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Full Version: [LIVE] ***Official Jaguars Vs. Panthers Preseason Game Night Thread***
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Nobody cares. I just wanna win.
Haven't defended a stinking thing, but I understand your confusion. Whining requires a lot of energy.
What's a Googoo doll?
(08-24-2017, 08:25 PM)Krayz_Jville_D Wrote: [ -> ]Looks like FBT is defending every bit of garbage on the team like usual

You should hear yourself.
Bortles fans
Same ol Henne.
thats a statue that should be torn down henne statue
Sack damn it
it's bad enough the Pats broadcast started cutting to interviews during our offense but now the Jags broadcast is doing it too. And in the first half of the most important preseason game.
lol lady showing a coors to the camera...jesus lady lol
This game went into snooze mode pretty quick.
Just put bb5 in
grant was open
FBT seems to be the only one upset and whining - the rest of us are having a good time
Now we are reminded why we called for BB so early in his career
Henne had plenty of time. Throw it away. He's mastering the self sack. Garrard would be proud.
I bet next series we see Blake
Henne not helping himself