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Quote:What debate are you watching?

The one where the Don can't control his outburst.
Hillary can't blame Donald for healthcare. She's all on her own here.
Quote:The one where the Don can't control his outburst.
He's on the attack. He needs to be. He's doing well for himself imo
seems like trumps handlers gave him a xanax for this one he is staying a bit more calm so far

I thought DT was gonna hit HRC with a diamond cutter when he was walking around behind her.
Trump just talking nonsense. Hilary answered that well. Not sure the average Trumpette understands that kind of complexity however
Quote:Trump just talking nonsense. Hilary answered that well. Not sure the average Trumpette understands that kind of complexity however

Everything Hillary just said doesn't change the healthcare premiums and deductibles I pay. Just words.
Trump should ask her to say it.
HRC just brought up Ali, LMBO
Quote:He's on the attack. He needs to be. He's doing well for himself imo

He was deflecting quite effectively, but now he's strayed into childish. He just can't control that temper.
trump has lost his mind

Quote:trump has lost his mind

The_Anchorman, on 09 Oct 2016 - 6:17 PM, said:

And if it is the first question, I feel sorry for all of us.
Go to HC.com to see Trump wasn't against the war.
Wow. Mods being tough on HRC.
I don't see how Trump can win over any moderate voters with this attitude. His supporters are probably enjoying this but I mean really?...
Quote:Wow. Mods being tough on HRC.

Not according to trump.  It's 3 on 1 according him
HRC is getting crushed. Trumps advisors coached him well so far.
Hillary looks like she wants to get up and [BLEEP] smack Donald!!
I think trump is really good at insults, he's great at 1 liners...  Hillary is not being forcefull enough.


Trump and all his sniffing is winning the debate so far.

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