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Full Version: Board Retirement
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Get well, soon. You will be missed.
Take care Bullseye.
Can you atleast finish out this season brother?

Foles returning to attempt a save for the ages. It feels like 1996 all over again. Remember in 1996 we were 4-7 at one point and ripped off 7 straight. Clay still haunts me at night.
I hate to see this, Bullseye! You are one of the main reasons I read the boards. Your cogent analysis and general good nature make you a treasure to your friends and admirers here. My prayers to the Father are with you as you face your health challenges. Hope you’re better soon.

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This is shockingly bad news. You are one of the most cogent posters, and have been since our AOL days. Like everyone else, I hope you recover completely from your health problem. That's by far the most important thing right now.
I rarely post, but always appreciate your knowledge and passion. Thank you. Wishing good health and all the best to you Bullseye.
Man this one stings. There are very few posters that genuinely get along with everyone. You will be missed Bullseye. Thank you for all your posts threads. I wish you nothing but the best with your health. Keep fighting the good fight and stop in from time to time. Go jags!
I echo the sentiments of everyone else in this thread. I’ve always respected your opinions, and will miss your insight terribly. Get well my brother.

It saddens me greatly to hear this news on so many levels. The way you can put my scattered thoughts into eloquent words will sorely be missed. Even on the limited occasions when we would disagree the respectful nature of our discourse was a rare and greatly appreciated treat. May what ever ails you miraculously disappear. God bless you!
We never really interacted but have seen you around for years. Sadly, us as message board posters are becoming a dying breed. Best of luck to you!
What!? This is truly sad news. Just as sad as when Dakota dropped his cancer diagnosis on us. Sucker punch in the gut. 

I really do understand the health part of it though. I dropped off the board back in 2007 or so due to my own issues and never thinking I'd be back. Let's make sure you come back, mmmkay? Because this place is a whole lot better when you're around. I'll remember you in prayer, Bullseye. Damn, this sucks.... :`-(
I rarely post anymore, but wanted to thank you for all of your wonderful posts and thoughtful commentary over the years. Best wishes. You'll be missed.
I never post. I felt it necessary to thank you for all your insightful posts over the years.
You will be missed.
Bullseye, you have enriched our lives. Take care of yourself, come back to us when you're able.
I wish you the best and hope your health gets better. We all will miss your insight and tremendous information. Prayers and respect to you!
Sad to hear. You add so much insight on this forum love reading your stuff.
What a bummer. I will miss your excellent posts, ramblings, and musings. Best wishes and gods graces to you bullseye.
Wishing you the best. I've always looked forward to your impressions of the game.
Thanks for everything bullseye prayers headed your way
More than any other poster (or even writer/ blogger) I looked forward to your thoughts. I hope that you are able to overcome your health issues and rejoin the community.

Thank you sincerely for all of the excellent writing over the years. Your input will be sorely missed.
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