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Happy for Foreman. Sorry Malik gonna have to break his legs.
Quote:What? Your kidding right? Those D-Lines in New York COMPLETELY lacked for talent.


Especially that one dude.  What was his name? Stressful? Stetson? Swanson??? Something.. Michael? or other?
Fo sho! They totally sucked the big one.
Quote:Feeney was still out there and we need a LG, I'm scratching my head on this one. We've poured the most draft picks and $ into a D-Line in recent years than any team in the history of the NFL.

If we're going to a power scheme feeney is a terrible fit....and we are. So...
Quote:Fo sho! They totally sucked the big one.
Whoa! Deeper waters than I'm comfortable treading in.  


Nah, but for real though.  Lovie coached this guy.  Jags met with him at he combine.  TC is almost too experienced and Hobby seems to be a guy who has been around, with plenty of experience and success.  I gotta trust the process here, and that these professionals who have put the time and work in know what they're doing.
Quote:Whoa! Deeper waters than I'm comfortable treading in.  


Nah, but for real though.  Lovie coached this guy.  Jags met with him at he combine.  TC is almost too experienced and Hobby seems to be a guy who has been around, with plenty of experience and success.  I gotta trust the process here, and that these professionals who have put the time and work in know what they're doing.
TC loves quality DE's. Can't get enough of them.
Quote:TC loves quality DE's. Can't get enough of them.

The "wave influx" theory. Sending in an influx of dlineman in waves.  I'm def glad we waited til atleast the 3rd to go for that type of depth though.
But Brooklyn said that we could have had him in the 5th round lol?  Didn't everyone know that Brooklyn called around to every GM in the league and gathered this information.  Dude you don't know [BLEEP], just like everyone else.  He could have been the next draft pick for all we know.

I trust Tom Coughlin and the front office know what they are doing and know more about football than all of us combined. How about we give him a chance, heck, just give him an offseason before we run him out of town. 

I think Smoot capped off a pretty good day for you guys. Smoot isn't accomplished, but his upside...

Third round, I like the pick.
Seems like a maury po' man's Solomon Thomas


Hate that he smackin on the conference call tho

Never heard of him.. won't write him off..


Plus I like that we can sing Snoop 'Pop It Like It's Hot' to his name..



If you believe the draft rankings, this was a bit of a reach.  We dont talk about drafting for need and drafting BAP much anymore.  But this is the risk of BAP as it causes you to potentially lose value.


Anyways I'd be lying if I said I knew much about him.  First time in a long time I didnt do much research on draft prospects leading up to the draft.  But from afar seems like just an okay pick.  Solid college player.  But didnt stand out in terms of stats.  And doesnt stand out in terms of physical ability.  Which makes you think he has a lower ceiling for the NFL.  You'd think picking in the very front of the 3rd round, you'd be able to get someone who was a 1st/2nd round talent that fell for whatever reason.  You wouldnt think you'd get a guy that most folks have 4th or 5th round even if you liked him more than other teams.


But of course you never really know until they hit the field.  Hopefully he'll live up to the draft spot.

Quote:We dun-WON da draft!

Not this year, thank God...maybe we will start winning again. But what gets me is I have been a Jags fan since day one. And I remember what we felt like when they fired Tom. We couldn't take that next step to the Super Bowl. A lot of people were calling for his head. And since then we have had a hard time creating a new and different culture here, well a culture of winning anyway. I just feel like we have been here, done that already and this draft reminds me of those feelings. He didn't make those calls in NY did he? Well, not the final word anyway. 

Quote:If you believe the draft rankings, this was a bit of a reach.  We dont talk about drafting for need and drafting BAP much anymore.  But this is the risk of BAP as it causes you to potentially lose value.


Anyways I'd be lying if I said I knew much about him.  First time in a long time I didnt do much research on draft prospects leading up to the draft.  But from afar seems like just an okay pick.  Solid college player.  But didnt stand out in terms of stats.  And doesnt stand out in terms of physical ability.  Which makes you think he has a lower ceiling for the NFL.  You'd think picking in the very front of the 3rd round, you'd be able to get someone who was a 1st/2nd round talent that fell for whatever reason.  You wouldnt think you'd get a guy that most folks have 4th or 5th round even if you liked him more than other teams.


But of course you never really know until they hit the field.  Hopefully he'll live up to the draft spot.


This is what I'm basically saying. I'm wondering if they had some kind on notion that Smoot might go soon after, but he certainly wasn't according to all the rankings out there. I just kind of feel they were safe to wait another round.


That said, I have no issues with the player as he does appear to be an ideal guy to rotate with Calais. Don't get too caught up on him being termed a backup because Wash's backup DLs are meant to rotate in as borderline starters themselves. This is a Wash guy all the way, and when you talk about Wash, you're talking about one of the best DL coaches in the game. I'm sure he knows what he's doing there.

Quote:I'm gonna go out on a limb and say TC knows more about football in his sleep than anyone here has ever known, and give Smoot a chance.

TC is a legend in jville for his "management" abilities in the early 2000s 
In the video, Caldwell also said they want to rotate the DL often so they are fresh at all times,...One of them will start but the rotations will be frequent, meaning both men would have a decent amount of playing time, is what I felt Caldwell was saying 


OHHH crap wrong thread sorry delete please  IDK how I did that...not enuff coffee I spose

Quote:I trust Tom Coughlin and the front office know what they are doing and know more about football than all of us combined. How about we give him a chance, heck, just give him an offseason before we run him out of town. 

The point isn't that he isn't/won't be a good player at some point.  We could pick up rotational/backup guys in FA.  Our NEED is OL.  And there's plenty of quality at that pick to get a starter.
Quote:Welcome but meh, don't feel happy with this one.

I'm happy we got a DE but never heard of him.
Smoot was a 1st round prospect coming into the year, not one of you dudes seen a Illinois game, so stop back seat GM'n on a dude you dont know.

Why did he fall so far, since first being projected as a round 1 pick? After watching his highligts, he does seem to have quickness when getting to the QB. Did he not live up to the hype this past year?
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