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You're right. We've killed way more people than the Nazis did. Look up eugenics, what Margaret Sanger said about black people and people who like sex, and the dublin declaration. Holla
Quote:You're right. We've killed way more people than the Nazis did. Look up eugenics, what Margaret Sanger said about black people and people who like sex, and the dublin declaration. Holla

Yeah I actually am aware of Sanger. Her intentions were not good. So is giving out free birth control bad?
Go a little further. The science of eugenics.
Quote:Go a little further. The science of eugenics.

I know the history of Parenthood, Sanger and eugenics. Is it your claim that it is still the mission of PP?


standing up for the rights of a innocent baby doesn't make me a tough guy. that makes me human. you on the other hand are nothing but a brainwashed idiot zombie dog trained to love death. jump off a bridge.
The pro-birth movement cares about the birth of a child after that screw 'em. It's about controlling women and punishing them for sex behind a guise of caring for the little babies and self righteous morality. People would be more sympathetic to the cause if this supposed "caring" continued on after the forced birth or if there was widespread backing for contraceptives and other reproductive health but there isn't because that's not what it's about. 

Quote:Welcome to American politics since 1776.

It's ridiculous for him to take the stance because the race isn't even going to be that close. I'll give you this, if it comes down to 500 votes as it did in 2000, he has every right to not concede.

But his supporters are not completely ignorant and they know exactly what he meant. He wasn't talking about a close election. He was upping by ante on his ridiculous and stupid claims that the United States national election is somehow rigged. Personally I think you should be locked up for trying to incite a riot.

and to compare Abraham Lincoln in 1860 election shows that most people don't know history. Either Hillary or Donald Trump both would win with a larger popular vote percentage.

This race is going to be much closer than you wishful proggies think.  I don't think he wins, but it's not going to be this electoral or popular landslide like you pant suit worshipers would prefer. 


This whole issue is being spun up by the same liberals who cheered on Al Gore in 2000, and who never considered Bush a legitimately elected president.  They're singing a different tune today, faking outrage over Trump's comments because that's what the spoon fed Clinton playbook requires, so I understand why you and the usual suspects are frothing at the bit over this today.  That's what you lemmings are being told to do, and you're obedient little minions. 


I have zero doubt that if the election results are clear next month, Trump won't launch lawyers into swing states looking for hanging chads and magically appearing ballots that were previously stored next to the email server in Clinton's basement bathroom.  He'll concede.  Conceding in October is pointless, rendering this entire argument pointless as well. 
Quote:The pro-birth movement cares about the birth of a child after that screw 'em. It's about controlling women and punishing them for sex behind a guise of caring for the little babies and self righteous morality. People would be more sympathetic to the cause if this supposed "caring" continued on after the forced birth or if there was widespread backing for contraceptives and other reproductive health but there isn't because that's not what it's about. 

you sound like a liberal broken record


im for liberating women. the millions of women who are killed in the womb for REASONS OTHER THAN MEDICAL
Quote:This race is going to be much closer than you wishful proggies think. I don't think he wins, but it's not going to be this electoral or popular landslide like you pant suit worshipers would prefer.

This whole issue is being spun up by the same liberals who cheered on Al Gore in 2000, and who never considered Bush a legitimately elected president. They're singing a different tune today, faking outrage over Trump's comments because that's what the spoon fed Clinton playbook requires, so I understand why you and the usual suspects are frothing at the bit over this today. That's what you lemmings are being told to do, and you're obedient little minions.

I have zero doubt that if the election results are clear next month, Trump won't launch lawyers into swing states looking for hanging chads and magically appearing ballots that were previously stored next to the email server in Clinton's basement bathroom. He'll concede. Conceding in October is pointless, rendering this entire argument pointless as well.
First, I absolutely respected Bush as an elected President. No issue with his win at all. Gore lost Bush won.

But did Gore contest the election or does Florida have an automatic trigger for recounts?

If this election is rigged, then it's being rigged by the Republican Party and it's Republican Governors and Clerks. Most Battleground states are run by Trumps party.
look at these trained dogs in here writing a paragraph or two to justify the LITERAL CUTTING AND SUCKING UP of unborn children. bravo people.


conventional wisdom would say there is no justification of something so disgusting. but no, you have these zombies in here as usual repeating the same crap about why cutting up babies is "health care" and "women's rights" like it's a good thing.  total insanity. 

Quote:The pro-birth movement cares about the birth of a child after that screw 'em. It's about controlling women and punishing them for sex behind a guise of caring for the little babies and self righteous morality. People would be more sympathetic to the cause if this supposed "caring" continued on after the forced birth or if there was widespread backing for contraceptives and other reproductive health but there isn't because that's not what it's about. 

There's not widespread backing for contraceptives and other reproductive health? 


I know you libs are entrenched in your pro death culture, but that comment is patently false.
Quote:I know the history of Parenthood, Sanger and eugenics. Is it your claim that it is still the mission of PP?

Then why would you discount the relation to the holocaust?

For some yes for some no.

If you ask me does it still have that effect? Absolutely. In some parts of the country abortion is the leading cause of death for blacks. In ny, 1/3 black pregnancies end in abortion. 50 millions total since roe passed. This is our generations stain on the fabric of humanity.
Quote:First, I absolutely respected Bush as an elected President. No issue with his win at all. Gore lost Bush won.

But did Gore contest the election or does Florida have an automatic trigger for recounts?
And the automatically triggered recounts once again supported a Bush win, but that didn't stop your boy from taking it all the way to the Supreme Court to fight the certification and continue counting until they manufactured enough votes to win the state.  SCOTUS shut it down, and a liberal war cry was born.
Getting back to the original point of this thread, Trump's unwillingness to declare he will concede on 10/19 is not the number one issue in this election.  It's not even an actual issue in this election.  But, it's what you hav to cling to if you need people to stop looking at Clinton with a skeptical eye.  The world is chalked full of much more significant issues from dealing with the Middle East to addressing an economic recovery that has been nothing but smoke and mirrors, to coming up with a solution to the immigration problems that both secure the border and address the millions of illegals in the country currently.  I think rebuilding the military, and addressing the mounting trade issues are more important.  On a list of important things that need to be addressed with this election, what Trump said about whether he'll concede or not doesn't even have a spot.  But, I'm not worshiping some corrupt woman who sees the Oval Office as a giant Clinton Foundation ATM.


I know our liberal friends have zero interest in delving into their candidate's record in any meaningful way, but you have to wonder why it is the media has tried to make something as silly and insignificant as Trump saying he'd wait until election night before deciding how/if he would concede?  If you need to make that into an issue, it tells me even you leftys aren't quite as confident as you portray yourselves to be about the final outcome of this election. 
are the Russians taking over our election or is the mention of election fraud dangerous? which is it?

Quote:And the automatically triggered recounts once again supported a Bush win, but that didn't stop your boy from taking it all the way to the Supreme Court to fight the certification and continue counting until they manufactured enough votes to win the state. SCOTUS shut it down, and a liberal war cry was born.

Ok, I wasn't in Florida in 2000, I will take your word for it. What was reported in other states (Indiana which is a huge Red State) was that the Florida ballots were not being counted because of an issue.

Also it was Bush who took it to the Supreme Court correct? To get the election certified?
Quote:look at these trained dogs in here writing a paragraph or two to justify the LITERAL CUTTING AND SUCKING UP of unborn children. bravo people.


conventional wisdom would say there is no justification of something so disgusting. but no, you have these zombies in here as usual repeating the same crap about why cutting up babies is "health care" and "women's rights" like it's a good thing.  total insanity. 
Conventional wisdom would say if you claimed to care about babies and then later on women that you would continue to care after birth but you don't. If you cared about reducing or eliminating abortion you and yours would advocate widespread contraceptive and sexual education but you don't because you stop caring after the birth. You didn't even attempt to dispute this. You screamed a talking point claiming I am justifying something I have never tried to justify and claim I am zombie? What a hypocrite. 

Quote:They didn't rig the actual vote count (which is what Trump is also talking about).  HRC and the Dem Chair rigged the influence of peoples votes.
Different yet the same. Taking away the ability for people to vote for a candidate as they did with Bernie is along the same lines as rigging the actual vote count. The candidate the people were supporting will not end up in office in both scenarios. 


There is no universe where I want to see Trump as POTUS but Clinton and her campaign shenanigans (not to mention her entire career of seriously disturbing behavior) are beyond anything that should be considered acceptable by the American people for the position of POTUS. 


Gary Johnson may not be perfect, he may not know everything and is at least smart enough to know he doesn't know and will ask questions, but he is by far the better of the 3 or 4 who are options. 
Quote:Actually, you can do exactly that. The media collluded with the democrats and the Clinton campaign to assure the republicans nominated the most beatable candidate to go up against Clinton. That's why they gave him as much free coverage as possible while simultaneously taking out any viable republicans who might threaten her coronation. Once they completed their mandate and Trump was the nominee, the machine shifted gears and went about the business of taking Trump out.

They didn't give him all that free press because they liked him. It was a complete setup from the start.

Do you think that Trump was in on it all along? Seems likely to me.
Quote:are the Russians taking over our election or is the mention of election fraud dangerous? which is it?
You're just going to confuse them now.  They haven't gotten their daily talking points yet.


Quote:Ok, I wasn't in Florida in 2000, I will take your word for it. What was reported in other states (Indiana which is a huge Red State) was that the Florida ballots were not being counted because of an issue.

Also it was Bush who took it to the Supreme Court correct? To get the election certified?

Read up on the history about those ballots.  Most of the issues were amazingly enough only occurring in heavily democrat areas of the state.  For some reason, the more republican areas of the state didn't seem to have nearly the issues with ballots.  The Gore campaign was ready with an army of lawyers to go in and challenge the results only in those counties, and for reasons ranging from confusing butterfly ballots to the infamous hanging chads. 


The Gore campaign worked the state court system right up to the state supreme court in an effort to continue recounting until they could find enough votes to overturn the certified results of the election.  The Bush campaign took them to SCOTUS to put an end to the nonsense. The election had already been certified.  Their petition was simply to stop the court ordered recounts. 


Multiple subsequent investigations and recounts done by media outlets after the fact confirmed that the Bush win was legitimate using anything but the most liberal of guidelines to interpret the intent of voters on those ballots that weren't completed correctly. 


Quote:Conventional wisdom would say if you claimed to care about babies and then later on women that you would continue to care after birth but you don't. If you cared about reducing or eliminating abortion you and yours would advocate widespread contraceptive and sexual education but you don't because you stop caring after the birth. You didn't even attempt to dispute this. You screamed a talking point and claim I am zombie? What a hypocrite. 

Many of the largest organizations who are most active in the pro life movement also provide services to help these mothers if they opt to not go for an abortion. 


There's a significant budget for public health to provide free contraceptives and reproductive health education.  Find another straw man.


BTW, even if Roe against Wade was overturned, it wouldn't make abortions illegal.  It would simply send it back to the states to decide on the issue. 


Quote:Do you think that Trump was in on it all along? Seems likely to me.
I think Trump is an entertainer who understood the value of free press.  I don't think he was in on it, but I doubt very seriously he or any candidate running for office would turn a blind eye to the opportunity. 

Quote:Different yet the same. Taking away the ability for people to vote for a candidate as they did with Bernie is along the same lines as rigging the actual vote count. The candidate the people were supporting will not end up in office in both scenarios.

There is no universe where I want to see Trump as POTUS but Clinton and her campaign shenanigans (not to mention her entire career of seriously disturbing behavior) are beyond anything that should be considered acceptable by the American people for the position of POTUS.

Gary Johnson may not be perfect, he may not know everything and is at least smart enough to know he doesn't know and will ask questions, but he is by far the better of the 3 or 4 who are options.

McMullin will actually win EV's

You would be better off writing him in if he isn't on your ballot.
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