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Full Version: NFLPA wins grievance case and slams Jaguars management
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All the players who filed grievances were all quitters/sore losers anyways:

Telvin? Quitter. Fowler? Childish quitter. Ramsey? King quitter.

I could care less about what these loser players have to say. Also, unions are a huge reason this country is in such bad shape today.
so how much of the $700,000 is Fowler going to share with the guy who he threw the groceries in the pond and stomped his glasses.
It would scare hell out of me if a big NFL player did that to me
I'd be calling Farrah & Farrah
Well, if there was any question about the FO being gone in the off season.....
(12-17-2019, 08:07 AM)Talented Kalamari Wrote: [ -> ]All the players who filed  grievances were all quitters/sore losers anyways:

Telvin? Quitter. Fowler? Childish quitter. Ramsey? King quitter.

I could care less about what these loser players have to say. Also, unions are a huge reason this country is in such bad shape today.


Glad they were fined.
(12-17-2019, 03:24 AM)LMD Wrote: [ -> ]So here's a stupid and silly little addendum to the story: Ramsey tweeted "Tried to tell y'all."


I think it's safe to say this is not surprising.

The part that gets interesting is Allen Robinson responded with 4 laughing-crying emojis. And tagged former Jags beat writer Mike Kaye, who also retweeted Ramsey's tweet.


Kaye then responded to Robinson's tweet with "was waiting for this tbh."


Does anyone know why Kaye would have beef with TC, or at least care enough for Robinson to specifically tag him in a tweet mocking TC? I know Ryan O' used to fight with basically everyone in the organization, but I thought Kaye kept it professional? (Or, maybe just when compared to Ryan O'?)

Regardless, I'm getting the sinking feeling this arbitration award is going to open the floodgates to a ton of hit-pieces on Coughlin and the franchise, deserved or not. Hopefully I'm wrong, but I'm afraid this media cycle will not be fun for us fans.
I don’t think Kaye has beef but he just knew what was going on behind closed doors.

No one (except a few) will miss Coughlin. Great coach. God awful GM/EVP.
So what happens when Coughlin is retained...how many cry babies will there be.
(12-17-2019, 08:45 AM)old_man Wrote: [ -> ]So what happens when Coughlin is retained...how many cry babies will there be.

I'll just hold onto this brilliant observation for future use.
(12-16-2019, 11:15 PM)Talented Kalamari Wrote: [ -> ]The game has become too soft for TC. Expect him to step away and spend the rest of his days with family. We’ll miss you Tom.

Agreed.  But not only are the players much softer, it's now part of the agreement between the NFL and the union.  So on one hand, I have no problem with Tom trying to take a bunch of softies and make them tougher.  But if it's actually against league / union rules, that I do have a problem with.  Makes me wonder why we even thought we could get away with it.
(12-17-2019, 08:52 AM)rfc17 Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-16-2019, 11:15 PM)Talented Kalamari Wrote: [ -> ]The game has become too soft for TC. Expect him to step away and spend the rest of his days with family. We’ll miss you Tom.

Agreed.  But not only are the players much softer, it's now part of the agreement between the NFL and the union.  So on one hand, I have no problem with Tom trying to take a bunch of softies and make them tougher.  But if it's actually against league / union rules, that I do have a problem with.  Makes me wonder why we even thought we could get away with it.

Disagreement over the interpretation of a contract happens in every business, it's not unique to the NFL.

And I too am skeptical of the presentation of a percentage without the context of gross numbers. 3 of 12 is 25% after all, but it's not exactly a pandemic.
(12-16-2019, 04:17 PM)TJBender Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-16-2019, 03:58 PM)JackCity Wrote: [ -> ]Just wow. 

Wonder how the Coughlin supporters will spin this? 

25% of all grievances the last 2 years have come from Jacksonville 

The part not shown in that preview is that the NFLPA specifically advises players to "consider this when you have a chance to select your next club". Not a good look for Coughlin.

If the NFLPA issues a statement like that amidst the decision against the franchise regarding their fining procedures, I don't see how in the world Tom survives beyond today. His mere presence in the building is a poison that not only is costing us financially, but now a threat against us ever bringing in big name talents.

I don't blame Fowler in the least for getting the heck out of dodge, whether he asked for the trade or simply refused to discuss a second contract.

Shad cannot accept this level of performance from his topmost in command. He is giving the franchise a black eye. He needs the "resign or be fired" call first thing this morning.

I don't think I've ever read a more critical statement against a franchise, and just a few weeks ago we were reading about a franchise that recommended a dude rub a little dirt on his cancer. Think about that. Tom's front office is worse than a team that tried to sweep a dude's cancerous tumor under the rug.

Torches and pitchforks until he's fired, Duval.
(12-16-2019, 05:23 PM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]Did anyone ever believe Shad Khan would be in the running for the worst owner in professional sports when he purchased this team?

As long as Daniel Snyder owns the Redacteds, everyone is fighting for runner up.

There are plenty of bad owners in other sports, too. Shad is not a terrible owner. He just made a regrettable hire at the most important position in his front office.
(12-16-2019, 07:03 PM)Mowerguy Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-16-2019, 05:02 PM)JagFan81 Wrote: [ -> ]What do we do right?

That's bad all over. Fining a guy 25 times. You would think after the 5th time that they may try something else. Players talk to other players. I'm looking forward to the Jags response

It will be interesting....since Tom as EVP of Football Operations ....this buck stops with him....
as owner of the Jaguars....it reflects directly on Khan.
By  advising their members to avoid the Jaguars it directly affects their  ability to attract top talent....not really something you want as an owner.

Exactly. This isn't like Ramsey where they all play 'its not my decision' this goes to the very top. Is Khan on board with this? Does he even know?

Its voluntary, it's not players not being bothered or lazy, and Coughlin was in the wrong. Fined 25 times. And we wonder why players down tools and dont fight. They dont want to. 

As said before, its changing and you adapt or die.
(12-17-2019, 09:07 AM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-17-2019, 08:52 AM)rfc17 Wrote: [ -> ]Agreed.  But not only are the players much softer, it's now part of the agreement between the NFL and the union.  So on one hand, I have no problem with Tom trying to take a bunch of softies and make them tougher.  But if it's actually against league / union rules, that I do have a problem with.  Makes me wonder why we even thought we could get away with it.

Disagreement over the interpretation of a contract happens in every business, it's not unique to the NFL.

And I too am skeptical of the presentation of a percentage without the context of gross numbers. 3 of 12 is 25% after all, but it's not exactly a pandemic.

25% of all claims from 32 teams with 50+ players each is still a gaudy stat dude.

It should be no higher than like 5%.

As I posted above, in the past 2 years there have been at least 3-4 grievances made public from Antonio Brown and the NFLPA over the anthem policy. There's probably somewhere between a dozen or two every year. If we account for 25% of those... that's ridiculous and shows that Coughlin is not a good manager of people, contracts, or a football team.... as if we needed more evidence.
(12-16-2019, 06:11 PM)Caldrac Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-16-2019, 06:03 PM)rpr52121 Wrote: [ -> ]I mean so many things points to Shad cleaning house at the of the season. However, with this shot across the bow, I don't think Shad should wait so long to speak up and start that.

Everything is marketing, and playing the media. Sure, Shad should take some of the blame. But getting rid of the front office right now, could help to mend the "image" aspect of this announcement. Even waiting for 2 weeks will allow free agents to to take this more to heart.

Sadly, I don't think that he will.
He won't make a move until after week 17 has concluded. But it's coming.

He has no choice really after this. It's embarrassing. It's been every other week with a report here and a report there.

Plenty of finger pointing between Coughlin and the coaching staff. But this is starting to look more and more like Coughlin's classic dictatorship approach overstepping as usual.

It's okay as a coach. Not as a vice president of an entire team's football operations. Tommy boy [BLEEP] up here BIG time.

I suggest he adopts the word savvy. And learns to loosen up on that word grit. Because boy oh boy have you made this organization look bad.

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk

I applaud Shad's patience and unwillingness to react impulsively to circumstances that have unfolded over the course of this season. Fans, players, and media have been wondering when the hammer will finally fall, and Shad met every demand for a head on a pike with calm, weathered responses in the spirit of maintaining the stability of leadership across the franchise.

This changes the entire scope of the discussion. He absolutely cannot project any sense of acceptance of the findings provided by the NFLPA. Keeping Tom employed does just that. This isn't a "We'll sit down and ensure that his actions match the vision of the franchise" or "We need to be better about knowing the authorities we are granted under the current CBA" type of speech. Tom's job was knowing our vision, knowing what measures he had to enforce the policies the team wanted to enforce, and knowing the consequences of breaking rules. He failed. He must now face the music that this failure cannot continue.

Every coach, GM, player, agent, media, and other team personnel in the league is watching. How Shad responds to this finding will shape their decision making process when Jacksonville comes calling to fill a vacancy. This is the biggest story in franchise history. This can literally destroy the franchise from the inside out if it is not addressed properly.
The fact that the league said, "You as players may want to consider this when you have a chance to select your next club.".....that is a DAMNING indictment on the current regime here. It's gotten down right toxic and most are right. He might make it through the day, but if he makes it through Black Monday.....then it's official, Khan officially doesn't care if this franchise EVER wins.
(12-17-2019, 09:07 AM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-17-2019, 08:52 AM)rfc17 Wrote: [ -> ]Agreed.  But not only are the players much softer, it's now part of the agreement between the NFL and the union.  So on one hand, I have no problem with Tom trying to take a bunch of softies and make them tougher.  But if it's actually against league / union rules, that I do have a problem with.  Makes me wonder why we even thought we could get away with it.

Disagreement over the interpretation of a contract happens in every business, it's not unique to the NFL.

And I too am skeptical of the presentation of a percentage without the context of gross numbers. 3 of 12 is 25% after all, but it's not exactly a pandemic.

Do you really think the players union is going to issue a statement like "consider your decision to sign with the Jags" if they're dealing with 12 complaints league-wide?

Come the flip on.
(12-17-2019, 10:32 AM)NCJag Wrote: [ -> ]The fact that the league said, "You as players may want to consider this when you have a chance to select your next club.".....that is a DAMNING indictment on the current regime here. It's gotten down right toxic and most are right. He might make it through the day, but if he makes it through Black Monday.....then it's official, Khan officially doesn't care if this franchise EVER wins.

But it sounds classic Coughlin. I remember watching the 2008 Americas Game for the Giants, Strahan saying how unhappy he was with Coughlin, fining you for turning up to a meeting on time (Coughlin Time), guys saying they would only be there for a year and Strahan really speaks about how he mellowed and opened up and the players really responded 

I get the feeling 2017 was smooth sailing and happy days but 2018 went downhill fast and the D used to be real arrogant, I can see TC and that attitude clashing in a losing streak.

Just think if your boss decides to make something 'mandatory' under his rules. Then fined you 25 times for it. How long before you tell that guy to [BLEEP] himself?
(12-17-2019, 08:07 AM)Talented Kalamari Wrote: [ -> ]All the players who filed  grievances were all quitters/sore losers anyways:

Telvin? Quitter. Fowler? Childish quitter. Ramsey? King quitter.

I could care less about what these loser players have to say. Also, unions are a huge reason this country is in such bad shape today.

Putting aside the broader monetary issues surrounding the NFLPA (and football in general), the union protecting player safety is the only noble purpose it can serve. This is a game where men take a blow to the head that knocks them cold, then lie about it so they can get back into the same game. In a lot of ways, the NFLPA is there to protect them from themselves. In this case, well, if I was hurt on the job and my employer that has a vested interest in my ability to chase a ball--not necessarily my overall health--tells me that I have to go to them for rehab, period, then I'd have a problem with that. If I have to pay for it myself to go elsewhere, fine, but under no circumstances should I be forced to go to the same employer that got me hurt in the first place for rehab and a "he's healthy (enough to play)" diagnosis.
(12-17-2019, 08:07 AM)Talented Kalamari Wrote: [ -> ]All the players who filed  grievances were all quitters/sore losers anyways:

Telvin? Quitter. Fowler? Childish quitter. Ramsey? King quitter.

I could care less about what these loser players have to say. Also, unions are a huge reason this country is in such bad shape today.

I guess we should continue to breach the NFLPA with regard to players we don't like.  Why stop there if we're going to manage with disregard to the regulations.  Perhaps make players work out in February.
(12-17-2019, 11:01 AM)HURRICANE!!! Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-17-2019, 08:07 AM)Talented Kalamari Wrote: [ -> ]All the players who filed  grievances were all quitters/sore losers anyways:

Telvin? Quitter. Fowler? Childish quitter. Ramsey? King quitter.

I could care less about what these loser players have to say. Also, unions are a huge reason this country is in such bad shape today.

I guess we should continue to breach the NFLPA with regard to players we don't like.  Why stop there if we're going to manage with disregard to the regulations.  Perhaps make players work out in February.

Don't give TC any ideas.
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