most explosive players this franchise has ever had. Unfortunately, injuries prevented him from really achieving what was possible for him.
I like Todman, hes aight, but I dont think he can be a difference maker. Hes got some straight speed and some vision, but I havent seen enough of him making a guy miss or getting tough yards after contact.


He can be a valuable part of a RB rotation though, just wouldnt like to see him being the main guy.

Quote:I like Todman, hes aight, but I dont think he can be a difference maker. Hes got some straight speed and some vision, but I havent seen enough of him making a guy miss or getting tough yards after contact.


He can be a valuable part of a RB rotation though, just wouldnt like to see him being the main guy.

I have to agree with you. I don't think I've seen him string multiple cuts together to make a guy miss or power through many tackles. He kinda just runs around defenders. But if that gets the job done then so be it.


Ah the memories

Thanks for the vid, Fred T. is my all time favorite Jaguar.

Having said that, I really liked the burst Todman was showing in the preseason.


its been awhile since we had another back that would finesse around rather than bull their way and it was fun to watch.

What I saw at the bills game really encouraged me about next year at that position.


But the earlier games where Mojo (pure power) and Todman (finesse) were swapped out was great to watch.

hope we get more of that next season. And if D.Rob can produce the blinding speed and hold on to the ball, we will have a pretty nice trifecta to throw at opponents. Ninja Mojo Ninja Todman Ninja DRob  coming at ya! :woot:
Quote:I feel like Peterson has more "power" than Taylor did. I don't know that I've ever seen a player with the kind of speed that AP has, just rip through tackles the way that he does. Fred would simply juke you unitl you fell over and maybe throw a stiffarm on his way by -- it felt to me like he brought along his stiff arm and shoulder in the latter part of his career -- and then turn on the speed.


AP seems a bit less "move" based than Fred was in that Peterson knows he doesn't need you to be totally out of position in order to get around or through you, he just needs you to be off balance just that much and he's gone.
As much as I love Fred, his jukes didn't seem to be fooling anyone at the end there lol. Not meant as a dig on 28, just something I remember a friend & I discussing during his last years.
Look, I changed my pic in honor of all this Freddy talk.
Quote:I like Todman, hes aight, but I dont think he can be a difference maker. Hes got some straight speed and some vision, but I havent seen enough of him making a guy miss or getting tough yards after contact.

He can be a valuable part of a RB rotation though, just wouldnt like to see him being the main guy.
Quote:I feel like Peterson has more "power" than Taylor did. I don't know that I've ever seen a player with the kind of speed that AP has, just rip through tackles the way that he does. Fred would simply juke you unitl you fell over and maybe throw a stiffarm on his way by -- it felt to me like he brought along his stiff arm and shoulder in the latter part of his career -- and then turn on the speed.


AP seems a bit less "move" based than Fred was in that Peterson knows he doesn't need you to be totally out of position in order to get around or through you, he just needs you to be off balance just that much and he's gone.

Fred's power was an underrated aspect of his game. Maybe he wasn't "AS" powerful as Adrian Peterson, but Peterson probably wasn't AS elusive as Fred, either. Yet, the 2 players are indeed similar. More similar than some people probably realize. 


Quote:As much as I love Fred, his jukes didn't seem to be fooling anyone at the end there lol.


Who's jukes at the end of their career do??? Not Shaun Alexander or LaDanian Tomlinson, thats for sure. You might say Barry Sanders, but he retired before the real diminishing of his skills would have been evident. 
Fred actually held up very nicely as he aged.  Only once he went up to New England did he really lose a lot of his game.


All of his years as a Jaguar were good.  He's by far my favorite player of all time.  I think he was the most skilled player, at any position, that we've ever had.  With Tony Boselli and Jimmy Smith close 2nds/3rds.

Quote:I like Todman, hes aight, but I dont think he can be a difference maker. Hes got some straight speed and some vision, but I havent seen enough of him making a guy miss or getting tough yards after contact.


He can be a valuable part of a RB rotation though, just wouldnt like to see him being the main guy.

If we continue to run this same offense then he can be the guy, so long as they have a pounder to be the short yardage guy. Even Fred had Stacey Mack for a while, then MOJO took that role at the end. I think Todman shows enough cut and speed to work in the ZBS they tried earlier, if they go back to it then he's capable. Yes he won't run guys over, but I'll trade that for a quick and decisive cut into the hole.
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