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I think Fox have even given up on Trump at this point

Quote:Trump won that debate.  


Hate to say it... 


Not sure if it makes a difference, but he attacked and Hillary just sat back and just took it...

Think that was probably the plan. I doubt most women were impressed with his attitude. He was verging on imploding at one point but pulled it together a bit. He definitely threw the most punches.
Quote:Trump won that debate.

Hate to say it...

Not sure if it makes a difference, but he attacked and Hillary just sat back and just took it...
Sure about that?

I mean the bar is low, but when do you ever remember a President saying he disagrees with hismrunning mate?

He still falls in the polls by Friday.

Alot of chatter about how he stalked Hillary all evening.
Quote:Sure about that?

I mean the bar is low, but when do you ever remember a President saying he disagrees with hismrunning mate?

He still falls in the polls by Friday.

Your own people are turning on you. You are going into a tailspin!!!
Juan Williams called DJT the man of the hour.
Quote:Your own people are turning on you. You are going into a tailspin!!!

I really don't care if someone declares him winner.

Do you think he flipped votes?
Pence just tweeted his satisfaction, so there goes that rumor.
Quote:I really don't care if someone declares him winner.

Do you think he flipped votes?

I think these things are going to keep a lot of people home in November, and not his people.
Quote:I think these things are going to keep a lot of people home in November, and not his people.

So hedging you bets on voter apathy?
Quote:So hedging you bets on voter apathy?

That's how it seems. Lot of pissed off people with the process in general. It took 30 minutes to get to the first policy question for crying out loud.
Quote:That's how it seems. Lot of [BAD WORD REMOVED] off people with the process in general. It took 30 minutes to get to the first policy question for crying out loud.
He doesn't have any coherent policy. It's better when he's just throwing out insults
Hillary needs to stop saying "go to my website". She sounds like a commercial for a website and not a presidential candidate. I don't want to read what someone else wrote for her, I want to hear what she says in her own words.
Curious if Hillary's health issues were affecting her tonight. She wasn't really energetic or argumentative.
The baseball was very good.
Quote:Curious if Hillary's health issues were affecting her tonight. She wasn't really energetic or argumentative.

I think it was calculated. I think this debate is going to continue Donals downward spiral. Things people will talk about over next few days.

Stalking and trying to intimidate Hillary

Always arguing with Martha but not Cooper

Totallyn blowing off the Muslim and African American (Hillary called one by name)
Quote:I think it was calculated. I think this debate is going to continue Donals downward spiral. Things people will talk about over next few days.

Stalking and trying to intimidate Hillary

Always arguing with Martha but not Cooper

Totallyn blowing off the Muslim and African American (Hillary called one by name)

This debate did nothing but help Trump. Even Anchorman is saying that and he is the biggest Clinton supporter on here.
Why are people so concerned about Trumps positions on events as a civilian?
Quote:This debate did nothing but help Trump. Even Anchorman is saying that and he is the biggest Clinton supporter on here.

We will see eh?

Sometime its all about the optics. Like when you look at your watch out of habit.

Not sure the special prosecutor and threatening jail will play well with anybody out side the infowars/breitbart crew.
Quote:Why are people so concerned about Trumps positions on events as a civilian?

Beats the hell out of me. Considering he didn't have any of the top secret, for your eyes only, intel about any of it...
Quote:Beats the hell out of me. Considering he didn't have any of the top secret, for your eyes only, intel about any of it...

This could be his retort to many of her arguments, but for some reason he keeps harping on the fact that he didn't want to go into Iraq, which opens him up for other attacks he really had nothing to do with.
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