Jacksonville Jaguars Fan Forums

Full Version: AR15 salty at fans. Remains a whiner.
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Quote:I am not suggesting you become a fan of another team. I just want you to see how fans of other teams react to being worse than the Jaguars for a longer period of time.
You do realize that our streak of bad seasons ties the NFL record for losing seasons in a row right. The jets fans boo on a regular basis and so does the Lions and Eagles. This team has earned boos and quite frankly is fortunate to have that many fans still attending the games to be heard. We buy season tickets and show up to every game....if the team actually showed up they may not get booed. Jacksonville fans STILL fill the stadium for a horrible product. If a fan is disheartened after a decade of losing and uncompetitive NFL football and boos then that is their right to not accept the status quo this team has set. Who are you to tell a fan how to be a fan....if you want to be optimistic and cheer them when they continue to find ways to lose then so be it..I won't judge you...but don't tell me or any other jag fan we aren't a true fan because we booed this team after a decade of ineptness.
Fans are what pay his salary, they can boo all they freaking want.  End of conversation.

Quote:I'd let Gus coach for 20 more years if it meant Jdub could never post here again.
Why do that to the rest of us who have learned to simply ignore JDub?
Quote:A-Drop is truly the master of the 50-50 ball. 50% of the time he drops the ball, the other 50% of the time the DB catches it.

Can't believe nobody has come up with this name yet, I love it. 
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