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Quote:GOLD. Pure Gold Jerry.

<a class="bbc_url" href='https://youtu.be/Hbh2qXBMjuY?t=12s'>https://youtu.be/Hbh2qXBMjuY?t=12s</a>

And yet it may be one of the lines that cause him to lose. Focus groups reacted negatively to that one.

Sorry, but that debate was good if it's the Breitbart audience you want. But the votes he doesn't have, he still doesn't have.

I know the alt-right likes that style, but it's proven the center does not.
Quote:And yet it may be one of the lines that cause him to lose. Focus groups reacted negatively to that one.

Sorry, but that debate was good if it's the Breitbart audience you want. But the votes he doesn't have, he still doesn't have.

I know the alt-right likes that style, but it's proven the center does not.

Nothing your people say can take away that debate performance by DJT.
Quote:In all seriousness, I am not a polling master, but I did turn on CNN 30 minutes after the debate and saw a CNN poll confirming Clinton won the debate. A CNN poll 30 minutes after the debate confirmed Clinton won the debate. Who did they poll? They didn't poll me.

Fair enough.  Like I said, I thought Hillary was too passive.  But apparently other people thought it was a good tactic?  


We should remember that trump dodged most of the questions, said he would throw his political rival in jail and abuse his power, and was a creepy sniffling stalker behind Hillary...


So while Hillary didn't do all that great, in my opinion.  Apparently, many more people thought trump did worse.
Quote:Nothing your people say can take away that debate performance by DJT.

You just made his point...
Quote:Fair enough.  Like I said, I thought Hillary was too passive.  But apparently other people thought it was a good tactic?  


We should remember that trump dodged most of the questions, said he would throw his political rival in jail and abuse his power, and was a creepy sniffling stalker behind Hillary...


So while Hillary didn't do all that great, in my opinion.  Apparently, many more people thought trump did worse.

Hillary belongs in jail. Like Trump and the rest of America says, if any civilian did a quarter of what she did, they would be locked up. Can you deny that? Seriously?


This was Trump's 2nd one-on-one debate. He needs to learn how to better control his breathing and microphone position. He isn't a professional politician like Hilldog. That's the appeal.
Quote:You just made his point...

What is his point? That 1.5 people on a message board think Hillary did a great job? You are the .5 because you were actually persuaded by his opinion after you had already made your own.


And then you blow up at a woman on the message board. Almost reminds me of the time you threatened to punch me in the face. You liberals have serious tempers. Every lib I have ever met has a violent temper to be honest. Is that a Bernie thing?

Honest assessment of the debate..

Trump did what he needed to do to stop the bleeding, but his responses were the typical word salad we have come to expect. No defendant taking the stand for sexual assault accusations anywhere in America will invoke ISIS as part of their argument. He played up to his supporters. He didn't do anything to reach those who are on the fence. He is still behind and will continue to trail all the way to the finish line. Trump's inability to shut the [BLEEP] up was something that has been viewed as a black mark against debate candidates my entire life. Talking over candidates has been construed as being rude and has cost other candidates points. His supporters seem to adore it. If this is a sample of his debate skills, the American people should be petrified when he needs to sit down with foreign leaders.

Hillary was more passive than she needed to be. She seemed rattled at times. She could've taken the opportunity to put the election away, and missed some openings. She was on the defensive more than she was during the first debate, but seemed to make a stronger case she would care for Americans of all backgrounds than Trump.

All in all.. I thought it was a wash. I don't think either person won. Trump didn't do as awful as he could have, but talked in circles. If you're going to take extra time after they tell you to stop, don't just repeat what you have already said three times. Hillary didn't land the knockout and taking the high road doesn't mean you don't stand up for yourself. I think she could have earned points by saying, "can I say anything without you talking over me like an impatient child?" Having Anderson Cooper repeatedly say "she isn't talking over you" makes it look like she cannot defend herself. I don't think either candidate really changed anyone's mind on who they will vote for. The national embarrassment continues.
Quote:What is his point? That 1.5 people on a message board think Hillary did a great job? You are the .5 because you were actually persuaded by his opinion after you had already made your own.


And then you blow up at a woman on the message board. Almost reminds me of the time you threatened to punch me in the face. You liberals have serious tempers. Every lib I have ever met has a violent temper to be honest. Is that a Bernie thing?

LOL, you were threatened by me jokingly saying I'd punch you in the face?  That's just sad.  I apologize if you were threatened.  I thought it was understood that my threat was all in jest.  
Quote:LOL, you were threatened by me jokingly saying I'd punch you in the face?  That's just sad.  I apologize if you were threatened.  I thought it was understood that my threat was all in jest.  

The sea was angry that day. You were salty all day. I just hope you had a good dry wall repair man.
Quote:The sea was angry that day. You were salty all day. I just hope you had a good dry wall repair man.

Yeah, I remember that day very well...  I was pretty stressed out.  I was hoping to hear from an employer I had interviewed with for a job that I wanted really badly.


And when you mentioned the analogy that questioned my jagaur fandom, I thought it was a good moment to blow off steam in a way that was harmless.  


I honestly wasn't trying to threaten you.  Sometimes it's nice to just yell for no reason.  But in no way was I honestly meaning any of that.  I'd buy you a scotch sooner then I'd ever punch you in the face, if we were ever to meet...  TBH.
Here's one of the reasons why I think polls show trump lost the debate:


[Image: CuXtDsLXEAEcFO1.jpg]

He looks like he is getting release in that photo.
Quote:Here's one of the reasons why I think polls show trump lost the debate:

[Image: CuXtDsLXEAEcFO1.jpg]

She looks crazed and he looks exacerbated. It's not a good look for either one of them.
Stalker Trump is trending
In a sane world...  With a balanced media Hillary would be getting demolished this morning worse than Trump has in the last 3 days.  Donald Trump TO HER FACE told the wrold that she attacked a 12 year old female rape victim and laughed about it in defense of a man she KNEW TO BE GUILTY, and she had ZERO RESPONSE.  There is a difference between a pivot and being a sociopath.  Kathy Shelton wasn't a hot Mic incident.  It's a window into this womans soul, or lack there of. 


He brought up Benghazi in a smart way, he brought up immigration in a smart way, he talked about the economy in a smart way, I thought that he handled the tax question in a smart way. 


There were a lot of things that he could have done better.  In this forum, the goal isn't just to make your points but to soften yourself and relate to the audience members participating in the town hall.  I think that She did a better job on that as far as addressing them directly looking at them and making it seem like more of a one on one conversation.  I thought that he had a chance to ease concerns with the question from the young Muslim woman that he missed.  I thought that he could have framed the TAPE a lot better, but somehow seemed to survive what everyone knew was going to be hell for the first 30 minutes. 


Hillary Clinton's biggest potential mistake was admitting the authenticity of Wiki leaks.  She gave a convoluted answer about Abe linclon, Trump turned it around in two seconds with a great one liner AND it opens her up to the contents of the document dump.  In those transcripts, we see a women who sang for her supper to the large multinational banking institutions.  There isn't a majority constituency in this country that wants a borderless country.  There isn't  a majority constituency in this country that wants to adopt a hemispheric common market, TPP NAFTA x 10 all rolled into one taking our jobs.  Moreover, there was a massive populist uprising in her own party AGAINST these ideas! 


I thought this was a b+ performance by Donald Trump with his campaign hanging by a thread.  There were legitimate questions about Mike Pence asking to be removed from the ticket, he had been quiet all day.  He got the congratulatory text and this morning people are nitpicking about where Donald Trump was standing instead of obsessing over an 11 year old tape as they had been the previous 48 hours or lamenting that he looked unprepared and unserious as they had in the first debate. 


Hillary Clinton gained a lot of political juice since the first debate with Machado and the tape.  As good as the kool aid tastes this morning, even I have doubts about the ability of the Trump campaign to stitch together an electoral win in just 30 days given their natural deficits, but Trump delivered very near the performance that he needed to stabilize his candidacy moving forward and we aren't talking about a change to the ticket which would have been catastrophic. 


Also, I think that both missed an opportunity to give a shout out to the thousands of people without power picking up the pieces in Florida and NC.  Trump made his surge in September by going to LA, he needs to be in FL and or NC and he needs to be (seen as your non descript politically correct messionic figure). 

The media is a real jerk for quoting words that come out of Trump's mouth.
Quote:Stalker Trump is trending

[Image: Trump_Debate_Stalk_rtr_img.jpeg]
Quote:Here's one of the reasons why I think polls show trump lost the debate:

[Image: CuXtDsLXEAEcFO1.jpg]

He's 70 now. Maybe a good chair vs a piss grab is all that's left.

But that pic needs captions.
a fly landed on Hillary's face because she's a piece of [BLEEP]

Quote:In a sane world...  With a balanced media Hillary would be getting demolished this morning worse than Trump has in the last 3 days.  Donald Trump TO HER FACE told the wrold that she attacked a 12 year old female rape victim and laughed about it in defense of a man she KNEW TO BE GUILTY, and she had ZERO RESPONSE.  There is a difference between a pivot and being a sociopath.  Kathy Shelton wasn't a hot Mic incident.  It's a window into this womans soul, or lack there of. 


He brought up Benghazi in a smart way, he brought up immigration in a smart way, he talked about the economy in a smart way, I thought that he handled the tax question in a smart way. 


There were a lot of things that he could have done better.  In this forum, the goal isn't just to make your points but to soften yourself and relate to the audience members participating in the town hall.  I think that She did a better job on that as far as addressing them directly looking at them and making it seem like more of a one on one conversation.  I thought that he had a chance to ease concerns with the question from the young Muslim woman that he missed.  I thought that he could have framed the TAPE a lot better, but somehow seemed to survive what everyone knew was going to be hell for the first 30 minutes. 


Hillary Clinton's biggest potential mistake was admitting the authenticity of Wiki leaks.  She gave a convoluted answer about Abe linclon, Trump turned it around in two seconds with a great one liner AND it opens her up to the contents of the document dump.  In those transcripts, we see a women who sang for her supper to the large multinational banking institutions.  There isn't a majority constituency in this country that wants a borderless country.  There isn't  a majority constituency in this country that wants to adopt a hemispheric common market, TPP NAFTA x 10 all rolled into one taking our jobs.  Moreover, there was a massive populist uprising in her own party AGAINST these ideas! 


I thought this was a b+ performance by Donald Trump with his campaign hanging by a thread.  There were legitimate questions about Mike Pence asking to be removed from the ticket, he had been quiet all day.  He got the congratulatory text and this morning people are nitpicking about where Donald Trump was standing instead of obsessing over an 11 year old tape as they had been the previous 48 hours or lamenting that he looked unprepared and unserious as they had in the first debate. 


Hillary Clinton gained a lot of political juice since the first debate with Machado and the tape.  As good as the kool aid tastes this morning, even I have doubts about the ability of the Trump campaign to stitch together an electoral win in just 30 days given their natural deficits, but Trump delivered very near the performance that he needed to stabilize his candidacy moving forward and we aren't talking about a change to the ticket which would have been catastrophic. 


Also, I think that both missed an opportunity to give a shout out to the thousands of people without power picking up the pieces in Florida and NC.  Trump made his surge in September by going to LA, he needs to be in FL and or NC and he needs to be (seen as your non descript politically correct messionic figure). 

the onslaught from the main stream news in the bag for Clinton is so constant.  i seriously doubt Trump can win. his only hope is that people who poll for Hillary wont actually stand in line to vote for her.
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