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Full Version: Disgusting we drafted Bortles over Carr and Mack and Fowler over Cooper
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Quote:I think a lot of us are forgetting that Bortles looked like trash half the time last year too, it was just offset but high variance big pass plays that gave us hope he could develop into a franchise QB and keep improving but clearly it ain't happening; without the big pass plays we are seeing what he is, trash. He doesn't have touch or accuracy, and he has a weak arm for his size. All these things were issues when he came out and is why a lot of us didn't want to draft him that year. Literally, some of us have scouted these players better than Dave. Dave can't judge talent worth a damn.

Huh? Bortles looked GREAT ALL of last year.

He had the best QB season in the Jags 21 year history and the 2nd best age 23 QB season in NFL history.

He tied Brady for TD lead and led NFL in deep passing.

Jags fans are so hilarious. Lovable losers. Bortles looked like the best 23 Year old QB I've ever seen last year.
Hindsight is always 20-20. Bortles was probably his only reach, and I wanted Mack, but it is what it is. I understand why Bortles was taken. Just been poorly coached since he came out.

I wanted Amari over Fowler, but I understand why they made that move.

My problem with Caldwell is keeping Gus too long, which is a bif deal if you want your players to develop. In terms of acquiring players, I think he's done well.
Quote:I think a lot of us are forgetting that Bortles looked like trash half the time last year too, it was just offset but high variance big pass plays that gave us hope he could develop into a franchise QB and keep improving but clearly it ain't happening; without the big pass plays we are seeing what he is, trash. He doesn't have touch or accuracy, and he has a weak arm for his size. All these things were issues when he came out and is why a lot of us didn't want to draft him that year. Literally, some of us have scouted these players better than Dave. Dave can't judge talent worth a damn.

lol, okay there buddy.
Quote:Huh? Bortles looked GREAT ALL of last year.

He had the best QB season in the Jags 21 year history and the 2nd best age 23 QB season in NFL history.

He tied Brady for TD lead and led NFL in deep passing.

Jags fans are so hilarious. Lovable losers. Bortles looked like the best 23 Year old QB I've ever seen last year.

Then what the heck happened???????
Quote:Huh? Bortles looked GREAT ALL of last year.

He had the best QB season in the Jags 21 year history and the 2nd best age 23 QB season in NFL history.

He tied Brady for TD lead and led NFL in deep passing.

Jags fans are so hilarious. Lovable losers. Bortles looked like the best 23 Year old QB I've ever seen last year.
No , he didn't. Go back and watch those games. 75% of most games the offense looked anemic and garbage. The high variance pass plays they hit at an abnormally high rate caused the offense and Bortles to equal out to something akin to average, but without those, we see how trash they are. This is the exact same offense from last year except teams are taking away the big plays and we see what happens. Blake is not a functioning NFL QB right now, accept it. If Blake were any good this team would not have went 5-11 in his second year and are on pace for 4-12 in his 3rd year. Good QBs don't have that happen, regardless of who the coach is.


Quote:lol, okay there buddy.
Why is this a problem to say? It is FACT. Anyone who knew not to take Bortles and Fowler 3rd overall are better scouts than Dave. Anyone who knew not to take Yeldon and Lee at the top of the 2nd round are better scouts than Dave. If I were running these drafts this team would be better off than what Dave did. That is a problem. I need my GM to be better at evaluating players than me and he isn't, he is worse.

Fowler could be a good player in the right hands. He is NOT a pure pass rushing DE. He IS a versatile player with speed and strength that could be used as a key piece in an exotic defense. Of course dopey Gus sticks him at LEO and asks him to be a pass rush specialist.
Quote:Fowler could be a good player in the right hands. He is NOT a pure pass rushing DE. He IS a versatile player with speed and strength that could be used as a key piece in an exotic defense. Of course dopey Gus sticks him at LEO and asks him to be a pass rush specialist.
You do not draft that type of player with the 3rd overall pick in the NFL draft. Just like you don't draft a QB that doesn't know how to throw the ball 3rd overall.
Bortles on the other hand is a lost cause and was a horrible pick at #3. Can't throw the football, bad mechanics, can't read a coloring book let alone a defense, terrible body language and attitude.

If he played for the West Canaan Coyotes, coach Kilmer would tell him "[BLEEP] boy, you've poisoned my team!"
Quote:You do not draft that type of player with the 3rd overall pick in the NFL draft. Just like you don't draft a QB that doesn't know how to throw the ball 3rd overall.

Oh I agree. My point is DFJ isn't a completely terrible football player like Bortles is.
Bortles doesn't even have the makeup of a real leader. Look at Carr when the Raiders score. He runs down the field and celebrates with them all the time. The Jags score and half the time Bortles just runs back to the sideline and celebrates with Henne, like he is too good for the skill players. Brady and Big Ben are the same way, the skill players celebrate with them and pick them up in the air. Bortles is like Joe Flacco, except he has a noodle arm. 

Quote:No , he didn't. Go back and watch those games. 75% of most games the offense looked anemic and garbage. The high variance pass plays they hit at an abnormally high rate caused the offense and Bortles to equal out to something akin to average, but without those, we see how trash they are. This is the exact same offense from last year except teams are taking away the big plays and we see what happens. Blake is not a functioning NFL QB right now, accept it. If Blake were any good this team would not have went 5-11 in his second year and are on pace for 4-12 in his 3rd year. Good QBs don't have that happen, regardless of who the coach is.


Why is this a problem to say? It is FACT. Anyone who knew not to take Bortles and Fowler 3rd overall are better scouts than Dave. Anyone who knew not to take Yeldon and Lee at the top of the 2nd round are better scouts than Dave. If I were running these drafts this team would be better off than what Dave did. That is a problem. I need my GM to be better at evaluating players than me and he isn't, he is worse.

Then I'd recommend you send your resume to 1 Everbank Field Dr, Jacksonville, FL, 32202.
Quote:Fowler could be a good player in the right hands. He is NOT a pure pass rushing DE. He IS a versatile player with speed and strength that could be used as a key piece in an exotic defense. Of course dopey Gus sticks him at LEO and asks him to be a pass rush specialist.


Sorry for yelling but I'm sick of people saying this!! You're all saying we drafted a guy who can cause pressure as a LB but not a DE. That is a BUST at 3!!!
Vic Beasley has 7.5 sacks. Man y'all are giving Caldwell too much credit for being a good gm. He's screwed up almost every top 5 pick we've had outside of Ramsey and his free agency signings aren't too good either. Add on he continues to back the worst coach in NFL history, you can't tell me he's good at what he does. It's like he's a planted bug to destroy this franchise even more than what it already was.
And people called me a troll when I said bortles stats last season were garbage time.

Sorry for yelling but I'm sick of people saying this!! You're all saying we drafted a guy who can cause pressure as a LB but not a DE. That is a BUST at 3!!!

Like I said above, I agree that you don't draft a player like that at 3. The point is he isn't completely inept like the QB we took at #3.
Everyone and there mom on twitter knew Beasley > Fowler and guess what we took Fowler. Draft twitter is a better GM than Dave the Top 5 Bust Master.

Quote:And people called me a troll when I said bortles stats last season were garbage time.

How could anybody call you a troll? You are probably the most knowledgeable and mild mannered poster on this board. Besides me of course.
Quote:Vic Beasley has 7.5 sacks. Man y'all are giving Caldwell too much credit for being a good gm. He's screwed up almost every top 5 pick we've had outside of Ramsey and his free agency signings aren't too good either. Add on he continues to back the worst coach in NFL history, you can't tell me he's good at what he does. It's like he's a planted bug to destroy this franchise even more than what it already was.

Yup, when the announcer said that about beasly, fowler is such a bust
Oh good grief. Every team every draft could say we should have drafted ___________ (insert name).


The largest problem Blake has is a lack of running game. I'm not discounting the possibility he has arm fatigue, or injury, but we have seen what he can do given some support from the receivers and running backs.


Regards....................the Chiefjag

At least we have a great punter...

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