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Full Version: *** Official Game Thread - Week 16 Jags @ jests ***
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(12-22-2022, 11:18 PM)Cleatwood Wrote: [ -> ]Zay kept drifting up field and maybe Trevor thought he would stop.

Terrible drive considering the field position.

Looks like they just can't throw the ball, the wind is whipping. Maybe time for that RPO again.
(12-22-2022, 11:18 PM)Cleatwood Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-22-2022, 11:18 PM)Eric1 Wrote: [ -> ]Doug playing it safe with the play calling there.
Bingo. Also not sure I can blame him.

Nope, they haven't been able to move the ball all night. Pin them deep and make them go 90 yards.
(12-22-2022, 11:18 PM)Eric1 Wrote: [ -> ]Doug playing it safe with the play calling there.

Makes me wonder if he's worried about injury with the field conditions.
(12-22-2022, 11:17 PM)ShivanWurm Wrote: [ -> ]Snoop is running it now. They think they got this in the bag already?
Need to get him work and ready if needed

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Wannabe Tebow in the game for them to bench Wilson this drive.

When did the jests sign Tebow?
Remember when we tackled like a blocking sled?
Need a pick 6 or 3.
Defense better make adjustments

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Got a bad feeling about this.
Telling you all, they let them hang around and they'll catch lighting.
Oh dear.... now I'm nervous
embarrassing defense here. They're just one score from making this too close for comfort. Too many people standing around watching on D.
Oh no
Make the changes D.

Taysom Hill lite making some plays.....

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Just gimmick stuff is not going to work
This guy is killing us running the ball
They really gonna let this guy go right down the field on them aren't they