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(03-26-2019, 11:40 AM)B2hibry Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-26-2019, 11:29 AM)rollerjag Wrote: [ -> ]Charges against Smollett have been dropped.

Totally Exonerated! I expect full apologies from all of you and the fake news (not FOX) MSM!

Awesome false equivalency, but expected. Exonerated? It didn't even go to trial for due consideration! I imagine we'll learn more as to why. My guess is a procedural issue and may not be the last we hear about this.

You firtst! Instead of an apology, perhaps adopt the liberal playbook and everyone should just continue to smear him right out of Hollywood. Go after his acquintances and family as well.

(03-26-2019, 12:33 PM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-26-2019, 11:29 AM)rollerjag Wrote: [ -> ]Charges against Smollett have been dropped.

Totally Exonerated! I expect full apologies from all of you and the fake news (not FOX) MSM!

It is strange that this excites you.

Guess this means additional attacks in the middle of polar vortex' by masked men paid $3,500 via check will be coming soon to a ghetto city near you!

You guys are just too damn easy.
(03-26-2019, 12:53 PM)rollerjag Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-26-2019, 11:40 AM)B2hibry Wrote: [ -> ]Awesome false equivalency, but expected. Exonerated? It didn't even go to trial for due consideration! I imagine we'll learn more as to why. My guess is a procedural issue and may not be the last we hear about this.

You firtst! Instead of an apology, perhaps adopt the liberal playbook and everyone should just continue to smear him right out of Hollywood. Go after his acquintances and family as well.

(03-26-2019, 12:33 PM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]It is strange that this excites you.

Guess this means additional attacks in the middle of polar vortex' by masked men paid $3,500 via check will be coming soon to a ghetto city near you!

You guys are just too damn easy.
Just trolling as usual huh?

Nothing odd about a Chicago court dismissing a case days after the police union asks for a DOJ investigation because an Obama contacted ex-aide and current states attorney Kim Foxx to run interference on behalf of Smollett relative. Sure, nothing to see here in the good ol' corrupt Chicago!
Maybe the FBI will still decide to do their job and get him on mail fraud.
(03-26-2019, 01:11 PM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe the FBI will still decide to do their job and get him on mail fraud.

Nah, they're too busy trying to figure out how to get Trump with Mueller's report looking not as bad as thought.
Chicago has so many corruption scandals, looks like we are gonna add another.
In an interview later, Joe Magats, the prosecutor who made the decision, said that there had been no problems with the evidence or the police investigation into Mr. Smollett. Mr. Magats said he dropped the charges after Mr. Smollett agreed to the community service and to give up the $10,000 he paid for his release, money that would have been returned to him if he had made all his court appearances. He also noted that Mr. Smollett had no previous criminal record and said that the dropping of the charges “didn’t exonerate him.”

[A timeline of events of the Smollett case.]

“We work to prioritize violent crime and the drivers of violent crime,” Mr. Magats said. “I don’t see Jussie Smollett as a threat to public safety.”

(03-26-2019, 04:33 PM)Kane Wrote: [ -> ]In an interview later, Joe Magats, the prosecutor who made the decision, said that there had been no problems with the evidence or the police investigation into Mr. Smollett. Mr. Magats said he dropped the charges after Mr. Smollett agreed to the community service and to give up the $10,000 he paid for his release, money that would have been returned to him if he had made all his court appearances. He also noted that Mr. Smollett had no previous criminal record and said that the dropping of the charges “didn’t exonerate him.”

[A timeline of events of the Smollett case.]

We work to prioritize violent crime and the drivers of violent crime,” Mr. Magats said. “I don’t see Jussie Smollett as a threat to public safety.”


That is hilarious seeing Chicago is the murder capital of the country. Democrats literally ruin everything they touch.
I'll be the first to say it.  In today's society a "hate crime" is only so if it's committed by a straight white male.  A gay black male couldn't possibly be a "driver of violent crime" by staging a hoax targeting conservatives and more specifically using race when doing so.
I was expecting to read this thread and be able to post "well at least we can all agree that this guy is a total scumbag." Looks like I was wrong.
I swear, if this guy gets back on Empire, I am never watching it again.

Crap, just realized I have never actually watched it and had no clue who this guy was before he was attacked in a polar vortex.

The Obamas are 100% responsible for this guy walking with no charges.
What about money and resources used for the alleged hate crime investigation?
Civil court? Not sure how that all works.
Not sure why it wouldn't have been on the table for the "settlement"
This dude is the benefactor of being friends or acquaintances with the most corrupt and trifling set of humans to ever occupy a political office. Much less the White house. The Obama's. The decision to drop the charges is a slap in the face of justice. MLK is rolling over in his grave at the slap in his face that this scumbag gave him and the civil rights movement in whole.
Full confirmation that this was an Obama-launched attack against the American people.
Study 4th-generation warfare.
Learn to recognize the battlefield.
(03-27-2019, 08:57 AM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]I swear, if this guy gets back on Empire, I am never watching it again.

Crap, just realized I have never actually watched it and had no clue who this guy was before he was attacked in a polar vortex.

The Obamas are 100% responsible for this guy walking with no charges.

Oh no! How will Empire and Brooklyn 99 survive without you?!
(03-27-2019, 10:10 AM)Cleatwood Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-27-2019, 08:57 AM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]I swear, if this guy gets back on Empire, I am never watching it again.

Crap, just realized I have never actually watched it and had no clue who this guy was before he was attacked in a polar vortex.

The Obamas are 100% responsible for this guy walking with no charges.

Oh no! How will Empire and Brooklyn 99 survive without you?!

Brooklyn 99's days are numbered.... just wait...
(02-24-2019, 12:31 PM)Jaguarmeister Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-24-2019, 11:21 AM)Jamies_fried_chicken Wrote: [ -> ]So would you have considered what Mohammed Atta along with Al Quieda and ISIS did to Americans and our allies not hate crimes?

I’m pretty sure their hearts were filled with hate.  If, however, their hearts were instead filled with love for their fellow passenger and they felt like they were doing everyone a favor by flying the plane into a building, does that change anything for you?

Also, on principle there’s a huge difference between citizen on citizen crime versus acts by those deemed enemy combatants who were enabled by failures in our immigration system.  There’s a reason we don’t mirandize enemy soldiers on the battlefield.

It really boils down to: do you believe a person of one group that espouses hate filled rhetoric toward any other group but holds no position of power and never takes action against said group should be charged with a crime and locked away?  If the answer to that is no, and in a free society it should be, why are we ok imposing a thought penalty under any circumstance?  The action is the crime.  If a man beats another man to a bloody pulp on the street and in one scenario he gave no reason and in another he colorfully described out loud for witnesses to hear how he hated the group the man he beat belonged to, does it affect the outcome of the beating in any way?

I’m not arguing for leniency on anyone here. If you want to throw the book at someone who lays their hands on another person with violence in mind whatever their reasoning (outside of defense of oneself or another or in defense of one’s property), you’ll get no argument from me but the punishment should be consistent across the board.

You are totally correct in my opinion.   "Hate crimes" are crimes already, but they are supposedly made worse by thoughts.   But in a free society, thoughts are not crimes.   We don't have "thought police" like in the book "1984."

That's why I don't like to concept of "hate crimes."
[Image: kUoRAZW.png]
Smollett's charges being dropped is modern day racism. If this were a hate crime and "Two white men" were arrested, does anyone believe charges would have been dropped?
Not surprising. Rich/famous people always get away virtually unscathed.
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