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Quote:Was the boat docked? Was trump talking about docked destroyers??

I rest my case. Red herring.
Foolishness. Docked or at sea, makes zero difference.








Edit again: way off thread topic, my bad.

Quote:Trump says something off the top of his head about Iran aggression, OMG HE WANTS WW3!

Hillary literally threatens military force against Russia for cyber attacks that they never did and she's somehow NOT worse.

I think you may need a lesson on what "literally" means...
Quote:I think you may need a lesson on what "literally" means...

""As President, I will make it clear that the United States will treat cyberattacks just like any other attack. We will be ready with serious political, economic, and military


"You've seen reports. Russia's hacked into a lot of things, China has hacked into a lot of things. Russia even hacked into the Democratic National Committee, maybe even some state election systems. So we have got to step up our game. Make sure we are well defended and able to take the fight to those who go after us."
Quote:Foolishness. Docked or at sea, makes zero difference.

<a class="bbc_url" href='https://youtu.be/Sfcf30RzDFc'>https://youtu.be/Sfcf30RzDFc</a>

<a class="bbc_url" href='https://youtu.be/UYVavL2kHaI'>https://youtu.be/UYVavL2kHaI</a>

Edit again: way off thread topic, my bad.

It makes a big difference. They are two different things.

First off you're in international waters and second you're firing at a smaller boat that you easily out gun.

Are you guys really this dense? Or is it some sort of leech trump attached to your heads that sucks out your thinking critical thinking abilities.
They really didn't hack into the DNC and, no, we don't need you to rule cyberspace on our behalf.  evil [BAD WORD REMOVED]


she also seems to muddy the waters on who was subject to the cyber "attack".  her bullcrap got exposed and she cries foul and acts like its an attack on US sovereignty.  she is LITERALLY [BLEEP] crazy.

Quote:They really didn't hack into the DNC and, no, we don't need to rule cyberspace on our behalf. evil [BAD WORD REMOVED]

So compare that with what trump said about Iranian boats...

Which one is "literally declaring war"?
This is what WW3 looks like.... 


“When Iran, when they circle our beautiful destroyers with their little boats, and they make gestures at our people that they shouldn’t be allowed to make, they will be shot out of the water,” Trump said to raucous applause from his Pensacola rally audience.


 Making a veiled threat that all avenues are on the table is much different than saying you're gonna blow boats out of the water for flipping the bird.  You're boy is off his rocker!!!

Quote:So compare that with what trump said about Iranian boats...

Which one is "literally declaring war"?

which one would you rather have a war with?  And Iranian boats circling our military vessels is a far cry from an imaginary hack by Russia into the DNC that just exposed corruption.  it was a damn public service.  not an attack on Americans.


War with IRan is not WW3.  War with Russia is the end of the world as we know it.

Quote:It makes a big difference. They are two different things.

First off you're in international waters and second you're firing at a smaller boat that you easily out gun.

Are you guys really this dense? Or is it some sort of leech trump attached to your heads that sucks out your thinking critical thinking abilities.
Hey Captain TAM, that Iranian naval vessel is getting close.


 Captain TAM, Don't worry about it , look how small it is.


Comical. :woot:

Quote:which one would you rather have a war with? And Iranian boats circling our military vessels is a far cry from an imaginary hack by Russia into the DNC that just exposed corruption. it was a damn public service. not an attack on Americans.

War with IRan is not WW3. War with Russia is the end of the world as we know it.

The answer is neither. But are you not aware that Russia and Iran are allies???

Do you even geo-politics????
Quote:Hey Captain TAM, that Iranian naval vessel is getting close.

Captain TAM, Don't worry about it , look how small it is.

Comical. :woot:

Seriously, get that leech removed from your head
Quote:The answer is neither. But are you not aware that Russia and Iran are allies???

Do you even geo-politics????

Oh ya, forgot. an attack on Iran is an attack on Russia. closest alliance on the globe right now. they're actually thinking of just combining nations completely cause they love each other so much.

and if you want neither, voting for Hillary makes no sense. The Trump comment was basically him BSing and you know it. Hillary on the other hand is dead serious, she will not stop the status quo foreign policy we currently apply.
Quote:The answer is neither. But are you not aware that Russia and Iran are allies???

Do you even geo-politics????

Russia and Syria are allies, breh. Hillary wants to take out Assad. Trump allowing the destruction of Iranian boats that present a clear danger to our destroyers is fair game. Just like Turkey shooting down a Russian jet that flew into its air space. Did you see WW3 start over that? Nope.

There is a difference between toppling regimes and blowing up potentially dangerous naval crafts interfering with our military operations.
Quote:Oh ya, forgot. an attack on Iran is an attack on Russia. closest alliance on the globe right now. they're actually thinking of just combining nations completely cause they love each other so much.

and if you want neither, voting for Hillary makes no sense. The Trump comment was basically him ... and you know it. Hillary on the other hand is dead serious, she will not stop the status quo foreign policy we currently apply.

Syria is also an ally of Russias... Notice what Russia is doing in Syria?  I mean seriously.  Stop.  You're not thinking straight...


And delete out that one part of your comment or you're gonna get a paddlin'...  
Quote:Russia and Syria are allies, breh. Hillary wants to take out Assad. Trump allowing the destruction of Iranian boats that present a clear danger to our destroyers is fair game. Just like Turkey shooting down a Russian jet that flew into its air space. Did you see WW3 start over that? Nope.

There is a difference between toppling regimes and blowing up potentially dangerous naval crafts interfering with our military operations.

LOL, holy cow.  You realize we're basically in a proxy war with Russia because of it being in Syria!  Russia wants to keep Assad around, we don't.  Wow, you guys.  Please.  Let's get in touch with reality.

Quote:Syria is also an ally of Russias... Notice what Russia is doing in Syria? I mean seriously. Stop. You're not thinking straight...

And delete out that one part of your comment or you're gonna get a paddlin'...
What are they doing in Syria? They're fighting jihadists from taking over the country. You stop. You've been arguing for Hillary presidency all day while claiming to be a libertarian isolationist. Those things couldn't be any more contradictory.

So you admit the goal in Syria is to overthrow Assad? Glad we're making headway.

Quote:What are they doing Syria? They're fighting jihadists from taking over the country. You stop. You've been arguing for Hillary presidency all day while claiming to be a libertarian isolationist. Those things couldn't be any more contradictory.

So you admit the goal in Syria is to overthrow Assad? Glad we're making headway.

No you stop.  I told you to stop first.  LOL


OK, like everything in the middle east, this is complicated.  There are 3 things going on in Syria.  A civil war between rebels and Assad.  Then there's ISIS trying to take over the entire region. Then there's US and Russia intervention, with us funding the fight against ISIS and Assad, and Russia fighting against ISIS and defending Assad.


Russia will do their best to allow Assad to remain.  We want him out.  I mean, I'm not saying I agree, but this is what's happening.  You don't think that blowing an Iranian boat this did not attack us first is gonna go over well with Russia?  Cuz if you do, you're not thinking straight.  On top of that, all the other middle eastern countries are pretty much gonna not be happy either.  It could easily escalate into WW3.  


On top of that, attacking a smaller boat that is not a threat to you because they flipped the bird at you is clearly an act of war.  You can't just blow it off as he's just messin' around with the crowd.  Presidents don't talk this way.  I mean, you want your president to act like a tough guy and get us into situations that could be avoided?  

Quote:No you stop.  I told you to stop first.  LOL


OK, like everything in the middle east, this is complicated.  There are 3 things going on in Syria.  A civil war between rebels and Assad.  Then there's ISIS trying to take over the entire region. Then there's US and Russia intervention, with us funding the fight against ISIS and Assad, and Russia fighting against ISIS and defending Assad.


Russia will do their best to allow Assad to remain.  We want him out.  I mean, I'm not saying I agree, but this is what's happening.  You don't think that blowing an Iranian boat this did not attack us first is gonna go over well with Russia?  Cuz if you do, you're not thinking straight.  On top of that, all the other middle eastern countries are pretty much gonna not be happy either.  It could easily escalate into WW3.  


On top of that, attacking a smaller boat that is not a threat to you because they flipped the bird at you is clearly an act of war.  You can't just blow it off as he's just messin' around with the crowd.  Presidents don't talk this way.  I mean, you want your president to act like a tough guy and get us into situations that could be avoided?  

I'm saying it wouldn't actually happen. But let's say it did, it could easily be explained by some kind of "skirmish" where mistakes were made.  The boys got angry and disobeyed orders, ect.


It escalating to WW3 is so unlikely that its not even worth mentioning.


Think about the Syria war.  We're supplying the people who want to overthrow a secular government and instill the stone age Shariah law type government that thinks suicide bombers are heroes.  Who's on the right side of this fight?  Doesn't seem to be us.
It's clear that there are some here that are totally clueless on the fact that the military operates under strict rules of engagement and weapons status levels that are already in place. It's not like the Officer on watch has much time when one of those small craft makes a suicide run with 2000lbs of explosives in the bow. He won't be calling Trump for his permission to destroy said vessel.

Quote:No you stop.  I told you to stop first.  LOL


OK, like everything in the middle east, this is complicated.  There are 3 things going on in Syria.  A civil war between rebels and Assad.  Then there's ISIS trying to take over the entire region. Then there's US and Russia intervention, with us funding the fight against ISIS and Assad, and Russia fighting against ISIS and defending Assad.


Russia will do their best to allow Assad to remain.  We want him out.  I mean, I'm not saying I agree, but this is what's happening.  You don't think that blowing an Iranian boat this did not attack us first is gonna go over well with Russia?  Cuz if you do, you're not thinking straight.  On top of that, all the other middle eastern countries are pretty much gonna not be happy either.  It could easily escalate into WW3.  


On top of that, attacking a smaller boat that is not a threat to you because they flipped the bird at you is clearly an act of war.  You can't just blow it off as he's just messin' around with the crowd.  Presidents don't talk this way.  I mean, you want your president to act like a tough guy and get us into situations that could be avoided?  

For some reason you liberals are always concerned about size...  not that there's fundamentally anything wrong with that.


Iranian boats are getting dangerously close to U.S. warships on purpose.  Once they cross "the line" they will be eliminated.


If you think that "small boats" are not dangerous, why not ask the surviving crew members of USS Stark?
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