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Full Version: Win and keep Gus, or Lose and fire Gus?
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Win and fire Gus Bradley?

Win and Gus still goes.

I don't care how much the players believe in Gus. It is beyond time to move on.

This team is too talented not to give it better coaching. This isn't the 2013 Jags anymore. The roster isn't empty of talent. It's time for a different coach to see what can be done with it.
I just want to win. I don't care who is coaching.
Gus cannot lead this team to win a Super Bowl IMO.  There's not one shred of evidence to support that he can.

Quote:Gus cannot lead this team to win a Super Bowl IMO. There's not one shred of evidence to support that he can.

There isn't a shred of evidence he can take them to the playoffs let alone a Super Bowl.
Let's hope for a Marty Schottenheimer finish this year: 10-6 with a division title and a new coach next year.
Quote:Gus cannot lead this team to win a Super Bowl IMO.  There's not one shred of evidence to support that he can.

Gus cant lead them to the toilet bowl.

Quote:Let's hope for a Marty Schottenheimer finish this year: 10-6 with a division title and a new coach next year.

Just Win and everything will be fine..... If we lose 4 straight, it's doom and gloom for 12-13 more weeks.

Coaches don't win games, talented players do.
Go Jegwires!

Quote:Coaches don't win games, talented players do.

That's not entirely true. A great coach can do wonders with a average team and turned them into a great team
WIn. Maybe the SD game will lite a fire, rustle some branches, etc. etc. . If they start to win and get it going, I won't complain. Some just want him fired no matter what, I think. If things continue their downward spiral, he's gone. 

Hard to vote. On one hand, we finally get rid of literally the WORST coach since 1940. On the other hand, Jags lose... Sad


The Jags will simply never, ever be capable of winning the big game with literally the worst coach since 1940 (LWCS1940, that's Gus' new nickname). So...I take the guarantee of Gus being gone (because who knows if Shad will actually get rid of Gus if he keeps him through this season?). I will take my chances with interim Marrone at 0-4.

Quote:Hard to vote. On one hand, we finally get rid of literally the WORST coach since 1940. On the other hand, Jags lose... Sad


The Jags will simply never, ever be capable of winning the big game with literally the worst coach since 1940 (LWCS1940, that's Gus' new nickname). So...I take the guarantee of Gus being gone (because who knows if Shad will actually get rid of Gus if he keeps him through this season?). I will take my chances with interim Marrone at 0-4.

Pretty much sums it up. 


It's not that I don't want the Jags to win... I just want this nightmare to be over as soon as possible.  Lose, Fire Gus, then look to win 12 straight!
Quote:Good point man. So my story...I am 29. I picked the Jaguars when they first came into the league because "I liked their logo". So I was probably around 12 years old? I'm not even from Jacksonville, never lived in Florida. My brother picked the Panthers because both of the teams came in as expansion teams. We grew up in Cincinnati so as we got older eventually my brother ditched the Panthers because he realized he had no connection to them and chose the Bengals since we are from Cincinnati.

Me? I stuck with the Jaguars all the way through. Again, I have never even been to the stadium. I have driven by Jacksonville just once in my life. I grew up a lot too in Mississippi where I was born so everyone has always wondered why I am a Jaguars fan but they know I am a true fan because I have stuck with them from literally day 1.

So being able to go see them made it real hard this past Sunday. I have only seen them play live roughly 5-6 times? (Lived in Nashville for 5 years so saw them there a lot too).

Sorry just wanted to give my background!

Hahaha! I'm 28 and my older brother and I did the exact same thing except he dumped Carolina for Tampa and now follows them and the Bills bc he still lives in Western NY
Quote:Always choose for the Jaguars to win.
Firegusbradley.com thinks he should be fired.
Quote:Pretty much sums it up.

It's not that I don't want the Jags to win... I just want this nightmare to be over as soon as possible. Lose, Fire Gus, then look to win 12 straight!

Won't work this way. Team would be a dumpster fire and probably win 4. Better off winning and seeing how it plays out.
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