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Full Version: *** Official Game Thread - Week 16 Jags @ jests ***
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(12-22-2022, 11:08 PM)carp8dm Wrote: [ -> ]Jacksonville Jaguars, making things more difficult on ourselves since 1996
Yeah, but they're REALLY good at it.

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Hamilton and RRH crushed that pocket
Wilson is awful, you can tell his mental is shot man... He needs to be benched and maybe after an offseason give him a shot... He's 1000% toast.
Great play by Tyson
Jets going backwards
Wilson throwing like he has a noodle arm.

Kinda like he's playing jackpot with the kids in the backyard.
Nice recovery by Campbell. Last year those were completions.
Campbell says, "You don't want that."
(12-22-2022, 11:09 PM)Eric1 Wrote: [ -> ]TYSON CAMPBELL
Once he learned to turn around, he has been good

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I love how the Jags got progressively better this season, just so fun

So damn fun to watch Jags football again
shanked it LOL
News Flash Campbell turned his head and located the ball
Crowd is chanting "We want Flacco" now.
This Jets offensive is so bad, good lord.
I feel bad for Wilson not gonna lie
Mike Caldwell earning his salary.
Wilson doesn’t have a very strong arm. It wasn’t just on that horrendous bomb he just threw that I noticed. He unnecessarily floats check downs as well.
"Think the crowds done enough BOO-ing tonight?!" Ha! Starting to like these commentators. Their commentary has shifted quite a bit since kickoff.

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