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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars @ Browns Game Day Thread***
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Does lee ever catch a deep ball? Great throw
That was close.
Bortles was the best QB at throwing the ball on 1st down and we don't even do it anymore lol
Sloppy game. No offense.
Line can't block, Ivory can't run, receiver can't catch.

Damn you Bortles!!!!!
This 2nd half has been atrocious but at least we are still winning
(11-19-2017, 04:33 PM)lastonealive Wrote: [ -> ]Does lee ever catch a deep ball? Great throw

I've never seen it
Good throw good coverage. ARob would come up with that.
(11-19-2017, 04:32 PM)JAGFAN88 Wrote: [ -> ]where the hell is the pi

There is a clear slant against us in this game, like many others. I am used to it, numb to it. The day I actually care about it I will stop watching the NFL. It is blatant. 

Also, where the hell is the pass plays on 1st down? You can't expect Blake to drop back every 3rd a nd long and make a play. Give him a 1st down throw here or there. Jesus.
gotta do something else on offense, brutal effort here, hoping the D holds on
Lee drops way too many passes.
(11-19-2017, 04:32 PM)Setsuna00 Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah run Fournette. Brilliant game plan from all the geniuses on this board!
[Image: giphy.gif]

You have a better idea genius? No solution just yapping!
I think we should try a toss outside or something. A screen? Running up the middle isn't going to win games.
D has to score
Smoot sighting
Re-watch it, guys. The defender was holding his arm down.
Giants and Chiefs are 6-6. Games up north today are just BAD. That is just the way games are going up north.
I smell another overtime game... haha.
C'mon D
Can't let them get a 1st. How did Kizer get away? LOL. Come on D carry us! PLEASE! Lol