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Full Version: [LIVE] ***Official Jaguars Vs. Panthers Preseason Game Night Thread***
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Varsity vs. JV
Is anyone getting the message about the eclipse on their tv? Ha
How can this defense be SO BAD with these high priced free agents?????
Running it down our throats
is the D taking the night off?
So glad I don't have tickets anymore.
Jack does nothing
Abry Jones is getting pushed around like a swimming pool float.
They don't even have to throw. What in the world.
It appears the rain is weakening the paper bag defense.
This team is dog [BLEEP]
Defense sucks.
It has been 4 years since we made a runner get negative yards.
We're in mid-season form..
I actually wanted to get season tickets again this year. Not sure I'll even make it to a game. Trash.

Still no pressure, still wide open WR's.

guys aren't even attacking the ball or the line of scrimmage. I'm not sure what we're supposed to be doing out there.
It's week 3 of the preseason and every other team is giving their starting QBs quick runs on the field and then sitting them. Not only are we still trying to figure out who ours will be, the defense looks like they just transferred into town yesterday on a bus. Good gawd.
this is ridiculous