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Full Version: [LIVE] ***Official Jaguars Vs. Panthers Preseason Game Night Thread***
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if we had an oline....
(08-24-2017, 08:55 PM)Krayz_Jville_D Wrote: [ -> ]Someone telp me how an NFL GM and HC dont upgrade this Oline in the offseason. Plz explain to me

And VP of Football Ops too...
Jags are missing a starting LG, so that's pretty cool.
All this for a missed FG
Looks just like last preseason game #3 when Geno Atkins wrecked the Jags.
(08-24-2017, 08:56 PM)Russian Wrote: [ -> ]Don't get playing henne. We know what he is.

Which is why the coaching staff thinking he's a better option than Bortles is scart
Only a quarterback for the Jags can make ONE throw and be anointed the starter lol
Throw it again. Why not?
Henne trying to get Marcedes killed
(08-24-2017, 08:56 PM)JaguarJosh05 Wrote: [ -> ]Linder didn't help block anyone.

Bowanko is at Center not linder
I just watch cam robinson LITERALLY FALL OVER from a spin move
the heck was that?
Coleman just looked like a bug hitting a windshield against Lewis.
Coleman laid out lol
(08-24-2017, 08:58 PM)knarnn Wrote: [ -> ]Henne trying to get Marcedes killed

Death by leaping into traffic.
Cam robinson literally fell the [BLEEP] over
Brunnel backtracking/making excuses for Chad after every bad throw is TV gold.
Had Mercedes across the middle..............terrible throw
I'm ready to see Allen to Westbrook against the 3's for some good feels lol.