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Marrone is trying to get Olson fired so he can take over Playcalling duties. *conspiracy*
Quote:To have a good run game, I feel we need to get a FB. They just seem to go hand in hand. In fact of the top 5 rushing teams only the 49ers lack a FB.


 One thing in particular that would be of interest is if anyone has a link to data  to see how often the highly successful teams that have a FB on their roster use a FB?   This compared to going with differential personnel alignments?  
The run game is crucial to the success of Bortles. Perhaps I'm just not seeing it but I don't see pulling guards, sweeps with a lead blocker, wider gaps between linemen, offset I formations, etc. Nothing to create running lanes.


Regards................the Chiefjag


Quote:The run game is crucial to the success of Bortles. Perhaps I'm just not seeing it but I don't see pulling guards, sweeps with a lead blocker, wider gaps between linemen, offset I formations, etc. Nothing to create running lanes.

Regards................the Chiefjag

Nothing you mentioned on its own creates running lanes, good blocking does.
Quote:Yes, this is clearly about Bradley.  Having the most sacked QB in the league the previous 2 seasons had nothing to do with it.  It was just inept coaching by Bradley in particular, who was whispering sweet nothings in Olson's ear about running the ball no matter what.


Gimme a break.


They're trying to take some of the pressure and a lot of the beating off of Bortles to prolong his career.  Most every team in the league preaches balance on offense, and they look to find that sweet spot that allows them to be productive while keeping the defense on the sideline and eating up clock.  Ideally that's what you want from your offense. 


I'm not defending Gus the coach, but let's not spin this like he's doing something that goes against what is pretty much common practice around the league.  The play calling isn't on Bradley.  Olson has regressed as much as his QB has this year with the play calling.  That's on him.  They're trying to put the cuffs on Bortles to protect him and minimize mistakes.  I'm sure that's gotten into Bortles head because he's clearly pressing out there right now.

This isn't limited to Gus Bradley.  Many coaches want balance.  You hear the same thing happening in Indi with Andrew Luck, in Tennessee with Mariota.  But you can't manufacture balance.  Going ball control (or the balance codeword) isn't the only answer to a quarterback being sacked too many times or making a lot of mistakes.  They went away from their strengths and now they are strong at nothing. Why not fix the defense and leave the offense alone.  That would have been better than this result.  Whatever they are doing is a mistake.  And when you say "they're" putting the cuffs on Bortles, who exactly is "they"?  My guess is this doesn't exclude coach Bradley.  
Quote:This isn't limited to Gus Bradley.  Many coaches want balance.  You hear the same thing happening in Indi with Andrew Luck, in Tennessee with Mariota.  But you can't manufacture balance.  Going ball control (or the balance codeword) isn't the only answer to a quarterback being sacked too many times or making a lot of mistakes.  They went away from their strengths and now they are strong at nothing. Why not fix the defense and leave the offense alone.  That would have been better than this result.  Whatever they are doing is a mistake.  And when you say "they're" putting the cuffs on Bortles, who exactly is "they"?  My guess is this doesn't exclude coach Bradley.  
I tend to be of the mindset that Bradley has very little to do with the offensive play calling beyond getting the script for the walk through.  Beyond that, he's leaving the bulk of the offensive work to Olson and the offensive staff to craft.  He may have some input, but I doubt it's as involved as some people around here want to believe.


They've made it clear they want to be more of a power running team.  They have the backs to do this, but they're not scheming to make that happen, and when they do call the plays to take advantage, the line struggles to create lanes. 


I don't disagree that they went away from their strengths.  I said as much above.  Bortles is a guy who can make the big plays, and this is especially true with the weapons he has at his disposal.  But, you still have to set that up, and it requires a legitimate rushing attack.  Until they find that, he's going to be taking a beating similar to what he did last year and the year before, and I think that's starting to take it's toll on the guy physically and mentally. 


Quote:This isn't limited to Gus Bradley. Many coaches want balance. You hear the same thing happening in Indi with Andrew Luck, in Tennessee with Mariota. But you can't manufacture balance. Going ball control (or the balance codeword) isn't the only answer to a quarterback being sacked too many times or making a lot of mistakes. They went away from their strengths and now they are strong at nothing. Why not fix the defense and leave the offense alone. That would have been better than this result. Whatever they are doing is a mistake. And when you say "they're" putting the cuffs on Bortles, who exactly is "they"? My guess is this doesn't exclude coach Bradley.

I think they had to tinker with the offense with the number of turnovers Blake had. We're also discounting the fact that teams around the league have a year of tape showing what Blake does best. Quite honestly, I think Blake just needs more seasoning. When he's on he makes bone-crushing plays. It's looking increasing like if he doesn't turn the ball over, the defense will give him a chance if he starts slow. If he finds his groove more consistently, we will be hard to beat sans turnovers. If we run the ball more effectively and secure more turnovers on defense along with the above, cancel Christmas.
Quote:Nothing you mentioned on its own creates running lanes, good blocking does.

Agreed, and this line isn't there yet. 


The blocking has to get better.  I think as it does, we'll see a much more productive Blake.  He almost looks rattled back there right now.
Boselli, surprisingly frustrated after a win, says it's mostly on the players.


Jaguars coach Gus Bradley says O-line playing with no urgency in run game
Olsen is not good with putting players in good position to make plays that maximize what they need. During the regular season, the OL has been better running downhill. To do that best with Ivory, you need him running downhill (Ace, I, Strong, or even Pistol if you must). Plus you cannot only run a slant and an sweep as your only run plays. You need some other misdirection (counter, veer, trap).


Also the route trees they run are poorly designed. It is similar to GB, where the WR has to beat the DB or find an open space. Yes that is ideal, and harder to defend, but you run many trees that utilize one or two reads to get an easy short or middle pass to help Blake gain confidence. If the are taking away the deep stuff, you need some of those in their back pocket.


Lastly, the offense overall lacks creativity. In the stands, us fans can often guess the type of play based on situation. Sometimes too based formations. If fans can do that, teams definitely can with film study. They need to stop huddling. Line up with 20 seconds and then audible if needed, but better designed options than what they currently use. 

Quote:Why isn't the savior for this team when they fire Gus, Doug Marrone on the list?  Position coaches?  His job was to make the line better.  Anyone seeing it happening yet?


It's not exactly like the offensive line is doing a stellar job of creating rushing lanes. 


There's plenty of blame to go around from play calling to coaching, but I think it really is on Marrone and Olsen for the most part.  The line isn't blocking, and the play  calling has been sub-par. 

Can't argue with that.  Olsen and Marrone are clearly part of the problem...  


Marrone may very well be a better HC than an O-Line coach, though.  There's no law that says that he cannot be.
Quote:Nothing you mentioned on its own creates running lanes, good blocking does.
Umm.................what I mentioned creates opportunities for blocking to create lanes. Let me connect the dots for you: A standard 1 back backfield with lineman man-blocking is what we do; and it's not creating running lanes. Other formations with lineman moving and a running back with help in front will force the defense to move which naturally opens up lanes.


Regards...................the Chiefjag
I'm with FBT, a long look needs to be taken at Marrone.

Who here can say the line looks better coached now than when Luke Butkus was coaching it? Think about that.
Quote:I'm with FBT, a long look needs to be taken at Marrone.

Who here can say the line looks better coached now than when Luke Butkus was coaching it? Think about that.

Blank #2
Quote:I think it's a combination of talent and coaching. I think the left side of the ol is a weak spot on this team that hurts the running game. I think this combines with a coaching philosophy that favors slow developing run plays, including stretch plays with power backs, the refusal to use a fullback and running from a spread that hurts a running attack.
Ironically coming into this week we were a little above average in yards before contact running left/middle and dead last running right. 



JDR did way better with what he had.  And everyone knew all we could do was run MJD.


Quote:Umm.................what I mentioned creates opportunities for blocking to create lanes. Let me connect the dots for you: A standard 1 back backfield with lineman man-blocking is what we do; and it's not creating running lanes. Other formations with lineman moving and a running back with help in front will force the defense to move which naturally opens up lanes.

Regards...................the Chiefjag

What happens if the linemen, who are not pulling, don't hold the POA? no running lanes. They are not getting any push, adding a fb or widening the splits won't change that. Appreciate the condescension, really proves you know what you're talking about. To the untrained eye it might seem like you're throwing [BLEEP] against the wall hoping it sticks
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