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standing up for the rights of a innocent baby doesn't make me a tough guy. that makes me human. you on the other hand are nothing but a brainwashed idiot zombie dog trained to love death. jump off a bridge.
I abhor and do not support in any way, shape, or form later term abortions. I think women who do that are seriously jacked and should undergo psychiatric evaluation. 


That being said, I do support the woman's right to choose. I speak from personal experience when I say that there are women who are not fit to be a mother. I am one of them. I would have been abusive mentally and physically because I was a very messed up person myself. When I became pregnant, adoption was my choice because abortion is not something I would have done unless medically necessary. Not all women feel they have that choice so they opt for abortion and usually as soon as they discover they're pregnant. And unless you have ever been in the situation I guarantee you I can counter any argument you have on the subject. 


Sometimes protecting an innocent life is to keep it from being born to people who will absolutely treat that life like yesterday's garbage. If you don't believe me look up stories of healthy but dead newborns found in dumpsters, left in the toilet they were born into to drown, found in horrible places. Look up stories of the horrific abuse parents have heaped on their kids because they never wanted them but were pressured to have them and/or keep them in the family. I know as a Christian I should believe that God has a plan and purpose for every child conceived, but I have a hard time with that because of my own childhood issues. Maybe someday I can reconcile that but right now I cannot. 
"Throughout this campaign, Donald Trump has fashioned himself as the “law and order” candidate. In Las Vegas on Wednesday night, in his third and final presidential debate with Hillary Clinton, he showed himself to be an agent of lawlessness and disorder.


"Asked by moderator Chris Wallace whether he would concede the election in the event he loses, Trump confirmed the fears he has sown for weeks. “I will look at it at the time,” he said. “I will keep you in suspense.”


"It is tempting to view this statement in the context of Trump’s long history of reckless utterances. But his refusal to abide by an election result is of a very specific, and disqualifying, character. It strikes at the heart of American democracy. Neither the nation’s government nor its politics can function if losing presidential candidates do not concede defeat and facilitate the peaceful transfer of power."




"Trump’s statement was, as Clinton said, “horrifying.” But it was not entirely anomalous. At the previous presidential debate, in St. Louis, Trump vowed to try to jail his opponent if he wins. That statement, too, was profoundly anti-democratic and disqualifying.


"There are ample reasons to doubt Trump’s competence and temperament, chief among them his campaign itself. But Trump has now made it clear that even his commitment to democratic norms, process and standards cannot be assumed."

Quote:"Throughout this campaign, Donald Trump has fashioned himself as the “law and order” candidate. In Las Vegas on Wednesday night, in his third and final presidential debate with Hillary Clinton, he showed himself to be an agent of lawlessness and disorder.


"Asked by moderator Chris Wallace whether he would concede the election in the event he loses, Trump confirmed the fears he has sown for weeks. “I will look at it at the time,” he said. “I will keep you in suspense.”


"It is tempting to view this statement in the context of Trump’s long history of reckless utterances. But his refusal to abide by an election result is of a very specific, and disqualifying, character. It strikes at the heart of American democracy. Neither the nation’s government nor its politics can function if losing presidential candidates do not concede defeat and facilitate the peaceful transfer of power."




"Trump’s statement was, as Clinton said, “horrifying.” But it was not entirely anomalous. At the previous presidential debate, in St. Louis, Trump vowed to try to jail his opponent if he wins. That statement, too, was profoundly anti-democratic and disqualifying.


"There are ample reasons to doubt Trump’s competence and temperament, chief among them his campaign itself. But Trump has now made it clear that even his commitment to democratic norms, process and standards cannot be assumed."

And once again you make a big deal about a hypothetical scenario where anything Trump did in response wouldn't matter. The real story here is why was that stupid question even asked. Was that one that the DNC pre-vetted?

Refusal to bide by an election result is ALWAYS of a disqualifying character? Well if some talking head at Bloomberg said it, then it must be true to the small minded sheep. Are you suggesting that if an obvious criminal action swung the election

 (say some state election officials were caught on videotape shredding votes for Trump) then Trump should just accept it? Really? You might want to actually, you know, think for yourself instead of just parroting a far-left pundit.

Quote:And once again you make a big deal about a hypothetical scenario where anything Trump did in response wouldn't matter. The real story here is why was that stupid question even asked. Was that one that the DNC pre-vetted?

Refusal to bide by an election result is ALWAYS of a disqualifying character? Well if some talking head at Bloomberg said it, then it must be true to the small minded sheep. Are you suggesting that if an obvious criminal action swung the election

 (say some state election officials were caught on videotape shredding votes for Trump) then Trump should just accept it? Really? You might want to actually, you know, think for yourself instead of just parroting a far-left pundit.

What he should do in that instance is take it to the police and take it to the courts.  Besides, he isn't talking about someone shredding ballots.  He is going around saying the election IS rigged.   Not going to be rigged.   IS rigged. 


But what he is threatening to do is simply walk away and say the election is invalid because it was rigged.   He's been selling this idea of the election being rigged for weeks now, and his partisans are eating it up.   That's an incredibly irresponsible thing for a Presidential candidate to do.  


If he has actual evidence, he should take it to court.  Otherwise, he should do what every other candidate has done, and that is, concede the fact that he lost in a fair election.  


Besides, the whole idea of the election being rigged is so far fetched it's ridiculous.   Elections are run at the state and local level.  Both parties have observers and poll watchers and systems in place to prevent voter fraud or mishandling of ballots. 


It's obscene to say the American Presidential election is rigged.  Absurd. 


Why was the question asked?   You'd have to ask Fox News that question.  Are they in on this conspiracy too? 

Quote:Conventional wisdom would say if you claimed to care about babies and then later on women that you would continue to care after birth but you don't. If you cared about reducing or eliminating abortion you and yours would advocate widespread contraceptive and sexual education but you don't because you stop caring after the birth. You didn't even attempt to dispute this. You screamed a talking point claiming I am justifying something I have never tried to justify and claim I am zombie? What a hypocrite.

It's nothing but a rehashing of a never ending debate. Nobody here thinks birth control or education is bad.

Facts are facts. Late term abortions are legal and you want to defend such a disgusting thing because 1/100000 pregnancies might end in death. If you don't want late term abortions then say so.
Quote:What he should do in that instance is take it to the police and take it to the courts.  Besides, he isn't talking about someone shredding ballots.  He is going around saying the election IS rigged.   Not going to be rigged.   IS rigged. 


But what he is threatening to do is simply walk away and say the election is invalid because it was rigged. 

So "By Far the Most Important Issue" is a losing candidate walking away and saying the election is rigged?


Well forget ISIS, forget that the economy still hasn't recovered to 2007 levels. Stop everything! Trump will walk away and say something!  It's the end of the world!
Quote:Conventional wisdom would say if you claimed to care about babies and then later on women that you would continue to care after birth but you don't.

Yes, because there aren't hundreds of thousands of people wanting to adopt. 
Oh, wait, there are. But no, we have to kill the baby to keep her from possibly having a miserable childhood if the mother who wanted to kill her then decides to keep her rather than put her up for adoption.


That's the gist of your argument.

Quote:So "By Far the Most Important Issue" is a losing candidate walking away and saying the election is rigged?


Well forget ISIS, forget that the economy still hasn't recovered to 2007 levels. Stop everything! Trump will walk away and say something!  It's the end of the world!

Because it undermines the very basis of our democracy- the idea that we have free and fair elections. 


Think of how Robert E Lee accepted defeat.   After he signed the surrender of his army, he addressed his men and told them it was over, to go home, to be good citizens.   What is Donald Trump going to do?   Tell his supporters the election is not valid, it was all rigged, he isn't going to accept it.   So what will his supporters do when they don't think elections in the United States are free and fair?  What alternative are they left with?  Some of them will undoubtedly rebel.   That's why what Trump is saying is irresponsible.  He's fomenting treason. 
Quote:Because it undermines the very basis of our democracy- the idea that we have free and fair elections.

Think of how Robert E Lee accepted defeat. After he signed the surrender of his army, he addressed his men and told them it was over, to go home, to be good citizens. What is Donald Trump going to do? Tell his supporters the election is not valid, it was all rigged, he isn't going to accept it. So what will his supporters do when they don't think elections in the United States are free and fair? What alternative are they left with? Some of them will undoubtedly rebel. That's why what Trump is saying is irresponsible. He's fomenting treason.
This is complete bull. Nobody is going to riot over Trump.

Maybe if he wins... Then you might see some burning of flags and stuff like you see at his rallies
Quote:This is complete bull. Nobody is going to riot over Trump.

Maybe if he wins... Then you might see some burning of flags and stuff like you see at his rallies

But...but...but...TRUMP INCITES VIOLENCE!!!


Agreed.   The only way there will be riots is if Trump wins, at which point, cankle loving leaches from coast to coast will burn this place to the ground to show us how tolerant they are. 
Quote:I abhor and do not support in any way, shape, or form later term abortions. I think women who do that are seriously jacked and should undergo psychiatric evaluation.

That being said, I do support the woman's right to choose. I speak from personal experience when I say that there are women who are not fit to be a mother. I am one of them. I would have been abusive mentally and physically because I was a very messed up person myself. When I became pregnant, adoption was my choice because abortion is not something I would have done unless medically necessary. Not all women feel they have that choice so they opt for abortion and usually as soon as they discover they're pregnant. And unless you have ever been in the situation I guarantee you I can counter any argument you have on the subject.

Sometimes protecting an innocent life is to keep it from being born to people who will absolutely treat that life like yesterday's garbage. If you don't believe me look up stories of healthy but dead newborns found in dumpsters, left in the toilet they were born into to drown, found in horrible places. Look up stories of the horrific abuse parents have heaped on their kids because they never wanted them but were pressured to have them and/or keep them in the family. I know as a Christian I should believe that God has a plan and purpose for every child conceived, but I have a hard time with that because of my own childhood issues. Maybe someday I can reconcile that but right now I cannot.

You made the right choice.
Quote:But...but...but...TRUMP INCITES VIOLENCE!!!

Agreed. The only way there will be riots is if Trump wins, at which point, cankle loving leaches from coast to coast will burn this place to the ground to show us how tolerant they are.

He did say some hurtful things.

Therefore when Chicago burns to the ground it's his fault.
I heard that when you vote for shrillary you have to mark the circle with your blood. That is what seals your contract. :devil:

He's not going to win or come remotely close to winning.

Quote:He's not going to win or come remotely close to winning.

then there is no chance of rioting


nobody will riot if Hillary wins because the people voting against her have brains
Quote:Yes, because there aren't hundreds of thousands of people wanting to adopt. 
Oh, wait, there are. But no, we have to kill the baby to keep her from possibly having a miserable childhood if the mother who wanted to kill her then decides to keep her rather than put her up for adoption.


That's the gist of your argument.
It's only the gist of my argument if you completely make stuff up to present an agenda of your own. Congratulations!
Quote:It's nothing but a rehashing of a never ending debate. Nobody here thinks birth control or education is bad.

Facts are facts. Late term abortions are legal and you want to defend such a disgusting thing because 1/100000 pregnancies might end in death. If you don't want late term abortions then say so.
That depends what you mean by late term abortions. Is is the lies your boy trump claimed happens? Or are we going to keep shifting goal posts around? Do you only care about a specific type of late term abortion or all of them? I'm neither a doctor nor do I have a horse in the race nor am I an expert on the matter though you seem to think you are. So doc, what exactly are you frothing about?


You are for welfare for underprivileged children and easy access to contraceptives and sex education taught in schools to attempt to prevent pregnancies that result in higher rates of abortions? If you are for these things just say so.


The reason it is a never ending rehashing is because when it comes up you attempt to paint people that are in favor of a woman's right to chose as being despicable baby murderers. you are then reminded that you don't really care about babies just their birth and the control of the mother's decision making process. You get mad, turn on cap locks rinse and repeat. 
Quote:The media coverage of Trump during the primaries was indeed to help him win the nomination. That is only because the MSM is liberal as hell and they perceived Trump to be the least likely to defeat the scum that is shrillary. Once he won the primary of course they come at him all guns blazing and anything anti Trump is blown out of proportion. Their one and only goal is a lefty no matter what. Even if it is the murdering, treasonous ,spineless, sham of a marriage living lesbian with a penchant for illegal mail servers. Yep, politics as usual right?

I didn't know fox news and rush limbaugh are liberal.
Quote:I didn't know fox news and rush limbaugh are liberal.

Fox News and Rush Limbaugh were not pushing Trump in the primaries. But you would know that if you didn't get all of your supposed facts from far-left propaganda sites.

Quote:It's only the gist of my argument if you completely make stuff up to present an agenda of your own. Congratulations!

It's what you implied by defending abortions. Your prime argument is that abortions should be legal because The Right doesn't advocate supporting children after their birth with taxpayer (stolen) money.


But if you disagree then point out where I'm wrong.

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