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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars @ Browns Game Day Thread***
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lololol, lee dropped it or he didn't go up and get it
Had his arm
Why couldn't that have happened on 1st or 2nd down!
Yeah run Fournette. Brilliant game plan from all the geniuses on this board!
[Image: giphy.gif]
Lee lulling on that. GO UP AND GET THAT BALL! Miss ARob.
The coaches have mailed it in. They're just hoping to run out the clock and win.
Wow! Dude was literally hugging his arm
run . run . pass. punt.

stupid play calls
We're actually just going to hope the defense doesn't yield anything rest of the game.
where the hell is the pi
Defense needs to score.
Yeah. Our o linemen being hurt is killing us.
He was holdibg Lee's arm man
Playing scared isn't big boy football.
He was being held
Butter hands Lee
No PI called
Hackett looks to be in over his head the last few week
Dude was holding Lee's hand but that's OK #becausejaguars