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Quote:Except they're not reporting the SAME WAY as I pointed out earlier in the thread.

If you think Hillary and Trump are in that same stratosphere with the name calling, you are mental. She said "deplorable" once. Trump name calls daily.

Spin spin spin....
Quote:Trump insults anyone who disagrees with him. Hillary insults voters.

Quote:Spin spin spin....

Quick. Someone call Bill O'Reilly.

Trump has never personally insulted you or Democratic voters. Hillary straight up called me deplorable and irredeemable. I guess I will be one of the firsts who get sent to the gulag (after a few struggle sessions) for being resistant to government-media indoctrination. What else do you do with irredeemable American citizens in a Hillary Clinton regime?
Quote:Trump has never personally insulted you or Democratic voters. Hillary straight up called me deplorable and irredeemable. I guess I will be one of the firsts who get sent to the gulag (after a few struggle sessions) for being resistant to government-media indoctrination. What else do you do with irredeemable American citizens in a Hillary Clinton regime?

Dude! How can you worry about little stuff like this when Trump is calling Hillary "crooked" and Fox News is trying to scare the crap out of you??
Quote:Trump has never personally insulted you or Democratic voters. Hillary straight up called me deplorable and irredeemable. I guess I will be one of the firsts who get sent to the gulag (after a few struggle sessions) for being resistant to government-media indoctrination. What else do you do with irredeemable American citizens in a Hillary Clinton regime?
You personally identified with the half she said were deplorable?
Quote:You personally identified with the half she said were deplorable?

Its pretty easy to know who her enemies are.
Quote:You personally identified with the half she said were deplorable?

Kind of a weird questions. Do I personally identify with the labels she chose to classify as deplorable? I don't think so, but thats based on my own perception of those labels. Would she classify me deplorable based on my political leaning on certain positions? Most likely.
Quote:Its pretty easy to know who her enemies are.
Yeah, republicans, And everyone knows who the republicans enemies are, the dems. What are you getting at?


Quote:Kind of a weird questions. Do I personally identify with the labels she chose to classify as deplorable? I don't think so, but thats based on my own perception of those labels. Would she classify me deplorable based on my political leaning on certain positions? Most likely.
It is though?


I think most people know exactly what she meant by the deplorable basket. Wether one agrees or disagree about that basket existing or even her saying it isn't what I am getting at. You know exactly what she meant by that statement (racists, bigots, xenophobes, the alt-right etc..), hence why I asked if you identified as being part of that basket off half the supporters since you said she called you that. 
Quote:Yeah, republicans, And everyone knows who the republicans enemies are, the dems. What are you getting at?


It is though?


I think most people know exactly what she meant by the deplorable basket. Wether one agrees or disagree about that basket existing or even her saying it isn't what I am getting at. You know exactly what she meant by that statement (racists, bigots, xenophobes, the alt-right etc..), hence why I asked if you identified as being part of that basket off half the supporters since you said she called you that. 

No, most people DON'T know exactly what she meant by the deplorable basket. She said half of Trump's supporters. That is literally 10s of millions of Americans. The labels she used to declare deplorable status are abused constantly by SJWs to demonize and denigrate individuals who don't hold the same positions as they do. Don't agree with refugee resettlement? Islamaphobe. Want to deport illegal immigrants? Racist. Don't believe women can perform in combat roles? Misogynist. Don't believe Hillary is health? Alt-right conspirator. Disagree with Affirmative-Action rulings? Racist. Don't want transgender bathrooms? Bigot. It goes on, and on, and on, and these are normal positions of normal, non-hateful Americans. Yet these are the people who she considers deplorable.
Quote:No, most people DON'T know exactly what she meant by the deplorable basket. She said half of Trump's supporters. That is literally 10s of millions of Americans. The labels she used to declare deplorable status are abused constantly by SJWs to demonize and denigrate individuals who don't hold the same positions as they do. Don't agree with refugee resettlement? Islamaphobe. Want to deport illegal immigrants? Racist. Don't believe women can perform in combat roles? Misogynist. Don't believe Hillary is health? Alt-right conspirator. Disagree with Affirmative-Action rulings? Racist. Don't want transgender bathrooms? Bigot. It goes on, and on, and on, and these are normal positions of normal, non-hateful Americans. Yet these are the people who she considers deplorable.
So you do know exactly what she meant. You just think those labels don't apply. 
Quote:So you do know exactly what she meant. You just think those labels don't apply. 

Yes, she finds half of Trump supporters who disagree with her policy positions deplorable, and the other half just "feel" like the government has abandoned them.


Her labels are meaningless because they no longer apply to their original intention. That is the issue with labels in general.

Quote:Yes, she finds half of Trump supporters who disagree with her policy positions deplorable, and the other half just "feel" like the government has abandoned them.


Her labels are meaningless because they no longer mean their original intention. That is the issue with labels in general.
They seem to mean a lot to you and yours otherwise being called deplorable would mean nothing to you. Clearly that is not the case.


None of which has anything to do with the fact you identified and were personally upset about being called deplorable and not the half the feels the gov. has abandoned them. 
Quote:They seem to mean a lot to you and yours otherwise being called deplorable would mean nothing to you. Clearly that is not the case.


None of which has anything to do with the fact you identified and were personally upset about being called deplorable and not the half the feels the gov. has abandoned them. 

Just because the labels she uses are now meaningless doesn't mean being mislabeled isn't offensive. You sure do love labels, though. Typical of fascists.
Quote:Just because the labels she uses are now meaningless doesn't mean being mislabeled isn't offensive. You sure do love labels, though. Typical of fascists.
Complains about being offended, supports offensive candidate.


Whines about labels while applying labels himself. Typical hypocrisy of the trump supporter. 

Quote:Complains about being offended, supports offensive candidate.


Whines about labels while applying labels himself. Typical hypocrisy of the trump supporter. 

Whoosh. Thank you for proving my point.

Quote:Whoosh. Thank you for proving my point.

Your point was to paint yourself as a hypocrite? Ok.
Quote:Your point was to paint yourself as a hypocrite? Ok.

Haha, alright, I will spell it out for you.


"Fascist" is one of those overused labels that has lost meaning in modern years. Everybody is a fascist these days. Donald Trump, Nigel Farage, Tony Abbott, Marine La Pen, basically any politician who opposes the progressive globalist group think. Believe illegal immigrants should all be deported? Fascist. Feel like middle-aged Muslim males should be profiled over 90-year old Irish nuns at airports? Fascist. Stop-and-frisk? Fascist. As you can see, the label "fascist" has lost its meaning.


You chastised me for getting offended over being mislabeled by a meaningless labels. Now, I assigned a meaningless label to you.


Without hesitation, you attacked me. You are superbly offended. In the original meaning of the word, you aren't a fascist. Just because you see no problem with haphazardly using labels like the Nazi's did to denigrate their political opponents doesn't make you fascist. Yet you being labeled a fascist...well it just doesn't feel so good, does it? That is what Hillary did to millions of Trump supporters, and that is why it is offensive.
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