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Quote:Sweet 6lb 7oz baby Jesus!!

Pick an argument already!! You are all over the place here. You've gone from "Fox is trying to scare you into submission", to "yeah, they're both reporting on the news but I bet Fox does it longer" and now you're at "well...they're both still doing it, but look how much more mean and scary the headlines on Fox are!!"

Just flipping man up already and admit that they are doing the exact same thing.

Actually looking at them side by side one seems to be fearmongering and the other trying to report on it ad nauseam. Or can you not spot the difference.
Quote:Accurately reporting on three terror attacks = fearmongering? Really? Lol
It is if you desperately need to shift away from reality to the narrative that their messiah is pushing, that everything is peachy keen, ISIS is on the run, the world is a much safer place today, and the economy is just going gang busters right now.
Quote:Actually looking at them side by side one seems to be fearmongering and the other trying to report on it ad nauseam. Or can you not spot the difference.

I find nothing fear mongering in any of them, but then I'm not the one that's desperately trying to cling to a point that's been blown to pieces by the facts. So there's that...
Quote:I find nothing fear mongering in any of them, but then I'm not the one that's desperately trying to cling to a point that's been blown to pieces by the facts. So there's that...

CNN - mentions the word bomber once. The guy's actual name 3 times.

FOX - mentions the word bomber once and the word bomb 5 times. Radical once. Jihadist once. "Hates America" once. Ties in a small update to a much more serious terror attack and never uses the guy's actual name at all.

But I'm imagining things.
Quote:CNN - mentions the word bomber once. The guy's actual name 3 times.

FOX - mentions the word bomber once and the word bomb 5 times. Radical once. Jihadist once. "Hates America" once. Ties in a small update to a much more serious terror attack and never uses the guy's actual name at all.

But I'm imagining things.
Yep, it's just Fox...

Four "bombs", one "bombing"

[Image: AERC0.png]

"Extremist", "jihad" four times and two more "bombing"

[Image: 61qEW.png]
Quote:Yep, it's just Fox...

Four "bombs", one "bombing"

[Image: AERC0.png]

"Extremist", "jihad" four times and two more "bombing"

[Image: 61qEW.png]

I'm just waiting for the assertion that Fox News uses anagrams for the words 'bomb' and 'terrorist' as subliminal messaging.
Quote:I'm just waiting for the assertion that Fox News uses anagrams for the words 'bomb' and 'terrorist' as subliminal messaging.

Be our mutual buddy because trust encourages real reform of radical islamic states.. TESTIFY!!!
I'm just going off mobile view. You are taking screen shots from desktop view. From what I see on my mobile device, the difference is quite noticeable. There's no debate FOX more commonly uses deliberate phrases or repeats certain words as often as possible to paint a narrative of fear (or that they are more likely to make false claims than any other "news" outlet.).
You were saying...?

[Image: 8cXk6.png]

[Image: M3uEn.png]
[Image: L4bRE.png]

[Image: tR4aC.png]
FOX links to the same details. -PUSH-

Quoting an affidavit isn't exactly fearmongering.
Quote:FOX links to the same details. -PUSH-

Quoting an affidavit isn't exactly fearmongering.

And it's the only article about the bombing on the front page of either app... damn that Fox News for all the fear mongering their doing!!
[Image: 59113624.jpg]

Quote:[Image: 59113624.jpg]

Kotite arguing the color of the sky.


You're right. The examples I have already cited didn't clearly show a difference in how FOX presents the same content in a manner that is framed to portray a fearful narrative and they don't do it ALL the time with all manner of stories (except the actually scary climate change). They are fair and balanced and don't intentionally mislead by printing half truths or non-truths.
Quote:You're right. The examples I have already cited didn't clearly show a difference in how FOX presents the same content in a manner that is framed to portray a fearful narrative and they don't do it ALL the time with all manner of stories (except the actually scary climate change). They are fair and balanced and don't intentionally mislead by printing half truths or non-truths.

Heh, heh. Well look at you. Does that hurt? Hold on a little bit while I go get some help. You done got yourself wrapped around that axle pretty good.
Not really. If had the time and cared enough to give the effort, I could show the same stories covered for weeks and compare examples like I have shown above which would continue to stand out. The language that outlet uses is quite deliberate and intentional.
Fox and CNN reporting the same way. Fox is WAY worse...according to kotite

Trump and Clinton both name calling. Trump is WAY worse...according to kotite

Hypocrisy at its finest, with a thread full of visual aids to prove it.
Quote:Fox and CNN reporting the same way. Fox is WAY worse...according to kotite

Trump and Clinton both name calling. Trump is WAY worse...according to kotite

Hypocrisy at its finest, with a thread full of visual aids to prove it.
Except they're not reporting the SAME WAY as I pointed out earlier in the thread.

If you think Hillary and Trump are in that same stratosphere with the name calling, you are mental. She said "deplorable" once. Trump name calls daily.
Quote:Except they're not reporting the SAME WAY as I pointed out earlier in the thread.

If you think Hillary and Trump are in that same stratosphere with the name calling, you are mental. She said "deplorable" once. Trump name calls daily.

Trump insults Hillary. Hillary insults voters.
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