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Sorry - Your Retirement Offer Has Been Denied.  Please keep posting as your health allows.   

My prayers are with you and the Drifter, who recently posted a similar message Sad
Even if you're not posting here, I sincerely wish you more health and more energy than you have now, and that you can invest those in things you enjoy more.
Your postgame threads were my favorite thing on this board. You always said everything that needed to be said.
I'm so sorry to hear that Bullseye. Your truly loved and respected round here. Always enjoyed your posts and discussing the pros and cons of the Jags. Hope your get better. Anything I or we can do to help you need only ask.
Sigh, it's like Ramsey all over again Smile
Keep fighting the good fight bud.
Hey Bullseye,

I hope you are doing okay, we are definitely gonna miss you, you are imo one of the best posters here (even though I haven't agree with you lately lol).

I wish you nothing but the best.
I'm sorry to hear this, Bullseye. Your knowledge and respectfulness will be greatly missed. I always make a point of reading your posts. This place will definitely be lacking without you.

I hope that all goes well for you. Nothing but love and respect despite us hardly engaging. You're in my prayers and thoughts.

This is a gut punch Sad The last time I felt this downtrodden about a poster "leaving" was Dakota during his battle with Cancer. I'll keep you in my prayers and best of luck in your health struggles and in everything you do in life!!

I'm REALLY going to miss your thoughts during TC and quick hits after each game; your insight into the league, the sport and especially this team is superb.

Mods/Admins ... I think we should have a sticky topic for "Hall of Fame Posters" And both Bullseye and Dakota should be in first ballot!!
Bullseye, so sorry to hear. I can relate to a degree with the health concerns portion. It is no fun at all. You will be in my thoughts...thanks for all your great posts. If you need anything at all, feel free to reach out!
Prayers for you and hope your health gets better. One of the best writers I've seen, maybe the team can go on a string of wins for you.
Farewell and get better so that you can return soon.
Well I don't accept it, sorry just not allowed.

Kidding unlike fandom for team, I understand real world events creating problems. Good thoughts, blessings and prayers to you and your family. It is very important to invest in things that matter and I completely understand.
(11-12-2019, 07:21 AM)homebiscuit Wrote: [ -> ]This is shocking news. You’re a cornerstone here, Bullseye. Although we rarely engaged, I always read your posts with tremendous respect and regard. Your insight and analysis are nonpareil, and will be greatly missed. Please try to stop in on occasion. I hope all the best for you.

As I began to frame my thoughts, I saw this post and could not state how I feel any better or more accurately than he did.
Sorry to hear about your health Bullseye... take care buddy
I hope your health improves and allows you to return to the board soon. It wont be the same without you. You are one of the handful of posters that I look forward to reading what they have to say and don't TL;DR.
It’s so crazy how we all come here to talk about football. The one thing that we all have in common is Jaguar Football.

None of us know each other, and we are all way out of date. Some of us, like myself, don’t have social media and we still post on a Forum.

There are some of us that have been talking to each other for more than 2 decades. I’ve always read Bullseyes stuff. It was like reading a well written article.

So from a long time board member to another, I reject your retirement and if there is anything you need just let me know.
You will be greatly missed around here. I hope your health and circumstances improve and you’re able to join us again real soon! Love
I am sorry to hear this news Bullseye.  I for one view you as "an icon" on the board.  I wish you well and hope that your health improves.
Sorry to hear Bulls, I look forward to your recaps every week. Being from.Canada and can never see a game I enjoy all the info you brought.

Wish you and your health the best.
Bullseye is an OG so hopefully he returns to the board ASAP
Ah man, I dont know who can fill in your gap. i have always enjoyed your post game write ups and afc south threads. I hope that the health troubles reverse and you can continue to do what you love. Will send a prayer for ya.
The board will never be the same! Sure will miss your well written analysis and posts... I will pray for your health and happiness. We’ll miss you man.
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