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(02-22-2019, 08:42 PM)TrivialPursuit Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-22-2019, 01:38 PM)boudreaumw Wrote: [ -> ]Trying to talk to people who approach debates in bad faith, that have no actual beliefs other than supporting whatever and whoever hurts their enemies (well over half their fellow Americans) at the moment is a complete waste of time. The beliefs change based on who is in power (executive orders and family values for a small example) Trying to convince people that contain no empathy unless it involves them or someone close to them directly is a fools errand. If they can't push an agenda they just ignore it. 

Nearly 70 posts on this thread at this moment and 4 on the Right Wing MAGA terrorist. A thread about the number of claimed hate crime hoax's and not one about the absurd number of right wing terror attacks that have taken place or been thwarted in this country. Heck, the vast majority of the Right Wing Terrorist that are thwarted or caught are immediately claimed as false flags by the Alex Jones's on this here site. That's all you need to know. 

The majority of the right are lost and have been for a while.

You're pathetic.

Smollett actually took action.

The Coast Guard dude wrote Emails... oh and by the way, he should go to prison and be condemned.

But be serious.

Action versus written word.

Smollett wasn't even really being political, he took the most controversial path to mass recognition. This was all about his own notoriety.
(02-22-2019, 11:16 PM)rollerjag Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-22-2019, 08:42 PM)TrivialPursuit Wrote: [ -> ]You're pathetic.

Smollett actually took action.

The Coast Guard dude wrote Emails... oh and by the way, he should go to prison and be condemned.

But be serious.

Action versus written word.

Smollett wasn't even really being political, he took the most controversial path to mass recognition. This was all about his own notoriety.
Sad if you are trying to soften this. Smollett specifically mentions “MAGA” hats. Using said actions in this cimate of unreasonable and overcharged identity politics with a mix of Trump hate is well, political, no matter his end game. Sure, no political intent there.
Mailing himself a threatening letter with a white powdery substance through the USPS addressed to his employer’s address would make this a federal offense if it winds up being proven true that he sent it, wouldn’t it? If so, the falsifying of a police report would be the least of his concerns.

To paint this as anything but a vicious political attack on white Trump supporters is naive at best and probably more likely disingenuousness. Would Jussie have come clean about his hoax had they found two white male MAGA hat wearing men in the area with plans on pressing charges against them? Or would he have testified against them and helped put two innocent men away? I’m guessing it would have been the latter considering coming clean would mean he’s facing what he’s facing now.
(02-22-2019, 09:08 PM)americus 2.0 Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-20-2019, 10:03 AM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]But what is this guy so angry about that he would risk losing the substantial amount of everything he's acquired? These people have been conditioned to believe that they have grievances against the society that made them and they act out in these stupid ways that don't do them any good. It's puzzling to me.

Either way they were almost all tolerant of me but made it very clear I didn't belong, didn't understand, and none of them trusted a white person- period. It's a generational thing as much as it's societal. Every generation has grown up hating and not trusting the white folks, and for good reason to a degree. There is still true racism toward black folks very much alive in this country perpetrated by whites whose beliefs are also generational which means nothing will change. 

No, it isn't.

You explained a situation where you were treated poorly because of your race, and you're excusing it because someone somewhere else is racist? You don't think the hypothetical white racists in your scenario could use the same excuse?
(02-23-2019, 09:35 AM)Jaguarmeister Wrote: [ -> ]Mailing himself a threatening letter with a white powdery substance through the USPS addressed to his employer’s address would make this a federal offense if it winds up being proven true that he sent it, wouldn’t it? If so, the falsifying of a police report would be the least of his concerns.

To paint this as anything but a vicious political attack on white Trump supporters is naive at best and probably more likely disingenuousness.  Would Jussie have come clean about his hoax had they found two white male MAGA hat wearing men in the area with plans on pressing charges against them?  Or would he have testified against them and helped put two innocent men away?  I’m guessing it would have been the latter considering coming clean would mean he’s facing what he’s facing now.

Mailing a letter like that is a felony regardless of where you send it, even to yourself. He's going to spend a lot of time in prison, as he should.
(02-23-2019, 01:39 PM)JagNGeorgia Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-22-2019, 09:08 PM)americus 2.0 Wrote: [ -> ]Either way they were almost all tolerant of me but made it very clear I didn't belong, didn't understand, and none of them trusted a white person- period. It's a generational thing as much as it's societal. Every generation has grown up hating and not trusting the white folks, and for good reason to a degree. There is still true racism toward black folks very much alive in this country perpetrated by whites whose beliefs are also generational which means nothing will change. 

No, it isn't.

You explained a situation where you were treated poorly because of your race, and you're excusing it because someone somewhere else is racist? You don't think the hypothetical white racists in your scenario could use the same excuse?

Isn't that whole anecdote the attitude of victimization we should be stamping out?
(02-23-2019, 01:39 PM)JagNGeorgia Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-22-2019, 09:08 PM)americus 2.0 Wrote: [ -> ]Either way they were almost all tolerant of me but made it very clear I didn't belong, didn't understand, and none of them trusted a white person- period. It's a generational thing as much as it's societal. Every generation has grown up hating and not trusting the white folks, and for good reason to a degree. There is still true racism toward black folks very much alive in this country perpetrated by whites whose beliefs are also generational which means nothing will change. 

No, it isn't.

You explained a situation where you were treated poorly because of your race, and you're excusing it because someone somewhere else is racist? You don't think the hypothetical white racists in your scenario could use the same excuse?

I'm not excusing anything. I never said I was treated poorly and I don't feel that I was, I was sharing my experience with these folks and how it relates to the reply to my post. 

At some point people choose to keep being racist. Any one of us can choose to keep feeding that monster or we can make the effort to get past whatever it is; be it racism, sexism, bigotry, we hate the color blue, etc. That's what I meant with "good reason to a degree".
jussie Smollett produces a "documentary series" called "America Divided". This fellow really is Captain Obvious. Mr. Smollett recently hosted an episode focused on LYNCHING. It has since been pulled from the lineup. I suspect the entire series will soon be pulled, lest it be examined more closely and found infected with Smolletty embellishments.
(02-17-2019, 08:12 PM)Jaguarmeister Wrote: [ -> ]I don’t think hate crimes should be a thing.  The crime is the crime and the punishment should be the same across the board no matter who is committing it or whatever their reasoning is.  There shouldn’t be a “thought” penalty on top of it primarily for the precedent it sets for the government penalizing certain thoughts no matter how despicable the majority of people might agree they are.  

That being said, since hate crimes are a thing this should be considered one considering his apparent hate for Trump and white Trump supporters motivated him to do this.  I’m not sure what he’s facing as a punishment, but falsifying a report to the police should carry some jail time on its own.

I think whatever penalty a white trump supporter would have received for doing what was alleged should be the penalty that Jussie receives if it turns out he orchestrated the whole thing like its looking like is the case.

So would you have considered what Mohammed Atta along with Al Quieda and ISIS did to Americans and our allies not hate crimes?
Just about anytime you murder someone, hate more than likely played a part in it.
(02-24-2019, 11:21 AM)Jamies_fried_chicken Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-17-2019, 08:12 PM)Jaguarmeister Wrote: [ -> ]I don’t think hate crimes should be a thing.  The crime is the crime and the punishment should be the same across the board no matter who is committing it or whatever their reasoning is.  There shouldn’t be a “thought” penalty on top of it primarily for the precedent it sets for the government penalizing certain thoughts no matter how despicable the majority of people might agree they are.  

That being said, since hate crimes are a thing this should be considered one considering his apparent hate for Trump and white Trump supporters motivated him to do this.  I’m not sure what he’s facing as a punishment, but falsifying a report to the police should carry some jail time on its own.

I think whatever penalty a white trump supporter would have received for doing what was alleged should be the penalty that Jussie receives if it turns out he orchestrated the whole thing like its looking like is the case.

So would you have considered what Mohammed Atta along with Al Quieda and ISIS did to Americans and our allies not hate crimes?

I’m pretty sure their hearts were filled with hate.  If, however, their hearts were instead filled with love for their fellow passenger and they felt like they were doing everyone a favor by flying the plane into a building, does that change anything for you?

Also, on principle there’s a huge difference between citizen on citizen crime versus acts by those deemed enemy combatants who were enabled by failures in our immigration system.  There’s a reason we don’t mirandize enemy soldiers on the battlefield.

It really boils down to: do you believe a person of one group that espouses hate filled rhetoric toward any other group but holds no position of power and never takes action against said group should be charged with a crime and locked away?  If the answer to that is no, and in a free society it should be, why are we ok imposing a thought penalty under any circumstance?  The action is the crime.  If a man beats another man to a bloody pulp on the street and in one scenario he gave no reason and in another he colorfully described out loud for witnesses to hear how he hated the group the man he beat belonged to, does it affect the outcome of the beating in any way?

I’m not arguing for leniency on anyone here. If you want to throw the book at someone who lays their hands on another person with violence in mind whatever their reasoning (outside of defense of oneself or another or in defense of one’s property), you’ll get no argument from me but the punishment should be consistent across the board.
A few more tidbits about the Smollett case.  

The Chicago police are claiming that Cook County State Attorney Kim Foxx interfered in the investigation after receiving a call from Michelle Obama's Chief of Staff Tina Tchen.  Foxx recused herself from the case on Feb. 20 "out of an abundance of caution" because of "familiarity with potential witnesses in the case."

Tchen contacted Foxx because "a member of Smollett's family" had concerns about the investigation and wanted it transferred to the FBI.  Apparently the Chicago police told Foxx to go pound sand.

Now I wonder who that family member was, whose name was redacted in the police reports?  Must've been a pretty well connected person to just ring up the Obamas and ask for a criminal case to be transferred.  It also shows that the FBI is a captured agency still following orders from the ex-Obama administration.
(03-21-2019, 08:44 AM)Byron LeftTown Wrote: [ -> ]A few more tidbits about the Smollett case.  

The Chicago police are claiming that Cook County State Attorney Kim Foxx interfered in the investigation after receiving a call from Michelle Obama's Chief of Staff Tina Tchen.  Foxx recused herself from the case on Feb. 20 "out of an abundance of caution" because of "familiarity with potential witnesses in the case."

Tchen contacted Foxx because "a member of Smollett's family" had concerns about the investigation and wanted it transferred to the FBI.  Apparently the Chicago police told Foxx to go pound sand.

Now I wonder who that family member was, whose name was redacted in the police reports?  Must've been a pretty well connected person to just ring up the Obamas and ask for a criminal case to be transferred.  It also shows that the FBI is a captured agency still following orders from the ex-Obama administration.

Well Kamala Harris is his aunt so there is that.
I wonder what became of the US Postal Inspectors investigation into the "white powder" mailed to the set of Empire? Were Jussie's pals at the Federal level able to squash that investigation? That would be a serious crime if it happened, covering up an act of terrorism. I also wonder about Jussie's phone records and calls to or from certain Congresspersons pushing anti-lynching legislation. I don't believe this crime was hatched in a vacuum.
(02-24-2019, 11:21 AM)Jamies_fried_chicken Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-17-2019, 08:12 PM)Jaguarmeister Wrote: [ -> ]I don’t think hate crimes should be a thing.  The crime is the crime and the punishment should be the same across the board no matter who is committing it or whatever their reasoning is.  There shouldn’t be a “thought” penalty on top of it primarily for the precedent it sets for the government penalizing certain thoughts no matter how despicable the majority of people might agree they are.  

That being said, since hate crimes are a thing this should be considered one considering his apparent hate for Trump and white Trump supporters motivated him to do this.  I’m not sure what he’s facing as a punishment, but falsifying a report to the police should carry some jail time on its own.

I think whatever penalty a white trump supporter would have received for doing what was alleged should be the penalty that Jussie receives if it turns out he orchestrated the whole thing like its looking like is the case.

So would you have considered what Mohammed Atta along with Al Quieda and ISIS did to Americans and our allies not hate crimes?

Nope, it was just murder. Adding "hate" to a charge merely makes victims of crime unequal under the law, something we should all oppose. Then you eventually make the "hate" itself the crime absent any tangible damages, and congratulations, you have criminalized thought and won't any of us be defensible.
Charges against Smollett have been dropped.

Totally Exonerated! I expect full apologies from all of you and the fake news (not FOX) MSM!
(03-26-2019, 11:29 AM)rollerjag Wrote: [ -> ]Charges against Smollett have been dropped.

Totally Exonerated! I expect full apologies from all of you and the fake news (not FOX) MSM!

Awesome false equivalency, but expected. Exonerated? It didn't even go to trial for due consideration! I imagine we'll learn more as to why. My guess is a procedural issue and may not be the last we hear about this.

You firtst! Instead of an apology, perhaps adopt the liberal playbook and everyone should just continue to smear him right out of Hollywood. Go after his acquintances and family as well.
It will be interesting to find out exactly why the charges were dropped. This is Chicago, after all.
(03-26-2019, 11:29 AM)rollerjag Wrote: [ -> ]Charges against Smollett have been dropped.

Totally Exonerated! I expect full apologies from all of you and the fake news (not FOX) MSM!

It is strange that this excites you.

Guess this means additional attacks in the middle of polar vortex' by masked men paid $3,500 via check will be coming soon to a ghetto city near you!
The only evidence I've heard against him was those two guy's word (guys smart enough to take a couple thousand to frame themselves for a ridiculous crime).   If they had some kind of other evidence, I've not seen it.
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