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Quote:That depends what you mean by late term abortions. Is is the lies your boy trump claimed happens? Or are we going to keep shifting goal posts around? Do you only care about a specific type of late term abortion or all of them? I'm neither a doctor nor do I have a horse in the race nor am I an expert on the matter though you seem to think you are. So doc, what exactly are you frothing about?


You are for welfare for underprivileged children and easy access to contraceptives and sex education taught in schools to attempt to prevent pregnancies that result in higher rates of abortions? If you are for these things just say so.


The reason it is a never ending rehashing is because when it comes up you attempt to paint people that are in favor of a woman's right to chose as being despicable baby murderers. you are then reminded that you don't really care about babies just their birth and the control of the mother's decision making process. You get mad, turn on cap locks rinse and repeat. 

Supporting Planned Parenthood supports "despicable baby murderers," because they murder babies. The Left can dance all it wants around the videos and recordings of PP people discussing how to best carve up a child to preserve the parts, but what they showed is real. Cherry picking still gives you a cherry.


There is plenty of room in the abortion spectrum. I'm personally pro-choice, but only for the first three months. There is no reason "a woman's right to choose" should extend for nine months, or even four. If you don't want the child you should abort it before it develops a brain.

Hillary supports partial-birth abortion which is murder in every sense but government edict. No, she never specifically came out an supported nine-month abortions, but she has never voted in favor of any limit to abortions, including partial-birth abortion and born-alive killing.

Quote:You made the right choice.
I know I did. And others make the choices they have to make based on their circumstances, whether we like the choices or not. Again, I do not advocate late term.
Quote:McMullin will actually win EV's

You would be better off writing him in if he isn't on your ballot.
I prefer Peterson but he's not the face like Johnson is for the Libertarian party.
Quote:It's what you implied by defending abortions. Your prime argument is that abortions should be legal because The Right doesn't advocate supporting children after their birth with taxpayer (stolen) money.

But if you disagree then point out where I'm wrong.
I disagree with people inferring things I never actually said. Please point out where I said what you claim I did.

If you care about babies care about them all the way past birth. That's not really the case though is it on the right?

If you care about reducing or limiting abortions then be a proponent of sex ed in schools and easy access to contraceptive. Again, neither of their are positions on the right.
The same lame excuses. We feed 50 million people a year spend god knows how much on public education, free lunch, were also talking about subsidizing childcare and maternity leave. We still have people brainwashed into thinking "well you're too insensitive so we have no choice but to condone the slaughter of 50 million americans"

I predict that those who come after us will look upon our generation as we look upon the generations that owned slaves and your psychotic strand of logic will be consigned to the ash heap of history!
Quote: The man has been treated the most unfairly of any candidate in presidential history.


Hey - this guy doesn't know his history...

Donald and his big mouth are his own worst enemy. You are claiming unfair how frequently his OWN WORDS AND ACTIONS are being used against him.

Donald embarrassed himself, and his own history finally nipped him in the backside. Don't worry trump hangers-- he never wanted the position, just bragging rights to winning it.
If Trump saying he wouldn't concede until he saw the election results was by far the biggest issue in this upcoming election because it would jeopardize the potential for a peaceful transition of power in a democratic society.  I wonder, would that same thing be the biggest issue in the election if it happened to be Hillary challenging the results of the election?  Suppose she loses on November 8th despite the left already anointing her the winner?  Do you honestly think she will simply concede and walk away quietly?  Do you think her worshipers will accept the election results and not take to the streets to protest and riot?  


I'm confident at the end of this that if Trump loses, he will concede.  There won't be riots or any widespread acts of antagonism.  I seriously doubt that would be the case should Clinton lose this thing, which is still a possibility.

I think 269 and going to the hor would just be epic!
Quote:I think 269 and going to the hor would just be epic!

Agreed. Talk about meltdowns.
Quote:Now, in 2020, he's had 4 years to promote generals who support him, appoint a new Director of the FBI who supports him, appoint people up and down the Executive Branch who support him.  And he refuses to accept the results of the election of 2020 and refuses to step down. 
Don't reach so hard. You might pull a muscle.
So the guy who said " If rape is inevitable, relax and enjoy it" is now introducing a man who wants to be President.

Don't bring Whoopi Goldberg into this.

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