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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars @ Browns Game Day Thread***
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Another defensive touchdown ROBBED by REFS!
Hate when they do this [BLEEP].
These refs are ridiculous. OMG.
This is RIDICULOUS !!! They have [BLEEP] robbed us again !!!!
The refs made sure to whistle the play dead before we could score. This is blatant game planning by the refs.
should've been a TD. COME ON NFL!!!!! get your stuff together with this bias.
Is their another team that gets [BLEEP] more than us?
Another bad whistle by the refs
They’re going to say that loose football is inconclusive
Third defensive TD squandered by the refs against us this year.
The fix is still in... unbelievable.
Ref has a clear view... are you kidding me?
They should of called it a fumble and overturned it if need be. Now they screwed us out of a TD
I was really happy to see we had a different ref crew this week, boy was I wrong.
They'll find a way to call this an incomplete pass.
We’re screwed
We were robbed of a Fumble Recovery for a TD.

I'm serious, this game needs to be brought up by the league this week, and some refs need fired. If I'm Marrone, I'm demanding it
A rip off for a TD
Should be game over. Fowler had the TD but refs are idiots.