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Quote:Probably the only risk of not picking up the 5th year option is if Blake Bortles has the type of season everyone with the Jaguars and their fans are hoping for,  the team would have to seriously consider using the more expensive Exclusive Franchise Tag in 2018 ...........if the two parties can't work out a long term contract.

I would use the franchise tag on him anyway even if he plays lights out next year. He needs to string together a couple of good seasons in a row before I'm handing him the mega deal he'd be in line for with $40 million or more in guarantees. If he does play well next year, I think the team will be fine with having forgone the 5th year option and relying on the franchise tag for leverage vs. the nightmare scenario of picking up the 5th year and then him delivering more of the same next year.
Quote:I would use the franchise tag on him anyway even if he plays lights out next year. He needs to string together a couple of good seasons in a row before I'm handing him the mega deal he'd be in line for with $40 million or more in guarantees. If he does play well next year, I think the team will be fine with having forgone the 5th year option and relying on the franchise tag for leverage vs. the nightmare scenario of picking up the 5th year and then him delivering more of the same next year.

   If Blake Bortles in 2017 has the type of season he had in 2015  (  based on your evaluation of that season ),  would you use the Exclusive Franchise Tag on him in 2018 or would you be comfortable with the Jaguars ending up with two 1st Round picks for him if another team signs Bortles to an off the charts offer sheet?
I've no doubt that Dave will want him to play as he (Dave) in inextricably tied to Bortles success or failure as a NFL quarterback here. The fact is, Dave made a mistake drafting someone like Bortles so high who had/has fundamental passing skill problems... problems that Dave knew about no less.


I repeat... Dave made a mistake with Bortles as a franchise quarterback selection. Bortles has fundamental issues with passing a football, simple as that. Think about that for a moment; a player who was drafted 3rd over all to lead a NFL professional football team... who has fundamental problems with something as basic to being a quarterback as passing a football. 


It boggles the mind.

I hadn't heard of this till now, but this sure looks similar to Bortles issue.  They do go on to say it is fixable.



[Image: Cy3yQ61UAAAfK7o.jpg]

Quote:AJ yes

Romo got killed behind the best line in football, how will that work out here?

The oline will be different in 2017.
Quote:I hadn't heard of this till now, but this sure looks similar to Bortles issue. They do go on to say it is fixable.

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000752940/article/pederson-eagles-working-to-fix-wentzs-mechanics'>http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000752940/article/pederson-eagles-working-to-fix-wentzs-mechanics</a>
[Image: Cy3yQ61UAAAfK7o.jpg]

Yeah, looks like Bortles if you just had a shot of the shoulder down.

The weird thing is Bortles apparently didn't throw like that when he was a rookie, it started during his time with the team.
Quote:I hadn't heard of this till now, but this sure looks similar to Bortles issue. They do go on to say it is fixable.

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000752940/article/pederson-eagles-working-to-fix-wentzs-mechanics'>http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000752940/article/pederson-eagles-working-to-fix-wentzs-mechanics</a>
[Image: Cy3yQ61UAAAfK7o.jpg]

The problem is Bortles can't throw spirals. Wentz doesn't have a hitch. He has a quick release with no wasted motion. Bortles throws like he has an exercise rubber band attached behind him. And his footballs look like he holds the tip of the football and throws it like a kicked Field Goal.
Quote:I hadn't heard of this till now, but this sure looks similar to Bortles issue.  They do go on to say it is fixable.



[Image: Cy3yQ61UAAAfK7o.jpg]
I think Dilfer talked about this. Jay Cutler is another QB that does this a lot. Which is why they throw a lot of INTs.


Correctable? Yeah. But if a QB is constantly trying and working to fix mechanics he can't ever truly progress.


Bortles will get a shot. But he has to be on a short leash.
If we're being honest....Bortles, Cutler, Leftwich, Tebow, etc...they didn't fix it.
Quote:If we're being honest....Bortles, Cutler, Leftwich, Tebow, etc...they didn't fix it.

Yep, heck, can anyone name 1 Qb who started with bad mechanics/an elongated poor throwing motion and actually changed/shortened it enough to be a successful QB in the NFL?


Others might have tried to correct it, to become successful in the NFL, but has anyone yet? I can't think of any right now.


Are people/fans really expecting Bortles to become the first QB to actually change his throwing motion and become a successful NFL QB?


What other QB out there, past or present, actually did it?
Quote:If we're being honest....Bortles, Cutler, Leftwich, Tebow, etc...they didn't fix it.

Bortles didn't have this ridiculous delivery when he entered the league. No idea why he's regressed to it.
Quote:Yep, heck, can anyone name 1 Qb who started with bad mechanics/an elongated poor throwing motion and actually changed/shortened it enough to be a successful QB in the NFL?

Others might have tried to correct it, to become successful in the NFL, but has anyone yet? I can't think of any right now.

Are people/fans really expecting Bortles to become the first QB to actually change his throwing motion and become a successful NFL QB?

What other QB out there, past or present, actually did it?

Honestly,,,,can't name one.
He will get another chance to ruin another season. Competition will be brought in, but it won't be anyone that anyone wants. Dave doesn't want to hurt Blake's feelings.

BB5 still confident. Had extra meeting with A-Rob to try and figure [BLEEP] out.



Quote:BB5 still confident. Had extra meeting with A-Rob to try and figure [BAD WORD REMOVED] out.




His body language in the interview doesn't communicate confidence to me at all.  I counted 17 self face touches and 2 self neck grabs (though the video froze a few times so I may be off on my count) in the 7 1/2 minute clip along with not looking the person asking the question in the eye half the time.  Compare that with a press conference with Brady or Manning and it would be night and day.  Compare it even with Luck who is closer to his age and there's no comparison in body language and eye contact.  He looks like he can't wait to get the press conference over so he can get back to boozin' at the bar and chasin' tail.  I'm sure he's a fun guy to hang out with.  I'm just not sure he has a professional mindset to succeed as a QB in the NFL though.


Someone in the organization needs to shake him, just like this:


[Image: Ack5tk2.gif]

Quote:Wonder what the Bengals would ask for AJ?



The sports radio shows here in Cincinnati have discussed it and they are expecting a 1st rounder and another high draft pick as well. They love McCarron here.
Quote: Probably at least the equivalent of a 2nd Round pick. 


That won't even touch him.
Quote:That won't even touch him.

 I can't blame the Bengals if the sports radio hosts in Cincinnati are correct. 


 Knowing how highly the late and great Paul Brown valued depth at QB,  it wouldn't be surprising if the Bengals still place a premium on quality QB depth.
Quote:The sports radio shows here in Cincinnati have discussed it and they are expecting a 1st rounder and another high draft pick as well. They love McCarron here.

Sounds to me like he'll be staying in Cincinnati then.  I can't see anyone paying that ask.
I won't be surprised if he's at least on the roster but I've pretty much given up on him. He just looks broke beyond repair at this point. Shame he looked so promising not to long ago....
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