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Quote:I don't think anybody with a beating heart would be opposed to not accepting pre existing conditions. Except maybe the CEO of the EpiPen company.

It is more than pre-existing conditions though. Before the ACA passed, I read about women being dropped because they previously had a C-section. That procedure should mean nothing until a woman get pregnant again, but insurance did not have to keep them as their clients. The ACA was supposed to change that.
Quote:In seriousness for better or worse mandatory healthcare is here and probably isn't going away.

Since where on this wonderful road price control now has to become the focus. The problem with obamacare is taking a market system built on the philosophy of controlling price with supply and demand and eliminating the need for providers to keep the demand in check. Unlimited demand with limited supply means uncontrollable prices. Something has to give?

The answer to your question is "scarcity." It's why you can't buy [BLEEP] wipe in Venezuela these days.
Quote:I don't think anybody with a beating heart would be opposed to not accepting pre existing conditions. Except maybe the CEO of the EpiPen company.

I oppose it in a general sense. If you got a Glioblastoma diagnosis last week I shouldn't have to issue you a policy. If you had cataract surgery 15 years ago, that's a different story.
Quote:I oppose it in a general sense. If you got a Glioblastoma diagnosis last week I shouldn't have to issue you a policy. If you had cataract surgery 15 years ago, that's a different story.

Funny you mention that because I am coming from the former because my father had/has Glioblastoma and is one of the people currently living to actually tell about it. Luckily he has Medicare, supplemental insurance, and an Aflac cancer policy to go on top of that. I have seen the brain surgery bills, chemo bills, radiation bills, and the mirage of tests that go along with it and there is no way 99.9999% of the population could pay for that without insurance.


No doubt it medical insurance is a tough subject, but personal experiences can really make you change how you look at it. It will be interesting to see what changes are coming down the road, if any.

Quote:Funny you mention that because I am coming from the former because my father had/has Glioblastoma and is one of the people currently living to actually tell about it. Luckily he has Medicare, supplemental insurance, and an Aflac cancer policy to go on top of that. I have seen the brain surgery bills, chemo bills, radiation bills, and the mirage of tests that go along with it and there is no way 99.9999% of the population could pay for that without insurance.


No doubt it medical insurance is a tough subject, but personal experiences can really make you change how you look at it. It will be interesting to see what changes are coming down the road, if any.
That is wonderful news! I knew a guy who had it and he didn't make it. It was sad to see him deteriorate and his wife had to just deal with it. Many years later now and she is happily married and has a baby girl but the whole cancer thing took it's toll. 


And yes, personal experience tends to change your perspective on many things. 

Quote:No doubt it medical insurance is a tough subject, but personal experiences can really make you change how you look at it. It will be interesting to see what changes are coming down the road, if any.

Yes they do, but has I have been saying, it is not just what changes that matters but also how they are implemented as smoothly and quickly as possible. The only way is amend the existing law.
I find it funny that the media is saying he is softening on the border even though he has not even remotely changed his stance on The Wall™. If any of them had actually paid attention during the campaign (and not just complained he was Hitler 24/7) would have heard him say that the wall will not work in certain areas for geographic reasons. Same with keeping pre-existing conditions. Media will do anything to undermine his support, but that's ok. Their credibility has been totally shot. Anything CNN, NYT, MSNBC, Politico, or the rest of their ilk spew now needs second and third-party verification.

Quote:I find it funny that the media is saying he is softening on the border even though he has not even remotely changed his stance on The Wall™. If any of them had actually paid attention during the campaign (and not just complained he was Hitler 24/7) would have heard him say that the wall will not work in certain areas for geographic reasons. Same with keeping pre-existing conditions. Media will do anything to undermine his support, but that's ok. Their credibility has been totally shot. Anything CNN, NYT, MSNBC, Politico, or the rest of their ilk spew now needs second and third-party verification.

The only thing he has softened on is saying there could be a "fence" in some areas, but yeah, he hasn't changed his stance as far as I can see.


Also, I don't know the topography of the border, but I imagine there are areas where natural barriers could be used as well. Technology will be just as big a part of "The Wall" as the bricks and mortar themselves. 

Quote:I find it funny that the media is saying he is softening on the border even though he has not even remotely changed his stance on The Wall™. If any of them had actually paid attention during the campaign (and not just complained he was Hitler 24/7) would have heard him say that the wall will not work in certain areas for geographic reasons. Same with keeping pre-existing conditions. Media will do anything to undermine his support, but that's ok. Their credibility has been totally shot. Anything CNN, NYT, MSNBC, Politico, or the rest of their ilk spew now needs second and third-party verification.

Using news sources like those is the definition of paying attention. Without them, it is impossible to know what Trump said or did during his campaign unless you went to his rallies, fundraisers, and private events.
Quote:Using news sources like those is the definition of paying attention. Without them, it is impossible to know what Trump said or did during his campaign unless you went to his rallies, fundraisers, and private events.

No it's not. These news sources are as crooked as crooked can be. All of Trump's rallies are on YouTube.


When you let the media (i.e, AOL.com) form your opinion, you get YOU.
Quote:No it's not. These news sources are as crooked as crooked can be. All of Trump's rallies are on YouTube.


When you let the media (i.e, AOL.com) form your opinion, you get YOU.

So it is wrong to believe anything the media says about Trump, even if right wingers are reporting what he says?


FYI I watched every second of all three debates. I know what Trump said about the wall. He wants one.
And with that, I am done talking about Trump until he does stops making stupid promises and starts helping America the right way.


Stroud, you are headed to my ignore list if you don't stop saying crap about me. You have no reason or right to act like I am a bad person.

Quote:And with that, I am done talking about Trump until he does stops making stupid promises and starts helping America the right way.


Stroud, you are headed to my ignore list if you don't stop saying crap about me. You have no reason or right to act like I am a bad person.

You do realize Donald Trump isn't the president yet, right? Also, nobody said you are a bad person, just highly misinformed. Also, the fact that you think I care about you ignoring is hilarious.
Quote:And with that, I am done talking about Trump until he does stops making stupid promises and starts helping America the right way.


Stroud, you are headed to my ignore list if you don't stop saying crap about me. You have no reason or right to act like I am a bad person.


Last week you stated that you were done posting to this Political Section


Remind me once again who is making stupid promises?
Quote:Last week you stated that you were done posting to this Political Section

Remind me once again who is making stupid promises?

Thank you
Quote:Last week you stated that you were done posting to this Political Section


Remind me once again who is making stupid promises?

Donald Trump is making stupid promises, of course.
Quote:I don't want to hurt them," Trump said of the Clintons, noting he'd spoken to both Hillary and Bill Clinton since his victory. "They're good people. I don't want to hurt them.

He then went on to say he is undecided about taking legal action towards Mrs. Clinton.
Quote:He then went on to say he is undecided about taking legal action towards Mrs. Clinton.

Maybe he wants to play nice until inauguration? Chaffetz already said the investigation will continue, so the Clintonites better hope the AG and FBI director Trump selects also feels the same way as he does about the Clintons. I have a feeling Trump won't mind if they take it upon themselves to investigate the Clintons to their fullest extent. The President has better, more important things to do.

Quote:He then went on to say he is undecided about taking legal action towards Mrs. Clinton.
Personal feelings and what needs to be done are two different things. It's like the saying goes, "It's not personal, it's business." 


He may not want to hurt them on a personal level but he realizes something legally needs to be done. If any conservative running for POTUS had done a fraction of what she has done and the liberal candidate had won, you'd better believe they would be all over that like flies on poop. 
Quote:Maybe he wants to play nice until inauguration? Chaffetz already said the investigation will continue, so the Clintonites better hope the AG and FBI director Trump selects also feels the same way as he does about the Clintons. I have a feeling Trump won't mind if they take it upon themselves to investigate the Clintons to their fullest extent. Trump has better things to do.

Or maybe he told his Trumpettes what they wanted to hear when it suited his purposes. Time will tell.


It was all hyperbole, anyway, which is what he does. A President doesn't lock any citizen up. 
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