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Full Version: What Will The Warning Signs Be From Caldwell If He's Not The Answer?
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Quote:The first sign that Caldwell is a bad GM will be if he doesn't do everything exactly the way I would do it.  He has to pick my favorite college players.   He has to sign all the free agents I would sign.  And he  has to cut any player that makes me mad. 


Because I know a lot more about running a pro football team than he does.  

Wait a minute... But I don't like any of the players you like! And some of the player that you hate, I think have potential!


That's it, Caldwell will have to do everything opposite of what Marty wants in order for him to be any good!
The only reason a GM is bad is if he picks bad players. Thats it.

I guess if he makes stupid FA decisions like overspending for mediocre players but caldwell has already said he wont be using FA much.
If he drafts bridgewater and he turns out to be a bust

Quote:If Caldwell isn't our answer and doesn't field us a competitor, what will the first warning signs be?

I really didn't get to follow Shack Harris because I was so young, and when I finally started paying attention I got to watch... Gene Smith. So, what will the first signs be that Caldwell won't be successful? (Except for the obvious, hitting on draft picks)

I'll get flamed for this, but IMO we've already seen some warning signs for Caldwell, with the mishandling of the Monroe situation, which netted us a scant return instead of a more commensurate return for a player of his age/ talent/ premium position. 


Not that Caldwell can't learn from this and ultimately turn out to be good....I certainly hope he does, as I do not want to go through another five years of crap football....


But put it this way....5 years from now (If Caldwell turns out to be a failure) when another thread is made like the GeneSmith one I just made yesterday asking for what were some of the first warning signs you saw.......The bungled Monroe trade will be one of the first things mentioned....

I'll get flamed for this, but IMO we've already seen some warning signs for Caldwell, with the mishandling of the Monroe situation, which netted us a scant return instead of a more commensurate return for a player of his age/ talent/ premium position. 


Not that Caldwell can't learn from this and ultimately turn out to be good....I certainly hope he does, as I do not want to go through another five years of crap football....


But put it this way....5 years from now (If Caldwell turns out to be a failure) when another thread is made like the GeneSmith one I just made yesterday asking for what were some of the first warning signs you saw.......The bungled Monroe trade will be one of the first things mentioned....

Hyperbole is fun
I didn't agree with what he got for EM but he has been very smart with everything else imo, he is been doing it the right way. 


I trust Caldwell, I don't expect many wins in 2014 (we will still be very young and I doubt we spend a lot of money in the offseason), but I am pretty sure we will be fighting for a playoff spot in 2015... all of this if we have good drafts of course.

Lack of improvement...wasting of draft picks...inability to secure what few building blocks this team has for the future. All traits he has displayed so far unfortunately.
Quote:Pssh ok. Because all general managers know when season-ending injuries occur and deliberately structure trades around them.
True..however he owns it. Just as a draft pick bust...easy to critique after the fact if the player tanks, but the GM still gets blame for the pick.

In Monroes case, its clearly a house cleaning, not a lets try to win a few games, scenario. The team was already weak at the OLine, and trading the most consistent player on the line, which didn't have much depth wasn't to help the pass or run game...or putting a few wins on the board. It was a look forward to draft day move.
Quote:I'll get flamed for this, but IMO we've already seen some warning signs for Caldwell, with the mishandling of the Monroe situation, which netted us a scant return instead of a more commensurate return for a player of his age/ talent/ premium position.

Not that Caldwell can't learn from this and ultimately turn out to be good....I certainly hope he does, as I do not want to go through another five years of crap football....

But put it this way....5 years from now (If Caldwell turns out to be a failure) when another thread is made like the GeneSmith one I just made yesterday asking for what were some of the first warning signs you saw.......The bungled Monroe trade will be one of the first things mentioned....
'Mishandling of the Monroe situation'.

Quote:'Mishandling of the Monroe situation'.


Uh, yeah....


4 weeks to go till trade deadline, yet takes offer of peanuts in return, from one of the first teams to offer him anything for said player...


thats "mishandling of the Monroe situation".... :yes:

His whole career with the jags will be what he does with what will looks like it will be the number one pick next year.


He is in a horrible situation as he has to address about 12 different positions of weakness just on the first team and we can't do it even with 10 picks but the first thing is to put his franchise qb under centre.


If he picks bridgewater and doesn't address the line in fa and the draft I will be very worried even if he manages to address the qb and pass rush in one draft. I like teddy's pocket presence but behind our line with no run game or relief we will ruin him like we have gabbert


I sort of want him to make an rg3 style deal to get more picks by trading down with someone let them have bridgewater in order to allow us to sort out a weak lb core, a porous o and d line just add some top tier talent to the trenches of our team.


From his record in this draft he has done well and has shown he can pick talent i think he is 5 from 8 for good finds with mcray on on the fence. If he finds his franchise qb and keeps grabbing talent in the lower rounds we will get there but if he misses this first i don't think he will get another chance.
Quote:Uh, yeah....


4 weeks to go till trade deadline, yet takes offer of peanuts in return, from one of the first teams to offer him anything for said player...


thats "mishandling of the Monroe situation".... :yes:

...in your opinion
Quote:Uh, yeah....


4 weeks to go till trade deadline, yet takes offer of peanuts in return, from one of the first teams to offer him anything for said player...


thats "mishandling of the Monroe situation".... :yes:
Quote:Uh, yeah....

4 weeks to go till trade deadline, yet takes offer of peanuts in return, from one of the first teams to offer him anything for said player...

thats "mishandling of the Monroe situation".... :yes:
So you're telling me you know exactly what was happening behind the scenes? All from NJ? Wow, that's awesome.

What a crock.
What an unbelievably stupid thread.


Warning signs? The dude has only had one off-season and draft. Give it up. No warning signs at all.

That he somehow didn't view Eugene Monroe as a centerpiece for the future of the franchise. Unless Monroe agent told him he would want to leave in 2014, it doesn't make a lot of sense to want him out and not doing everything in his power to keep him.

Quote:That he somehow didn't view Eugene Monroe as a centerpiece for the future of the franchise. Unless Monroe agent told him he would want to leave in 2014, it doesn't make a lot of sense to want him out and not doing everything in his power to keep him.

Monroe didn't fit the system. They kept telling you that if you were listening.
Quote:Uh, yeah....


4 weeks to go till trade deadline, yet takes offer of peanuts in return, from one of the first teams to offer him anything for said player...


thats "mishandling of the Monroe situation".... :yes:

And now that Joekel is out would we even trade Monroe? Probably not, so waiting one more week COULD have potentially negated the entire scenario of moving him.
Biggest warning sign: He fires Bradley after this season.


Anything else he does at the moment or in the draft will not be measurable for some time.

Quote:Monroe didn't fit the system. They kept telling you that if you were listening.

A good GM might have had the savvy to realize this last offseason, when they made the switch to the ZBS...


Might have been able to move Monroe sooner, such as on draft day, and gotten something more than scraps in return. 


just sayin'...
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