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Hate to see you go. You'll be missed!

Wishing you all the best with your health.
Always hate to see such a distinguished & well-spoken poster leave, but hopefully Bullseye’s health issues improve to at least let him get in a post from time to time as his input is highly regarded.
One of the sharpest folks on this board. I wish you a speedy recovery.
Farewell Bullseye. I will greatly miss your well written and thought provoking posts and vast football knowledge on these boards. I’ve specifically referenced your posts on more than one occasion when it came to 70’s - 90’s era football. Please stop in just to say hi every now and again if health permits.
Time is a precious commodity and I hope yours is spent doing exactly what you love to do with those you love to do it with. Thank you for the years of posting here. I spent many years as a guest reading and enjoying your thoughts. There are many more guests that have as well. Sometimes one has no idea how many lives they have touched and Bullseye you have graced many. Thank you! Smile
first of all you will be missed here bullseye,but your health is more imporent then the messege board and any type pf football. a lot of us here will miss you.

in the mean time you will be in my thoughts,and prayers. at least come back,and update us on your health when you can.  I have always said we all want our team to win,but there are more imporent 

things then football. a persons health is one of those things.   did you ask someone here though to contintue the afc south pick em since your retireing from the board. 

Again i hope your health gets better.
You'll be missed. Not much I can say that hasn't been said.

Today is yet another sad day for this community.

Life is precious, don't waste it.

Best of luck in fighting whatever it is.
You're one of the best posters on this site and I looked forward to your latest insight. Health is much more important. Take care of yourself first.
You command great respect not just from me but throughout the board. As positive as you are, you shall get through whatever it is... Wish you well.
Good luck Bullseye, and hope circumstances bring you back to being that "guy that posts a lot". The board is losing one of the best football minds. I still remember 2 lengthy threads where we had an extended discussion: one on the rebel flag, and another on why Pittsburgh wins. I learned a lot in both, and enjoyed a revolution in my way of thinking thanks to your writings. Much appreciated.
Bullseye, my thoughts and prayers are with you.

Thanks for all of your efforts, insight, support, and class over the years. It's greatly appreciated. You are one of my favorite posters on any Message Board or Forum.

I think back to prior to the 2005 NFL Draft when we were having a discussion about Kansas St. RB Darren Sproles as an NFL prospect. We both had praise for him. Yet, I'm amazed that Sproles is in his 15th NFL season. Even he probably didn't envision that happening back in 2005.

Only the Best to you and your family!
Much respect man I've always enjoyed reading the knowledgeable and true fan's perspectives and you sir are a true fan. The community here is one of a kind and won't be the same without you. Hope you pull though!
Sorry to hear Bullseye. You've been a long time member and ine of my favorite posters. I've always enjoyed your commentary, observations, critiques, and opinions even if I didn't agree with some a times.

The "Thoughts After" games and "This Week In The AFCS" threads have always been a couole of my favs.

Thoughts and Prayers with you.
I'm a few days late, but never the less...

Bullseye you've always been one of my favorites around here and I've always looked forward to reading your posts. You've brought a bunch of beautiful opinions/discussions to these boards over the years.

I truly wish you nothing but the best and wish you well brother. You'll be in my thoughts friend.

Nothing but love to you and all of yours Bullseye.
Best of luck and well wishes to you and yours, Bullseye. Don't be a stranger around here.
Hopefully you'll be back up and running soon. We could always put together a roadtrip and bring the boards to you.
(11-12-2019, 05:45 AM)Bullseye Wrote: [ -> ]One of my absolute favorite things to do is to come onto this board and discuss and debate football with my fellow Jaguars fans.  Whether we are in lockstep agreement or diametrically opposed in thought, exchanging those thoughts with you guys and gals has been great.

However, health concerns has made engaging in this favorite activity increasingly difficult to do, to the point of nigh impossibility.

Accordingly, my posting will become increasingly rare, if it does not stop altogether, so I am bidding farewell while I can.

There are posters-too many to name-I've grown to respect a great deal over the years-whose perspectives I will miss a great deal.  But whether with longtime posters or first time posters, I will miss celebrating our wins, commiserating our losses,hating the tacks and sharing our hopes for the Jaguars with all of you.  Health permitting, I may check in from time to time, but as a daily/near daily activity, my time here has passed.

Thank you all for the great discussion since 2002 (and linger with those who were pm the old AOL boards).  Thank you for entertaining my thoughts.  Thank you for sharing yours.  Thank you for letting me know I don't know everything.  Thank you for the mock drafts, Leftwich v. Garrard, Spurrier, Tebow.  Thank you for 3-4 vs. 4-3, passing vs, running, firings, hirings, blackouts and sellouts.  Thank you for Boselli in the hall, Jimmy in the ring, and building from the trenches.  Thank you all for getting me through the offseasons, for training camp reports.  Thanks for revisiting draft mistakes and questioning playcalling.  Thank you for the humor and hubris, and the Cochram-Mehri debates.

Don't let media snobs look down their noses at you.  These message boards are an invaluable part of the fan experience-at least they have been for me.  Keep them active and vibrant.  Keep the debate vigorous and passionate. 

Most importantly. keep supporting the Jaguars!

You aren't ONE of my favorite posters, you are MY FAVORITE poster.

We've been here for years, and I've often thought I'd reach out and see about lunch or something....another reminder to not delay in meeting someone who you believe you'd enjoy the company of.  

This honestly shocked me, and hit me pretty hard.

Hope things turn for the better.   

You are the man, Bullseye.
Thank you and godspeed Bullseye!

I've always enjoyed discussing football with you. You are one of few who I could always expect to have good football talk with.

I'm mostly retired as well, but check in occasionally. So, I'm glad I spotted this thread.

Best of health and happiness!
Noooooo. Huge loss for all of us.

Bullseye, much respect to you my man, reading your “Impressions” threads is legitimately a staple of my NFL week routine. Hate to see em go. Thanks for all your insight over the years, and more importantly, thank you for always conducting yourself in a mature and thoughtful manner, you have class good sir.

Best wishes for your health, hope you enjoy many many more Jags Sundays, whether it’s on the board with us or not.
Bullseye, I saw this post and had to think back to when we met at training camp years ago. As one of the more intelligent posters on the board, it was always a pleasure to talk to you, and more importantly, to read your posts on the board. Your participation on the board will truly be missed. You have been one of the finest, most insightful contributors on the board for nearly 2 decades. I hope and pray for you to regain your health, and I'll hold out the possibility that this isn't a retirement, but a leave of absence. Take care of yourself.
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