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(11-09-2017, 03:07 PM)TheO-LineMatters Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-09-2017, 12:06 PM)Dakota Wrote: [ -> ]You do realize that under current tax code, the top 1% pay over 40% of all taxes paid. The bottom 50% pays absolutely nothing.

I haven't seen any of the bottom 50% creating jobs. Jobs are those things that generate income and drive the economy.

It doesn't matter how much of the total taxes that they pay. They can afford it and it doesn't effect them, because they still have billions or millions of dollars. They should pay the same percentage of their income that everyone else pays. That's only fair. We need a flat tax rate. Everyone pays the same percentage of their income. What's good for the goose, is good for the gander.

Who are you (or anyone else) to say who can or cannot afford anything?  How do you know if it does or does not affect them?

Much of the "everyone else" don't pay ANY percentage of their income in taxes.  While yes, taxes might be held out of their paychecks, but many people get a tax "refund" often for more money than was withheld from their paychecks.
(11-09-2017, 04:08 PM)JagNGeorgia Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-09-2017, 12:47 AM)TheO-LineMatters Wrote: [ -> ]He's royally screwed up the national defense part. He tweets threats to our enemies and constantly criticizes the countries who are supposed to be our biggest allies. Ticking off your allies is not a smart move. Especially when we might need them down the road. That just shows that the man lacks people skills. Not a good look for a president of the most powerful country on Earth.

You're also under the impression that North Korea isn't a threat to South Korea and that we shouldn't do anything about them launching missiles over our allies. How is Trump Tweeting about how that's unacceptable a bad thing? Would you also ignore a gun pointed to your head, hoping it will just go away? 

Which countries is he criticizing that don't also criticize him? I'm also curious if you have examples so I know what you're talking about.

(11-09-2017, 08:05 AM)copycat Wrote: [ -> ]I would put international diplomacy/foreign affairs very high on a presidents responsibilities.  How would you rate him there?

That's the funny thing about diplomacy. Obama's version of it included what many thought as respecting foreign leaders and diminishing our role in the world's affairs. How did that work? Middle eastern countries and North Korea walked all over him. Being crass and rude doesn't make you an ineffective leader. Churchill was considered a jerk, but no one would question his leadership.

Agreed, Obama's approach was horrific.  Trumps is different but equally horrific IMO.  When you really look at both of them side by side they are not much different in personality.  Remove political bias and compare how both react to any criticism.  Scary.
(11-09-2017, 03:07 PM)TheO-LineMatters Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-09-2017, 12:06 PM)Dakota Wrote: [ -> ]You do realize that under current tax code, the top 1% pay over 40% of all taxes paid. The bottom 50% pays absolutely nothing.

I haven't seen any of the bottom 50% creating jobs. Jobs are those things that generate income and drive the economy.

It doesn't matter how much of the total taxes that they pay. They can afford it and it doesn't effect them, because they still have billions or millions of dollars. They should pay the same percentage of their income that everyone else pays. That's only fair. We need a flat tax rate. Everyone pays the same percentage of their income. What's good for the goose, is good for the gander.

How about the people that pay 0 dollars? Should they have to start paying (meaning, not getting a return)

What about the people that not only pay nothing but get a surplus FROM taxes.... just because they made bad life choices and had kids out of wedlock and can't earn enough at McD's to support the kids they aren't even mature enough to actually raise right....?

So sick how easily people want to take other peoples money... to support people who have no or had no desire to do the right things to set themselves up in life.
Welfare is forced upon not only the wealthy but the middle class, disguised as charity to grow a population of people who need the government more than they need dignity.
(11-10-2017, 10:36 AM)Kane Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-09-2017, 03:07 PM)TheO-LineMatters Wrote: [ -> ]It doesn't matter how much of the total taxes that they pay. They can afford it and it doesn't effect them, because they still have billions or millions of dollars. They should pay the same percentage of their income that everyone else pays. That's only fair. We need a flat tax rate. Everyone pays the same percentage of their income. What's good for the goose, is good for the gander.

How about the people that pay 0 dollars? Should they have to start paying (meaning, not getting a return)

What about the people that not only pay nothing but get a surplus FROM taxes.... just because they made bad life choices and had kids out of wedlock and can't earn enough at McD's to support the kids they aren't even mature enough to actually raise right....?

So sick how easily people want to take other peoples money... to support people who have no or had no desire to do the right things to set themselves up in life.
Welfare is forced upon not only the wealthy but the middle class, disguised as charity to grow a population of people who need the government more than they need dignity.

This is gonna be fun, because my answer is gonna tick off evangelical conservatives and will probably make liberals' heads explode. These are my true opinions though and a big reason why no one would elect me if I ever ran for office. First off, I would make every girl in the United States get a Norplant birth control device implanted in their arm at age 11. Let's face it, kids are not responsible and their gonna have sex, so that abstinence stuff is bunk. They will not get the Norplant taken out until they are either married with a job substantial enough to take care of kids or they and their potential "baby daddy" can pass an I.Q. test in English, where they would have to score at least 100. No pass, no baby. If you remove the Norplant on your own and get pregnant, you get no government assistance, ever. No unemployment, no disability, no Welfare, no nothing. I have no problem helping people out good people who fall on hard times, but I don't wanna take care of idiots who have no jobs, no education, but have multiple children they can't take care of. I would also put a cap on the limit of biological children you can have to 6. The world is overpopulated enough. I feel that allowing 6 is being very generous. After the sixth kid, you and your "significant other" both would get "fixed". I don't care what your religious beliefs are. If they don't like it, they can leave the U.S.

Now, I'm gonna sit back and let the hate rain down. Big Grin
(11-09-2017, 11:21 AM)FBT Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-03-2017, 03:33 PM)TheO-LineMatters Wrote: [ -> ]True. What difference would it make now, anyway? Trump is president. Like it or not, there is nothing we can do about it now. I blame the DNC though. They were determined to force Hillary down people's throats as the only other legitimate choice and it backfired. Maybe now, they will get the hint that people don't like Hillary Clinton. I hate Trump, but Hillary was not a good option. She was and is, completely untrustworthy.

Wrong. Polls had him beating Trump, where as the same polls had Trump beating Hillary. As someone who didn't vote for either Trump or Hillary, I would've voted for Sanders and I know several other people who would've done the same. Whether Bernie would've won the general election, I don't know, but I bet he would've done better than Clinton did.

Were these the same polls that had Hillary winning in a landslide on election day?  

Sanders never had any expectation of winning anything.  He knew the game was rigged.  Those who continue to carry water for the guy completely ignore the fact that he was paid off to step aside and support the nominee.  He's perfectly content to be a socialist except when it comes to his personal finances, so he's nothing more than a giant hypocrite.  For a guy who has lived an entire life without actually ever having a real job, he's done pretty well for himself.

As far as Brazil's revelations in her book, she's trying to slow walk some of the allegations now that the excerpts have come out.  I've watched a couple of interviews she's done in the past day or two, and she's proving to be an adept tap dancer.  The problem here is that the Clinton camp swooped in and took control of the DNC long before Clinton won the nomination.  Obama had left the party bankrupt, and she had the resources to pay off the party debt, but that came at a price.  Her campaign had complete control over the party finances, and thus the party itself.  There's no way Bernie Sanders was oblivious to this, so his entire campaign was nothing more than a dog and pony show to provide Hillary with a foil.  Little did she know that the disdain many had for her would be significant enough that for some, Bernie seemed like a feasible alternative.

At the end of the day, I'm amazed the FEC hasn't stepped in to investigate this because there's all sorts of fishiness with this story if Brazil is to be believed.
Dead on target
(11-10-2017, 10:36 AM)Kane Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-09-2017, 03:07 PM)TheO-LineMatters Wrote: [ -> ]It doesn't matter how much of the total taxes that they pay. They can afford it and it doesn't effect them, because they still have billions or millions of dollars. They should pay the same percentage of their income that everyone else pays. That's only fair. We need a flat tax rate. Everyone pays the same percentage of their income. What's good for the goose, is good for the gander.

How about the people that pay 0 dollars? Should they have to start paying (meaning, not getting a return)

What about the people that not only pay nothing but get a surplus FROM taxes.... just because they made bad life choices and had kids out of wedlock and can't earn enough at McD's to support the kids they aren't even mature enough to actually raise right....?

So sick how easily people want to take other peoples money... to support people who have no or had no desire to do the right things to set themselves up in life.
Welfare is forced upon not only the wealthy but the middle class, disguised as charity to grow a population of people who need the government more than they need dignity.

Out of wedlock? That's funny stuff.

Thank goodness Marriage is being marginalized more and more and we are much better for it.

It's a contract that allows the government into your love life. No thanks.
(11-10-2017, 12:50 PM)TrivialPursuit Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-10-2017, 10:36 AM)Kane Wrote: [ -> ]How about the people that pay 0 dollars? Should they have to start paying (meaning, not getting a return)

What about the people that not only pay nothing but get a surplus FROM taxes.... just because they made bad life choices and had kids out of wedlock and can't earn enough at McD's to support the kids they aren't even mature enough to actually raise right....?

So sick how easily people want to take other peoples money... to support people who have no or had no desire to do the right things to set themselves up in life.
Welfare is forced upon not only the wealthy but the middle class, disguised as charity to grow a population of people who need the government more than they need dignity.

Out of wedlock? That's funny stuff.

Thank goodness Marriage is being marginalized more and more and we are much better for it.

It's a contract that allows the government into your love life. No thanks.
Oh geez.... fine.. don't get married...
To me.. marriage is a matter of the heart. Take the piece of paper and tax code out of it....
Two parents is better than 1. Period. End of statement.

Out of everything I said... all you had was some slight on how you don't agree with the concept of marriage?

The statistics are staggering when you look at criminals and the social environment they grew up in.

(11-10-2017, 11:58 AM)TheO-LineMatters Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-10-2017, 10:36 AM)Kane Wrote: [ -> ]How about the people that pay 0 dollars? Should they have to start paying (meaning, not getting a return)

What about the people that not only pay nothing but get a surplus FROM taxes.... just because they made bad life choices and had kids out of wedlock and can't earn enough at McD's to support the kids they aren't even mature enough to actually raise right....?

So sick how easily people want to take other peoples money... to support people who have no or had no desire to do the right things to set themselves up in life.
Welfare is forced upon not only the wealthy but the middle class, disguised as charity to grow a population of people who need the government more than they need dignity.

This is gonna be fun, because my answer is gonna tick off evangelical conservatives and will probably make liberals' heads explode. These are my true opinions though and a big reason why no one would elect me if I ever ran for office. First off, I would make every girl in the United States get a Norplant birth control device implanted in their arm at age 11. Let's face it, kids are not responsible and their gonna have sex, so that abstinence stuff is bunk. They will not get the Norplant taken out until they are either married with a job substantial enough to take care of kids or they and their potential "baby daddy" can pass an I.Q. test in English, where they would have to score at least 100. No pass, no baby. If you remove the Norplant on your own and get pregnant, you get no government assistance, ever. No unemployment, no disability, no Welfare, no nothing. I have no problem helping people out good people who fall on hard times, but I don't wanna take care of idiots who have no jobs, no education, but have multiple children they can't take care of. I would also put a cap on the limit of biological children you can have to 6. The world is overpopulated enough. I feel that allowing 6 is being very generous. After the sixth kid, you and your "significant other" both would get "fixed". I don't care what your religious beliefs are. If they don't like it, they can leave the U.S.

Now, I'm gonna sit back and let the hate rain down. Big Grin

So... you think the government should regulate procreation? (I'm against more gov't regulation... but I must admit, I really like the idea of stupid people not having babies)

I think they should just stop rewarded bad choices. You don't get free stuff because you chose to have a bunch of kids with a bunch of losers that don't wanna pay child support.
You should not be rewarded for being unemployed. It should be HARDER to get assistance. The government should hand out jobs instead of food stamps.
You shouldn't be punished (taxation of wages) for working
(11-10-2017, 12:55 PM)Kane Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-10-2017, 11:58 AM)TheO-LineMatters Wrote: [ -> ]This is gonna be fun, because my answer is gonna tick off evangelical conservatives and will probably make liberals' heads explode. These are my true opinions though and a big reason why no one would elect me if I ever ran for office. First off, I would make every girl in the United States get a Norplant birth control device implanted in their arm at age 11. Let's face it, kids are not responsible and their gonna have sex, so that abstinence stuff is bunk. They will not get the Norplant taken out until they are either married with a job substantial enough to take care of kids or they and their potential "baby daddy" can pass an I.Q. test in English, where they would have to score at least 100. No pass, no baby. If you remove the Norplant on your own and get pregnant, you get no government assistance, ever. No unemployment, no disability, no Welfare, no nothing. I have no problem helping people out good people who fall on hard times, but I don't wanna take care of idiots who have no jobs, no education, but have multiple children they can't take care of. I would also put a cap on the limit of biological children you can have to 6. The world is overpopulated enough. I feel that allowing 6 is being very generous. After the sixth kid, you and your "significant other" both would get "fixed". I don't care what your religious beliefs are. If they don't like it, they can leave the U.S.

Now, I'm gonna sit back and let the hate rain down. Big Grin

So... you think the government should regulate procreation? (I'm against more gov't regulation... but I must admit, I really like the idea of stupid people not having babies)

I think they should just stop rewarded bad choices. You don't get free stuff because you chose to have a bunch of kids with a bunch of losers that don't wanna pay child support.
You should not be rewarded for being unemployed. It should be HARDER to get assistance. The government should hand out jobs instead of food stamps.
You shouldn't be punished (taxation of wages) for working

Absolutely, because some people are too dumb to regulate themselves.
(11-10-2017, 01:05 PM)TheO-LineMatters Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-10-2017, 12:55 PM)Kane Wrote: [ -> ]

So... you think the government should regulate procreation? (I'm against more gov't regulation... but I must admit, I really like the idea of stupid people not having babies)

I think they should just stop rewarded bad choices. You don't get free stuff because you chose to have a bunch of kids with a bunch of losers that don't wanna pay child support.
You should not be rewarded for being unemployed. It should be HARDER to get assistance. The government should hand out jobs instead of food stamps.
You shouldn't be punished (taxation of wages) for working

Absolutely, because some people are too dumb to regulate themselves.

As a father I would never allow the gov't to plant a device in my child.
It's up to me to regulate my children and keep them from being dumb...

Why can't people take some damn responsibility for their own actions instead of always looking to the over reaching government to DO MORE?
(11-10-2017, 01:06 PM)Kane Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-10-2017, 01:05 PM)TheO-LineMatters Wrote: [ -> ]Absolutely, because some people are too dumb to regulate themselves.

As a father I would never allow the gov't to plant a device in my child.
It's up to me to regulate my children and keep them from being dumb...

Why can't people take some damn responsibility for their own actions instead of always looking to the over reaching government to DO MORE?

That's just not the way the world is and all the hoping, praying, protesting and complaining isn't going to change it. I hate to say it, but under my plan, you'd either let your daughter get the Norplant or you'd be jailed and it would be done while you were detained. 

TheO-LineMatters for president 2020.  Big Grin
Yes, because out of wedlock is such an out-dated term and the only thing I disagreed with.

Two parents are undoubtedly better than one.

And it's quite frankly ridiculous that married people get more rights than unmarried people. All because we don't need a piece of paper from the government sanctioning our love for someone.

I mean most marriage ends in divorce anyway so it's not special. It never has been.
(11-10-2017, 01:10 PM)TheO-LineMatters Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-10-2017, 01:06 PM)Kane Wrote: [ -> ]As a father I would never allow the gov't to plant a device in my child.
It's up to me to regulate my children and keep them from being dumb...

Why can't people take some damn responsibility for their own actions instead of always looking to the over reaching government to DO MORE?

That's just not the way the world is and all the hoping, praying, protesting and complaining isn't going to change it. I hate to say it, but under my plan, you'd either let your daughter get the Norplant or you'd be jailed and it would be done while you were detained. 

TheO-LineMatters for president 2020.  Big Grin

I'd be dead. I'll die a fighting free man before I ever let the government force that type of action on me.

You all for the national ID card?
Chip tracers and stuff like that too?

(11-10-2017, 01:16 PM)TrivialPursuit Wrote: [ -> ]Yes, because out of wedlock is such an out-dated term and the only thing I disagreed with.

Two parents are undoubtedly better than one.

And it's quite frankly ridiculous that married people get more rights than unmarried people. All because we don't need a piece of paper from the government sanctioning our love for someone.

I mean most marriage ends in divorce anyway so it's not special. It never has been.

I agree with your points here. Marriage has been taken over and destroyed by our government and its policies.
It's too easy to get married... and too easy to get divorced.

But why do most marriages end in divorce (it wasn't always so... that's a fairly new stat) because people don't have proper upbringings. Back in the day, if you had issues, you stayed married and dealt with them. For better or worse, richer or poorer and all that.
(11-10-2017, 01:17 PM)Kane Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-10-2017, 01:10 PM)TheO-LineMatters Wrote: [ -> ]That's just not the way the world is and all the hoping, praying, protesting and complaining isn't going to change it. I hate to say it, but under my plan, you'd either let your daughter get the Norplant or you'd be jailed and it would be done while you were detained. 

TheO-LineMatters for president 2020.  Big Grin

I'd be dead. I'll die a fighting free man before I ever let the government force that type of action on me.

You all for the national ID card?
Chip tracers and stuff like that too?

No. Just forced birth control. Keep in mind that just because you think you raise a kid the right way, doesn't mean they won't make bad/stupid choices anyway. The most promiscuous girl in my high school was the daughter of a minister and my fiend, whose dad was the chief of police, was the town's weed dealer.
(11-10-2017, 01:37 PM)TheO-LineMatters Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-10-2017, 01:17 PM)Kane Wrote: [ -> ]I'd be dead. I'll die a fighting free man before I ever let the government force that type of action on me.

You all for the national ID card?
Chip tracers and stuff like that too?

No. Just forced birth control. Keep in mind that just because you think you raise a kid the right way, doesn't mean they won't make bad/stupid choices anyway. The most promiscuous girl in my high school was the daughter of a minister and my fiend, whose dad was the chief of police, was the town's weed dealer.

Nothing in life is guaranteed except death and taxes.

Even still... I'm not down for implanting devices in children to prevent them from having babies
In fact... it would encourage young girls (and boys) to have sex without the fear of getting pregnant... which would probably cause an uptick in STDs
Not to mention all sorts of mental issues that go along with a child having sex before being mentally prepared.

Education will always trump government interference in my opinion.

Teach our youngsters the right way, and hope that they do right..
Also.. just because you have a minister or cop as a parent doesn't mean they are taught well. Doesn't mean they have a good upbringing.

Your occupation has no standing on whether  you are a good person, a good parent or a good teacher.
(11-10-2017, 01:45 PM)Kane Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-10-2017, 01:37 PM)TheO-LineMatters Wrote: [ -> ]No. Just forced birth control. Keep in mind that just because you think you raise a kid the right way, doesn't mean they won't make bad/stupid choices anyway. The most promiscuous girl in my high school was the daughter of a minister and my fiend, whose dad was the chief of police, was the town's weed dealer.

Nothing in life is guaranteed except death and taxes.

Even still... I'm not down for implanting devices in children to prevent them from having babies
In fact... it would encourage young girls (and boys) to have sex without the fear of getting pregnant... which would probably cause an uptick in STDs
Not to mention all sorts of mental issues that go along with a child having sex before being mentally prepared.

Education will always trump government interference in my opinion.

Teach our youngsters the right way, and hope that they do right..
Also.. just because you have a minister or cop as a parent doesn't mean they are taught well. Doesn't mean they have a good upbringing.

Your occupation has no standing on whether  you are a good person, a good parent or a good teacher.

It wouldn't encourage them any more than they are now. If they are worried about getting pregnant, they use protection. It's the ones that don't think about this that the Norplants would cover. You're right, kids should wait to have sex, but it's the forbidden fruit that is thrown at them throughout the media and television and as long as that goes on and the hormones kick in, they'll keep doing it. 

Education does nothing. We had numerous speakers come to my high school telling us that drinking was bad and they gave us statistics and all kind of information telling us why we shouldn't drink. Meanwhile, 80% of my classmates and I were partying every weekend behind our parents backs. My parents had no clue, because I was sneaky. I knew I would be in huge trouble if they found out, because they taught me differently, but I wanted to do what I wanted to do and no one was gonna stop me. I went on to tell them everything I did when I was a teenager, after I had moved out of the house and they couldn't do anything about it. It was to teach them, that people will do what they want to do, no matter how much you try and teach them right from wrong. They were disappointed, but they got over it. After college, I quit partying and now, I don't drink at all. I haven't for about 20 years, but I don't regret what I did when I was young. I dodged a lot of bullets, but I had fun along the way and I enjoyed my youth.
And now we see the real thoughts behind those who favor more gun control...give them enough time and they're happy to tell you what they think.
(11-10-2017, 02:44 PM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]And now we see the real thoughts behind those who favor more gun control...give them enough time and they're happy to tell you what they think.

I don't consider longer waiting periods and more extensive background checks as "gun control". Gun control is trying to take way your guns, limiting the type of guns you can own privately and limiting the amount of guns you can have. I am against all of those limitations.
(11-10-2017, 02:37 PM)TheO-LineMatters Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-10-2017, 01:45 PM)Kane Wrote: [ -> ]Nothing in life is guaranteed except death and taxes.

Even still... I'm not down for implanting devices in children to prevent them from having babies
In fact... it would encourage young girls (and boys) to have sex without the fear of getting pregnant... which would probably cause an uptick in STDs
Not to mention all sorts of mental issues that go along with a child having sex before being mentally prepared.

Education will always trump government interference in my opinion.

Teach our youngsters the right way, and hope that they do right..
Also.. just because you have a minister or cop as a parent doesn't mean they are taught well. Doesn't mean they have a good upbringing.

Your occupation has no standing on whether  you are a good person, a good parent or a good teacher.

It wouldn't encourage them any more than they are now. If they are worried about getting pregnant, they use protection. It's the ones that don't think about this that the Norplants would cover. You're right, kids should wait to have sex, but it's the forbidden fruit that is thrown at them throughout the media and television and as long as that goes on and the hormones kick in, they'll keep doing it. 

Education does nothing. We had numerous speakers come to my high school telling us that drinking was bad and they gave us statistics and all kind of information telling us why we shouldn't drink. Meanwhile, 80% of my classmates and I were partying every weekend behind our parents backs. My parents had no clue, because I was sneaky. I knew I would be in huge trouble if they found out, because they taught me differently, but I wanted to do what I wanted to do and no one was gonna stop me. I went on to tell them everything I did when I was a teenager, after I had moved out of the house and they couldn't do anything about it. It was to teach them, that people will do what they want to do, no matter how much you try and teach them right from wrong. They were disappointed, but they got over it. After college, I quit partying and now, I don't drink at all. I haven't for about 20 years, but I don't regret what I did when I was young. I dodged a lot of bullets, but I had fun along the way and I enjoyed my youth.

Children's best teachers aren't in your public schools and private universities... (as they are tainted with government money)
You are your child's best teacher. You teach them right from wrong and set a good example. Everything else is on them once they hit adulthood.

If a young teen ends up preggo... guess who's fault that is... the parents.
Your kid shoots up a school? Your fault.. should have been a better parent.
Your kid gets drunk underage... your fault.

I'd say if you got that loose, your parents were too loose... and you are right, you're lucky to have dodged the "bullets"

(11-10-2017, 03:08 PM)TheO-LineMatters Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-10-2017, 02:44 PM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]And now we see the real thoughts behind those who favor more gun control...give them enough time and they're happy to tell you what they think.

I don't consider longer waiting periods and more extensive background checks as "gun control". Gun control is trying to take way your guns, limiting the type of guns you can own privately and limiting the amount of guns you can have. I am against all of those limitations.

And instantly all the gun crime goes away! lol
(11-10-2017, 11:58 AM)TheO-LineMatters Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-10-2017, 10:36 AM)Kane Wrote: [ -> ]How about the people that pay 0 dollars? Should they have to start paying (meaning, not getting a return)

What about the people that not only pay nothing but get a surplus FROM taxes.... just because they made bad life choices and had kids out of wedlock and can't earn enough at McD's to support the kids they aren't even mature enough to actually raise right....?

So sick how easily people want to take other peoples money... to support people who have no or had no desire to do the right things to set themselves up in life.
Welfare is forced upon not only the wealthy but the middle class, disguised as charity to grow a population of people who need the government more than they need dignity.

This is gonna be fun, because my answer is gonna tick off evangelical conservatives and will probably make liberals' heads explode. These are my true opinions though and a big reason why no one would elect me if I ever ran for office. First off, I would make every girl in the United States get a Norplant birth control device implanted in their arm at age 11. Let's face it, kids are not responsible and their gonna have sex, so that abstinence stuff is bunk. They will not get the Norplant taken out until they are either married with a job substantial enough to take care of kids or they and their potential "baby daddy" can pass an I.Q. test in English, where they would have to score at least 100. No pass, no baby. If you remove the Norplant on your own and get pregnant, you get no government assistance, ever. No unemployment, no disability, no Welfare, no nothing. I have no problem helping people out good people who fall on hard times, but I don't wanna take care of idiots who have no jobs, no education, but have multiple children they can't take care of. I would also put a cap on the limit of biological children you can have to 6. The world is overpopulated enough. I feel that allowing 6 is being very generous. After the sixth kid, you and your "significant other" both would get "fixed". I don't care what your religious beliefs are. If they don't like it, they can leave the U.S.

Now, I'm gonna sit back and let the hate rain down. Big Grin

So you want a communist/socialist dictatorship?  I guess you don't enjoy freedom much?

You're part of the problem.
(11-10-2017, 03:41 PM)Kane Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-10-2017, 02:37 PM)TheO-LineMatters Wrote: [ -> ]It wouldn't encourage them any more than they are now. If they are worried about getting pregnant, they use protection. It's the ones that don't think about this that the Norplants would cover. You're right, kids should wait to have sex, but it's the forbidden fruit that is thrown at them throughout the media and television and as long as that goes on and the hormones kick in, they'll keep doing it. 

Education does nothing. We had numerous speakers come to my high school telling us that drinking was bad and they gave us statistics and all kind of information telling us why we shouldn't drink. Meanwhile, 80% of my classmates and I were partying every weekend behind our parents backs. My parents had no clue, because I was sneaky. I knew I would be in huge trouble if they found out, because they taught me differently, but I wanted to do what I wanted to do and no one was gonna stop me. I went on to tell them everything I did when I was a teenager, after I had moved out of the house and they couldn't do anything about it. It was to teach them, that people will do what they want to do, no matter how much you try and teach them right from wrong. They were disappointed, but they got over it. After college, I quit partying and now, I don't drink at all. I haven't for about 20 years, but I don't regret what I did when I was young. I dodged a lot of bullets, but I had fun along the way and I enjoyed my youth.

Children's best teachers aren't in your public schools and private universities... (as they are tainted with government money)
You are your child's best teacher. You teach them right from wrong and set a good example. Everything else is on them once they hit adulthood.

If a young teen ends up preggo... guess who's fault that is... the parents.
Your kid shoots up a school? Your fault.. should have been a better parent.
Your kid gets drunk underage... your fault.

I'd say if you got that loose, your parents were too loose... and you are right, you're lucky to have dodged the "bullets"

(11-10-2017, 03:08 PM)TheO-LineMatters Wrote: [ -> ]I don't consider longer waiting periods and more extensive background checks as "gun control". Gun control is trying to take way your guns, limiting the type of guns you can own privately and limiting the amount of guns you can have. I am against all of those limitations.

And instantly all the gun crime goes away! lol

Wrong! The best parents in the world can have bad kids. Period. Thinking the parents are at fault for everything their kids do is just ignorant. Placing too many restrictions on kids will just make them rebel or turn into a psychopath. One of my friends in school had extremely religious and strict parents. Extremely. He rebelled big time. He snuck out of the house, totaled 3 cars, ended up in the drunk tank one time and each time, his punishments got worse, he did something even more rebellious. He went into the military after high school and got hooked on drugs. He also started abusing steroids as well. He went in to the Army weighing about 140 lbs. and came back almost 200 lbs. of muscle and the most erratic mood swings I've ever seen. He would have violent fits where he wanted to fight everyone. It certainly wasn't his parents fault. Heck, by your logic it would be the military's fault for his drug addiction, because he didn't have it before he went in. Life isn't just black and white. You can teach your kids the "right way" to do things all you want, but if they decide they don't wanna do things "your way" free will kicks in and no matter how good of parents they had, they will do what they want. 

As for my parents, obviously you've never met them. If you did, you'd change your tune. It sounds like you've lived a pretty sheltered life to have such one dimensional ideas about parenting.

As for the waiting periods and background checks on gun buyers, I never said they would cause all gun crimes to disappear, but if it stopped just one, it would be worth it.
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