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More 2 yard passes when the receiver is covered. Why?
(09-17-2017, 03:19 PM)Flagler Jagsfan Wrote: [ -> ]Garbage Time stats coming up

Refs against us
Wobbling Duck there
Incase you forgot, it was 3-6 starting the 3rd with the ball.
Can we trade Ivory just so they aren't tempted to put him in the game as a pass catching back with zero speed? Grant is a better choice.
and I'm out. See ya next draft
Bortles can't hit the broadside a barn
Bottles doesn't care about football
The coaching staff doesn't trust him to throw it. Which begs me to question, why the heck is he still here? And throw sacksonville out. It's flagsvillle. See y'all next week when we hopefully have a different qb other than the two we have.
Man we need to get a QB in here. Maybe Kaep, I dunno. Blake is just bad. I mean awful bad, doesn't belong on a single roster in the NFL bad. Man watching Blake throw is depressing.
(09-17-2017, 03:20 PM)Setsuna00 Wrote: [ -> ]This coaching staff....now you open it up. Same crap as last year.

They can't open it up. Game plan is always to negate the awful QB play. Nowhere to go with it. If we could just get 10 plus sacks a week, bunch of fumbles and interceptions we could succeed with the plan.

Awful division will keep us in it longer than we should. Something has to change. All that time drafting for Offense and we have zip for it.
It's just too late to start throwing the ball around. The game is over. The Jags should of been doing this earlier. Unfortunately, they don't trust Bortles.
If only there was a FA QB available with the 2nd lowest INT% in NFL history...oh wait...
Straight trash today boys, wth?

I see we are in 2008-2016 mid-season form. SMH
Why are they using Ivory more than Fournette.
(09-17-2017, 03:22 PM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]Incase you forgot, it was 3-6 starting the 3rd with the ball.

Pretty damning indictment of our offense.