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I can't see Caldwell spending big money in free agency.
I don't understand the Cano contract either. It isn't fiscally responsible of the Mariners (the Mariners?) to do that but, looked at differently, the Seahawks have the city alive and into the sports scene and maybe the Mariners are looking to carry that spirit over into attendance increases this summer.


Still, 240 mill is a steep hill to climb and what's to say the guy won't get injured, lose his edge (a la Pujols), or just start eating?
Quote:I can't see Caldwell spending big money in free agency.

I can see him reeling in one or 2 big fish this offseason in FA, 


As said, I don't expect that sort of thing to be a staple in Caldwell's tenure, but it would serve a few purposes this offseason. 
Quote:I don't understand the Cano contract either. It isn't fiscally responsible of the Mariners (the Mariners?) to do that but, looked at differently, the Seahawks have the city alive and into the sports scene and maybe the Mariners are looking to carry that spirit over into attendance increases this summer.


Still, 240 mill is a steep hill to climb and what's to say the guy won't get injured, lose his edge (a la Pujols), or just start eating?

...not only that, but Seattle with that new ballpark is where hitters go to die. 


TMD/NYC- look at the Red Sox for another FA approach. They learned their lesson in the Carl Crawford, Adrian Gonzalez signings and unloaded them to the Dodgers (thank you, LA). The new GM, Ben Cherington, took a different approach in signing lesser lights to high dollar, short length contracts- Mike Napoli for a year, Steven Drew for a year, etc.


They gave them good money and created hungry players. They've re-signed Napoli for 2 more years (not 7-8) and are talking to Drew and their offer to Jacoby Ellsbury (an aging CF with an injury history, kinda like MJD's situation) was nowhere near what the Yankees gave him (7 years, 153 mill). I don't think you'll see them write 7 year contracts again. They will pay good money but limit their exposure by writing shorter contracts.


Granted MLB is different from the NFL- imagine if there was a hard cap in MLB? The Yankees would be dead and buried. As it is, their profligate spending has gotten them into trouble but what do they do- Ellsbury for $153,000,000. The Mariners signer Cano for $240 mill.


I think I like the RS approach and the Jags, with the hard NFL cap, should consider that- avoid the splashy, expensive, long term FA's and focus on the quality guys- overpay them for 2 years and avoid dead money issues.

I hear you and actually agree with the pay more per year, but shorter length of contract approach for FA's. 


I just think that this offseason could offer the Jags an opportunity to both capitalize off momentum and fill some pretty big needs (DE/ Center) among others with players that might not usually be available via FA. (and still might not) in Orakpo and Mack. 


The Jags are still trying to improve attendance and a late season surge combined with a exciting offseason could be just what the Dr. ordered for getting us close to sellouts. 


Once the Jags get to a point where they are consistently good - then I doubt you see Caldwell delve into FA at all, other than the cheap SenDerrick Marks types of signings which won't be a bad thing at that point. 
Good point on the ballpark, probably does make it tough to attract FA's. I was there this summer and loved it, great place to watch a game- did the usual thing by buying the cheapest seats and then paying off an usher to sit in the good seats so it was very enjoyable.


As you probably know, the baseball stadium is located next to the Seahawks stadium, just a short walk from Pioneer Sq and the downtown area and on the light rail line which runs out through the suburbs maybe 15-20 miles to Sea-Tac airport. Easy to get to and very fan friendly. They likely felt they needed a star to attract fans and to capitalize on the Seahawks mania.

I would just hate to see them blow a big FA signing and be hamstrung by the cap implications for X number of years.


Is Mack a big dollar guy? What would it take to get him here if he isn't franchised. Center, obviously, is a key position of need.

Quote:I would just hate to see them blow a big FA signing and be hamstrung by the cap implications for X number of years.


Is Mack a big dollar guy? What would it take to get him here if he isn't franchised. Center, obviously, is a key position of need.

The Jags are setting themselves up nicely with the cap. Even if 1 or 2 FA bust out (which you can't think that way before you even start) they will be fine. The only way Jax gets in trouble with the cap is if they start whiffing consistently over -years- on the big money contracts (both FA type and re-signing their own) . I don't anticipate them missing on too many. 


Mack will make a decent amount of coin. I mean, not nearly as much as Orakpo, but he's considered one of the better Centers in the AFC. 

I just Googled an article which said the 2013 Franchise Tag for OL (Mack) is 9.66 mill, is he worth that much to Cleveland to keep him (and is he worth that much for us to acquire him?).


You're right, a single FA whiff wouldn't impact that badly, but doing so consistently (Laurent Robinson, Florence and the receiver from the same year...forgot his name already, et al) as would overpaying for your own guys (Mincey, Marcedes, etc). I'm Capt Obvious here but I see your point.


MJD may be a Red Sox type FA signing- 2 years and overpay him a little- or just cut him and move on like the Patriots would do. Either way, I'd be happy, I'm just glad they didn't capitulate last year and give in to his demands for, what, 5 yrs and big money.


We've got to have a quality center and Mack fits the bill.

Love the idea of what we have been talking about in Orakpo and Mack. One thing I don't think has been brought up yet is that right now Orakpo is listed as LOLB. He would make a great LEO for us but would he be welcome to playing that? Or would he want to play for a team that plays more 3-4 ?
Good question, TC, I obviously don't know how he feels about but the question of whether a LOLB could transition to a 4-3 is one for the more trained minds here. Is that an easy transition or one that players are reluctant to make?


I wonder if Gus said anything to Mack in Cleveland last week. I know he can't due to tampering rules but maybe he sought him out in pre-game drills and said "hey". I'm sure "hey" is allowed. Maybe he sent one of his boys (W. Blackmon, Guy, maybe) over to say hey. 

Quote:I can't see Caldwell spending big money in free agency.
There is no choice.  He has to spend money in FA.


The Jags are 30 million under the cap.  They HAVE to spend most of that
Quote:I just Googled an article which said the 2013 Franchise Tag for OL (Mack) is 9.66 mill, is he worth that much to Cleveland to keep him (and is he worth that much for us to acquire him?).


You're right, a single FA whiff wouldn't impact that badly, but doing so consistently (Laurent Robinson, Florence and the receiver from the same year...forgot his name already, et al) as would overpaying for your own guys (Mincey, Marcedes, etc). I'm Capt Obvious here but I see your point.


MJD may be a Red Sox type FA signing- 2 years and overpay him a little- or just cut him and move on like the Patriots would do. Either way, I'd be happy, I'm just glad they didn't capitulate last year and give in to his demands for, what, 5 yrs and big money.


We've got to have a quality center and Mack fits the bill.

My father is a Cleveland Brown die hard, so I've had to suffer through the Browns as a "semi-fan"

I honestly don't think they let Mack walk, so I expect them to tag or re-sign him. Though I hope they don't, and Jacksonville makes him "the offer he can't refuse"
Quote:There is no choice.  He has to spend money in FA.


The Jags are 30 million under the cap.  They HAVE to spend most of that

We should see at least 1-2 OL in FA

the rest I would assume will be spent on D
Quote:Good question, TC, I obviously don't know how he feels about but the question of whether a LOLB could transition to a 4-3 is one for the more trained minds here. Is that an easy transition or one that players are reluctant to make?


I wonder if Gus said anything to Mack in Cleveland last week. I know he can't due to tampering rules but maybe he sought him out in pre-game drills and said "hey". I'm sure "hey" is allowed. Maybe he sent one of his boys (W. Blackmon, Guy, maybe) over to say hey. 

Random question unrelated to the post. How come you have every Boston franchise in your signature except the Jags? Why not the Pats?
Quote:I can't see Caldwell spending big money in free agency.

Hmmmm.   $50 million under the cap and 7 glaring positions of need.   If he doesn't splurge a little bit this year - he never will. 
This is a very young team.  I hope we can find some veteran leaders with talent in the FA market

StroudCrowd- I am a 10 year Jaguars ST holder. I still root strongly for the Patriots but have developed strong ties to the Jags and spend almost half the year here.

This will be a very exciting offseason.


I do thing we will have a big signing, one that actually requires a real press conference, lol.


I am also excited about 10 draft picks.  10 is a lot.  I can see Caldwell using one or both of our extra 5th rounders to move up in the 3rd or 4th round to get a guy that "dropped" that they really like - someone with starter material, like a Gratz (they said Gratz was the last corner they thought had what it takes to be a starter in last year's draft).


Obviously Mack and Orakpo are the best guys for us - both young enough and both fill positions of need - guys that have been pro-bowlers.  I can see them outbidding someone for their services. 
Caldwell is forced to spend bc of the new cba. dont worry about him not spending.

Like many other I expect 1 big OL and DL contract.
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