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Quote:So Bannon is head of Breitbart but not responsible for it's content? Yet Clinton as Sec. of State was responsible for anything that happened anywhere in the world?


Politics makes hypocrites of everyone.

Of course he is, but the content provided hasn't proven anything. The content is not anti-Semitic or of white nationalism. So give me some shred of evidence that lends to the idea he is either anti-Semitic or a white nationalist.


David Horowitz, an orthodox Jew, called Bill Kristol a renegade Jew because his attacks of Trump were anti-Israeli in nature. You are telling me that Bannon is anti-Semitic because of that? Give me a break.

Quote:What in particular do you not like in Pence?
My answer will lead to a discussion that most likely has no place on this board so I'm not going to get into it.


His views and some of the things he tried to pass in Indiana are not in line with how I view things.
Quote:My answer will lead to a discussion that most likely has no place on this board so I'm not going to get into it.

His views and some of the things he tried to pass in Indiana are not in line with how I view things.

No need to explain, I understand what you're getting at.

Thanks for the reply and I'll respect your opinion on that.
 ZOA: ADL should apologize for Anti-Bannon accusations.

Zionist Organization of America defending Bannon.


Alan Derschowitz, defending Bannon:


"I think we have to be very careful before we accuse any particular individual of being an anti-Semite. The evidence certainly suggests that Mr. Bannon has very good relationships with individual Jews. My former researcher, Joel Pollak, is an Orthodox Jew who takes off the Jewish holidays, who is a committed Jew and a committed Zionist, and he has worked closely with him. He has been supportive of Israel.


So, I haven’t seen any evidence of personal anti-Semitism on the part of Bannon. I think the (Breitbart) headline about a Conservative Republican being a renegade Jew was ill-advised. But it doesn’t suggest to me anti-Semitism. It suggests to me a degree of carelessness.


I think the larger problem – and it’s a very complicated one today – is how you assess a person who himself might not have negative characteristics, but who has widespread appeal to people who do. And I think that problem exists on the right and the left. I think there are left-wing candidates who appeal to some of the worst bigots on the hard left. Anti-Semites on the hard left. Anti-Israel people on the hard left. And I think the same thing is probably true of some very right-wing conservatives who appeal vertently or inadvertently to people whose values they probably themselves don’t agree with.

Quote:So if I host a website that says "Mushrooms are the worst", couldn't you infer that I hate mushrooms?

I didn't know he had a website that said "Jews are the worst."


Quote:Have you ever been to Breitbart.com? Are you saying it doesn't exist?

I'm saying show me.
Quote:I didn't know he had a website that said "Jews are the worst."



I'm saying show me.

There is nothing to show because it doesn't exist. The MSM is looking for SOME sort of trophy to hold up since they got absolutely DEMOLISHED by President-Elect Trump and crew, and they are hoping it will be Bannon. So they slander, lie, defame, and besmirch in hopes of taking him down. The poor sods who still watch those networks believe everything they say (despite a severe lack of evidence) and parrot their talking points.


Fortunately in this post-Trump America, the MSM has lost its leverage to lie and slander people out of office because of political correctness. They will ultimately fail in their quest, Bannon will take his position as chief strategist, and there is nothing the left-wing yuppies in the media can do about it.
This thread is proof that one side is severely misinformed and butt hurt.


Deal in truth and reality, and it shall set you free, dedicated leftists.  Your religion is built on falsehoods.

Quote:This thread is proof that one side is severely misinformed and butt hurt.


Deal in truth and reality, and it shall set you free, dedicated leftists.  Your religion is built on falsehoods.
Butt hurt? No.


I'm willing to give Trump a chance but I disagree with some of the people he is hiring. Is it wrong to disagree?

I finally got to watch the interview and I was actually surprised by Trump's restraint. She tried to get to him a couple of times and he just kept talking.


I like how he pointed out how the press likes to take a subject that could be nothing major and blow it out of proportion.


I appreciate what he said about how he respects the office of POTUS when she mentioned him looking very sober when he met with Obama. If you can't respect the Office you won't care about it.


When she kept digging about his campaign opinions of the electoral college and he said is was not the best system, she mentioned that's how he won and he agreed but he wasn't going to change his opinion of it. 


She needs to find a word other than rhetoric. Seriously, give it a rest.


He said he didn't know about the riots and protests. I almost find that hard to believe BUT he has been very busy, probably busier than we can imagine, so it's possible he didn't know the extent. But to say he didn't know, I can't imagine he heard nothing at all.


I love how he refused to talk about how he would take care of ISIS and pointed out the issue with Mosul. She tried to say the American people deserve to know and he shut her down. I agree 1000% you do not talk about your plans publicly when it comes to this stuff. Why on earth would you want to give the enemy advance warning? That was the best part of the whole interview for me because someone finally gets it. Whether he can keep that up when it comes down to it another story but at least he gets it. 


I know there are people who are genuinely afraid because they took his campaign speak very seriously, and he was pretty brash about the subjects he talked about while campaigning, but I think a lot of people are just mad. Mad that he wants to change some fundamental issues and some of it takes away from them. All I can say is get over it. You can't always have things your way. He said he's not going to mess with the LGBTQ folks, he's not going to deport the common illegal immigrant straightaway- but he will deal with the criminal element which I have no problem with. The common illegal immigrants do not seem to be super high on his It List. I don't get why some of his supporters were talking "white power" when I don't recall him saying anything like that so I'm not sure, other than slurs he doesn't support nor agree with, how he's made the black voters mad other than he ran on the republican ticket. Maybe it's due to some of the people he's associated with but the left has their own skeletons in that regard. If we were all associated with and judged by every person we have been friends, acquaintances, or co-workers with none of us would be squeaky clean. Who he associates with and surrounds himself with going forward it was is going to matter.


I didn't watch but part of one of his campaign speeches but I did read about them and he said some jacked up stuff, but so did Clinton and everyone else who was involved in both the general and primary elections. He admitted it was nasty and pointed out it was nasty on both sides but he didn't throw Clinton under the bus in the interview. He actually didn't throw anyone under the bus as far as I can tell. I do hope he can keep away from knee jerk reactions on social media and everywhere else for that matter. If he respects the Office as much as he says he does then how he acts and reacts when things don't go his way will show whether that's true or not. He seemed to be very gracious for the man we all know only by reputation which is not very gracious at all. Time will tell.

Quote:Butt hurt? No.


I'm willing to give Trump a chance but I disagree with some of the people he is hiring. Is it wrong to disagree?

When you lie about his selections, yes.  That is wrong.


Be careful of your sources.  It's today's political climate, unfortunately.
Quote:Butt hurt? No.


I'm willing to give Trump a chance but I disagree with some of the people he is hiring. Is it wrong to disagree?

It is absolutely not wrong to disagree. You can dislike Bannon because of his political positions all you want, but if you are going to claim he is anti-Semitic or a white nationalist, both very harsh labels, then you have to provide credible evidence when pressed.



I think the larger problem – and it’s a very complicated one today – is how you assess a person who himself might not have negative characteristics, but who has widespread appeal to people who do. 
This can be said of every single person who walks this earth. 'Guilty by association' is something that happens more often than not in all walks of life and can be very damaging. But people would rather stoke their prejudices and the flames of fear (or ignorance) in others just to get a leg up. It matters not if they're right or wrong or the damage they inflict and sadly has a trickle down effect. 
Quote:Bannon is piece of work. Likely anti-semite, domestic abuser, etc... The best piece of work. Only the best. 

Care to show evidence of your opinion?
LOL.  Liberals hate Breitbart, yet they think that The Huffington Post, Mother Jones, Daily Kos and Buzzfeed are all legitimate.

Quote:LOL.  Liberals hate Breitbart, yet they think that The Huffington Post, Mother Jones, Daily Kos and Buzzfeed are all legitimate.
We do? 
Quote:We do? 
Don't like Trump? Liberal snowflake millenial.


Support Trump? Redneck KKK lover


Apparently these are the only types of people allowed on this board.
Quote:Care to show evidence of your opinion?
A lot of you disregard what ex wives say so what's the point?

Quote:We do? 

For the most part.  I'm sure that most of those sites are the "un-named sources" for NBC, CNN, etc.
Quote:For the most part.  I'm sure that most of those sites are the "un-named sources" for NBC, CNN, etc.
Mass generalizing again huh?


Define "for the most part".  This should be good. 

He also said without exception there would be NO DEAD PERIOD between repeal and replace of the ACA. There will be no lag time. Either it will happen simultaneously or you just make drastic reforms and call it a technical "amendment" of the current structure.
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