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So if I said "you people"...nobody would be offended...got it.

Quote:So if I said "you people"...nobody would be offended...got it.

I'm sort of kidding, but sort of not.


Some black people refer to themselves as black, others as African American, other as colored.  Same as homosexuals, gay, alternative, lesbian.


But if a straight white person says the wrong terminology to the "wrong person"...they get offended.

I'm about as far as you can get from a PC person.


However, there are some things that should offend everyone - things that history needs to close the door on.

It's about context and how your use the plural. 

I'm not always PC either, but I don't like offending others.

Quote:I'm sort of kidding, but sort of not.


Some black people refer to themselves as black, others as African American, other as colored.  Same as homosexuals, gay, alternative, lesbian.


But if a straight white person says the wrong terminology to the "wrong person"...they get offended.
Yep. If I am talking about a black person that's what I call them. If I'm talking about a gay person that's what I call them. If I'm talking about an asian that's what I call them. Not my problem if they feel offended. That would be like me being offended because someone called me a white girl instead of caucasian woman. 


If I'm going to say something offensive it won't be veiled with pretty words. At all. Because by that time my limit has been reached and when that happens all bets are off. Fortunately it takes a lot to get me to that point. 
Oh, and on topic, I voted for Johnson/Weld last week. And no, I do not feel like it was a wasted vote. 

If you see somebody commit a crime...what's the first thing a police officer is going to want to know when he ask you to describe the person?


ummmm...he was a person about 6ft tall 180lbs.

When providing details to police about a person's description, it should not include "alternative lifestyle weirdos", or colored.


This isnt the 1950's , 

I voted for Gus Bradley. He just wants America to keep competing.
For the record, I never said/typed "weirdos".

Quote:I was confused because I started it around midnight, so there already was an election day thread. It had nothing to do with who started it.
I'm just gonna go ahead and say what so many of us have wanted to for such a long time. It's not something I would think twice about saying to anyone else on this board if they were so committed to the rabbit hole that you find yourself in here. No special treatment, no kid gloves, just a simple, honest request:

Shut up.
Noone said you did. The point is to provide basic race descriptions, not generalizations or stereotypes when giving a description to police. 

Quote:For the record, I never said/typed "weirdos".
I'll back you up on this. I believe that was the other guy.
Quote:If you see somebody commit a crime...what's the first thing a police officer is going to want to know when he ask you to describe the person?


ummmm...he was a person about 6ft tall 180lbs.
My ex was a military police officer and they were always told to ask gender, approximate height, weight, build, hair color, what they were wearing/driving/etc. Most people automatically insert the skin color and it has nothing to do with being offensive. 


"He was a white dude, about 6'4" tall, maybe 195 pounds, slim, short brown hair, wearing jeans and a red short sleeve shirt."


I just described my ex. That's how we see people. 
If a third party makes up 5% of the vote, then in 2020 they get all the press and attention as the other 2 major parties will. And I got a feeling that may actually happen thus election. If not 2020 then 2024 for sure. Things are a changin, yes they are.
As planned,  I voted for Ted Cruz for President as a Write-In Candidate.


In other races,  I voted for all Republicans except for two Judges where I voted for more Conservative candidates than on the Republican line.  

Quote:I voted for Gus Bradley. He just wants America to keep competing.

Anything to get him out of the HC position 
Quote:Update, tell us who you voted for, link to exit polls, talk smack, whatever during the day. Tonight, no matter who wins, we shake hands, get drunk, dine in the hell that we've created. Tomorrow, we go back to talking about how much the Jaguars suck. Sound fair?

I've really got no dog in the race. I voted for Johnson, as my avatar shows (up yours, ballot photo laws). I remain hopeful that some third party candidate can steal a state, forcing the whole mess into the House of Representatives, where Trump would surely win. Nothing would shake the system to its core more than Hillary's coronation being stopped by the Constitution.

Just saw the OP, but is it illegal to take pictures of your ballot?
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