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Full Version: DeSantis to make it official on Twitter with Musk tonight
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(05-26-2023, 10:29 AM)Caldrac Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-26-2023, 09:58 AM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]Do you not remember the nearly $1 billion Fox News had to pay out as a result of saying all the things you mention above? 
If they had been able to show reasonable evidence that these things were true, they wouldn't have had to pay.
Was the judge "in on it"? 
Was some billionaire somewhere secretly providing these funds and they're "in on it" too?
All the world's a stage.

Sent from my SM-S906U using Tapatalk

I wouldn't bother.. It's falling on deaf ears and he can give an aspirin a headache.

The country be damned, but no Trump!!
(05-26-2023, 07:48 AM)Caldrac Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-26-2023, 06:40 AM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]I agree with all that, but as for the tweets, it just shows that he has the emotional maturity of a 12 year old.  Plus the fact that if you listen to him, the guy is a moron.  Plus the lies that pour out of his mouth.  The "stolen election" lie is proof that he is willing to tear the country apart.  He only cares about himself.

Honest question. For anybody really regarding the last election. Do you really think, that, Joe Biden was really the candidate that earned the most popular votes in United States history? To the tune of 81.2M votes in total? More turnout over the first black president in US history in Obama who had 65M and then 69M his respective runs? 

There was plenty of evidence to support nonsense being pulled back in 2020. With the mail-in ballots, people showing evidence of votes being thrown off to the side of the road, some people being restricted from voting, etc. Really? Joe [BLEEP] Biden? The most popular candidate ever? He may have questionable emotional maturity, and, he's had his [BLEEP] handed to him publicly more than any other president I can think of during my lifetime. Especially compared to the [BLEEP] the Clinton's, Bush's, Obama and Biden have been able to get away with. 

Talk about a family being dragged through the mud? How much hush-hush do we see in the MSM with Biden's [BLEEP] up background? Again, question. Do you really think those 81.2M votes were legitimate for Biden? There's no [BLEEP] way....

Covid created a perfect opportunity to create chaos. You mark my words man. I bet you something comes up AGAIN towards the end of this year and going early into next year that results in some type of [BLEEP] lockdown scenario, conveniently four years after it happened back in 2020. Not sure how many of you Uncle Sam Goody Goods need to see that this country is not the Democracy it used to be. One could argue it has not been the same since 1916 when Woodrow Wilson sold us out to the Central Banking System.

There's a Plutocracy that's been buying politicians out left and right. Half of these [BLEEP] get into office on bogus claims and promises that they cannot keep.

In regards to the increased volume of votes consider legal ballot harvesting. The democrats have mastered it republicans ignored it, that's why Biden won.

Trump's team filed 50 lawsuits claiming fraud and they lost EVERY SINGLE CASE.

All of them.

Yes, Biden legit got that many votes, and you need look no farther than the most polarizing president in history running against him to understand why.

Enough people hated Trump enough to get off their [BLEEP] and vote when they may have otherwise stayed at home.

In fact - it's incredibly simple and I'm sorry so many otherwise sane and reasonable people have fallen prey to "the big lie" rather than accept a legitimate outcome.

Back on Topic:

This is some hilarious timing -

(05-26-2023, 11:22 AM)NYC4jags Wrote: [ -> ]Meh

Trump's team filed 50 lawsuits claiming fraud and they lost EVERY SINGLE CASE.

All of them.

Yes, Biden legit got that many votes, and you need look no farther than the most polarizing president in history running against him to understand why.

Enough people hated Trump enough to get off their [BLEEP] and vote when they may have otherwise stayed at home.

In fact - it's incredibly simple and I'm sorry so many otherwise sane and reasonable people have fallen prey to "the big lie" rather than accept a legitimate outcome.

Back on Topic:

This is some hilarious timing -


Suck that kool-aid down, boy!!

Jim Jones would be proud!
(05-26-2023, 11:22 AM)NYC4jags Wrote: [ -> ]Meh

Trump's team filed 50 lawsuits claiming fraud and they lost EVERY SINGLE CASE.

All of them.

Yes, Biden legit got that many votes, and you need look no farther than the most polarizing president in history running against him to understand why.

Enough people hated Trump enough to get off their [BLEEP] and vote when they may have otherwise stayed at home.

In fact - it's incredibly simple and I'm sorry so many otherwise sane and reasonable people have fallen prey to "the big lie" rather than accept a legitimate outcome.

Back on Topic:

This is some hilarious timing -


We'll see what happens next year. The reality is that if we went this route and had to have the masters that be actually come out and say that this whole system is rigged? They wouldn't have a [BLEEP] leg to stand on after 2020.
This is how our political system works in a nutshell. We all take the bait every four years collectively. We all get the same results, turmoil and opposition. Meanwhile? They get to reap the benefits of the circus we have created and it's just political theater at the end of the day. 

A Dime And A Nickel

Little Johnny is always being teased by the other neighborhood boys for being stupid. Their favorite joke is to offer Johnny his choice between a nickel and a dime - Little Johnny always takes the nickel. 

One day, after Johnny takes the nickel, a neighbor takes him aside and says, "Johnny, those kids are making fun of you. Don't you know that a dime is worth more than a nickel, even though the nickel's bigger?"

Johnny grins and says, "Well, if I took the dime, they'd stop doing it, and so far I have made $20!"
(05-26-2023, 11:36 AM)Caldrac Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-26-2023, 11:22 AM)NYC4jags Wrote: [ -> ]Meh

Trump's team filed 50 lawsuits claiming fraud and they lost EVERY SINGLE CASE.

All of them.

Yes, Biden legit got that many votes, and you need look no farther than the most polarizing president in history running against him to understand why.

Enough people hated Trump enough to get off their [BLEEP] and vote when they may have otherwise stayed at home.

In fact - it's incredibly simple and I'm sorry so many otherwise sane and reasonable people have fallen prey to "the big lie" rather than accept a legitimate outcome.

Back on Topic:

This is some hilarious timing -


We'll see what happens next year. The reality is that if we went this route and had to have the masters that be actually come out and say that this whole system is rigged? They wouldn't have a [BLEEP] leg to stand on after 2020.

Really the facts are, Covid screwed our elections, made it extremely easy to steal and they got away with it.. The Republicans in congress have no back bone and the party is full of cowards. These Dems slap them in the face, year after year and the Republicans simply turn the other cheek.

Well, since there's a new election in a few short years, time to cook up another variant and steal another one.

To simply say that no election interference or ballot theft occurred, is just reckless and stupid.

Par the course for these people though.
(05-26-2023, 11:36 AM)Caldrac Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-26-2023, 11:22 AM)NYC4jags Wrote: [ -> ]Meh

Trump's team filed 50 lawsuits claiming fraud and they lost EVERY SINGLE CASE.

All of them.

Yes, Biden legit got that many votes, and you need look no farther than the most polarizing president in history running against him to understand why.

Enough people hated Trump enough to get off their [BLEEP] and vote when they may have otherwise stayed at home.

In fact - it's incredibly simple and I'm sorry so many otherwise sane and reasonable people have fallen prey to "the big lie" rather than accept a legitimate outcome.

Back on Topic:

This is some hilarious timing -


We'll see what happens next year. The reality is that if we went this route and had to have the masters that be actually come out and say that this whole system is rigged? They wouldn't have a [BLEEP] leg to stand on after 2020.

The "masters that be" are selfish and don't coordinate much.  If one of them sees a way to get some advantage, he will cut in front of the others without hesitating. That's how they became so powerful in the 1st place. If there was some grand conspiracy to falsify election results, the whole thing would be exposed if just one of them stepped out of line.
(05-26-2023, 11:29 AM)WingerDinger Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-26-2023, 11:22 AM)NYC4jags Wrote: [ -> ]Meh

Trump's team filed 50 lawsuits claiming fraud and they lost EVERY SINGLE CASE.

All of them.

Yes, Biden legit got that many votes, and you need look no farther than the most polarizing president in history running against him to understand why.

Enough people hated Trump enough to get off their [BLEEP] and vote when they may have otherwise stayed at home.

In fact - it's incredibly simple and I'm sorry so many otherwise sane and reasonable people have fallen prey to "the big lie" rather than accept a legitimate outcome.

Back on Topic:

This is some hilarious timing -


Suck that kool-aid down, boy!!

Jim Jones would be proud!


I'm the one accepting a legally verified outcome and you're the one buying a conspiracy theory.

The kool-aid is strictly on your side of the aisle here, brohemoth.
(05-26-2023, 11:48 AM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-26-2023, 11:36 AM)Caldrac Wrote: [ -> ]We'll see what happens next year. The reality is that if we went this route and had to have the masters that be actually come out and say that this whole system is rigged? They wouldn't have a [BLEEP] leg to stand on after 2020.

The "masters that be" are selfish and don't coordinate much.  If one of them sees a way to get some advantage, he will cut in front of the others without hesitating. That's how they became so powerful in the 1st place. If there was some grand conspiracy to falsify election results, the whole thing would be exposed if just one of them stepped out of line.

Goes back to 1916. You say they're selfish. I agree on that. They don't coordinate much? Are you kidding me? What the hell is Bohemian Grove and Bilderburgh all about then for the extremely well off, royals, major political figures, donors and billionaires? Where they all meet in private and none of the information is disclosed to the public. What about the nonsense that World Economic Forum is spewing? It's Agenda 2030 now, when I was growing up in the mid 2000's it was Agenda 21. Nothing has changed. The desire and will to control the masses, depopulate the planet and unify the globe and global economy into one world government is the key. 

There's a chessboard there. There's people in the party, then, there's [BLEEP] people in the AFTER party. Those are the people shaking the world up. We have a reputation to uphold, a myth that has to be believed in over here. People need to understand this little game that's being played and continues to be played decade after decade. Every law they pass, every weird advantage they bury in page after page of [BLEEP] to benefit themselves while fast tracking into law before letting maybe a few honest and decent politicians read it completely. 

Come on man. These people are not leaving this country, their factories, their fortunes, etc. completely up to a game of chance. Take a look at your average American. You REALLY think they're going to let some peasant like us dictate their plans and futures? The only thing that's somewhat slowed them down is the fact that most American households are armed to the [BLEEP] teeth. Every other country? They're trying to ride the coattails now of China and Russia and get away from the nonsense we have created with our economy. We drive the global economy and market more than anybody. 

Anytime a "dictator" stepped out of line and dared to sell their goods and oil in anything BUT US dollars? What happened to them and their countries? You don't find it a little bit suspicious that we went from protecting oil and opium fields in lands we "liberated" to now this major, major push to go Green? To get away from fossil fuels? I am sure this has nothing to do with OPEC telling us to go [BLEEP] ourselves. There's a power struggle, a great divide. We're seeing the head of it finally. We're on the verge of losing our grip on global domination man. It's our turn to fall soon. 

Retirement age is going up. Affordable housing is vanishing. The rise of AI is right around the corner. We're looking at a central banking plan to move away from real money and digitalize it completely. They're pushing more and more big government beliefs and continue to hammer away with this gender bending [BLEEP].

Surely you can sense that?
(05-26-2023, 11:57 AM)NYC4jags Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-26-2023, 11:29 AM)WingerDinger Wrote: [ -> ]Suck that kool-aid down, boy!!

Jim Jones would be proud!


I'm the one accepting a legally verified outcome and you're the one buying a conspiracy theory.

The kool-aid is strictly on your side of the aisle here, brohemoth.

Last time I checked, conspiracy theorists have been more correct than wrong for the last few years..

But keep on keepin' on..
If it wasn't clear before, it should be clear now that the elites are telling the commoners that they will select DeSantis.

Breaking now that Foxnews agreed to support him. All the RINO scum that joined Trump presidency are now no longer backing Trump but the big issue is they never supported him.

This is the party saying we reject the voice of the people who make up the party and we know what's best for you.

Either you stand up now or there likely won't be another chance to truly pick a candidate who isn't owned by the elites.

Sent from my SM-T970 using Tapatalk
(05-26-2023, 12:01 PM)Caldrac Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-26-2023, 11:48 AM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]The "masters that be" are selfish and don't coordinate much.  If one of them sees a way to get some advantage, he will cut in front of the others without hesitating. That's how they became so powerful in the 1st place. If there was some grand conspiracy to falsify election results, the whole thing would be exposed if just one of them stepped out of line.

Goes back to 1916. You say they're selfish. I agree on that. They don't coordinate much? Are you kidding me? What the hell is Bohemian Grove and Bilderburgh all about then for the extremely well off, royals, major political figures, donors and billionaires? Where they all meet in private and none of the information is disclosed to the public. What about the nonsense that World Economic Forum is spewing? It's Agenda 2030 now, when I was growing up in the mid 2000's it was Agenda 21. Nothing has changed. The desire and will to control the masses, depopulate the planet and unify the globe and global economy into one world government is the key. 

There's a chessboard there. There's people in the party, then, there's [BLEEP] people in the AFTER party. Those are the people shaking the world up. We have a reputation to uphold, a myth that has to be believed in over here. People need to understand this little game that's being played and continues to be played decade after decade. Every law they pass, every weird advantage they bury in page after page of [BLEEP] to benefit themselves while fast tracking into law before letting maybe a few honest and decent politicians read it completely. 

Come on man. These people are not leaving this country, their factories, their fortunes, etc. completely up to a game of chance. Take a look at your average American. You REALLY think they're going to let some peasant like us dictate their plans and futures? The only thing that's somewhat slowed them down is the fact that most American households are armed to the [BLEEP] teeth. Every other country? They're trying to ride the coattails now of China and Russia and get away from the nonsense we have created with our economy. We drive the global economy and market more than anybody. 

Anytime a "dictator" stepped out of line and dared to sell their goods and oil in anything BUT US dollars? What happened to them and their countries? You don't find it a little bit suspicious that we went from protecting oil and opium fields in lands we "liberated" to now this major, major push to go Green? To get away from fossil fuels? I am sure this has nothing to do with OPEC telling us to go [BLEEP] ourselves. There's a power struggle, a great divide. We're seeing the head of it finally. We're on the verge of losing our grip on global domination man. It's our turn to fall soon. 

Retirement age is going up. Affordable housing is vanishing. The rise of AI is right around the corner. We're looking at a central banking plan to move away from real money and digitalize it completely. They're pushing more and more big government beliefs and continue to hammer away with this gender bending [BLEEP].

Surely you can sense that?

You're describing a struggle.  You're mostly right about it.
But understand that, if these elite forces really are struggling against each other, that really prevents them from conspiring against us.
(05-26-2023, 12:15 PM)p_rushing Wrote: [ -> ]If it wasn't clear before, it should be clear now that the elites are telling the commoners that they will select DeSantis.

Breaking now that Foxnews agreed to support him. All the RINO scum that joined Trump presidency are now no longer backing Trump but the big issue is they never supported him.

This is the party saying we reject the voice of the people who make up the party and we know what's best for you.

Either you stand up now or there likely won't be another chance to truly pick a candidate who isn't owned by the elites.

Sent from my SM-T970 using Tapatalk

It's almost like they enjoy being controlled, so they don't have to think for themselves..
(05-26-2023, 12:18 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-26-2023, 12:01 PM)Caldrac Wrote: [ -> ]Goes back to 1916. You say they're selfish. I agree on that. They don't coordinate much? Are you kidding me? What the hell is Bohemian Grove and Bilderburgh all about then for the extremely well off, royals, major political figures, donors and billionaires? Where they all meet in private and none of the information is disclosed to the public. What about the nonsense that World Economic Forum is spewing? It's Agenda 2030 now, when I was growing up in the mid 2000's it was Agenda 21. Nothing has changed. The desire and will to control the masses, depopulate the planet and unify the globe and global economy into one world government is the key. 

There's a chessboard there. There's people in the party, then, there's [BLEEP] people in the AFTER party. Those are the people shaking the world up. We have a reputation to uphold, a myth that has to be believed in over here. People need to understand this little game that's being played and continues to be played decade after decade. Every law they pass, every weird advantage they bury in page after page of [BLEEP] to benefit themselves while fast tracking into law before letting maybe a few honest and decent politicians read it completely. 

Come on man. These people are not leaving this country, their factories, their fortunes, etc. completely up to a game of chance. Take a look at your average American. You REALLY think they're going to let some peasant like us dictate their plans and futures? The only thing that's somewhat slowed them down is the fact that most American households are armed to the [BLEEP] teeth. Every other country? They're trying to ride the coattails now of China and Russia and get away from the nonsense we have created with our economy. We drive the global economy and market more than anybody. 

Anytime a "dictator" stepped out of line and dared to sell their goods and oil in anything BUT US dollars? What happened to them and their countries? You don't find it a little bit suspicious that we went from protecting oil and opium fields in lands we "liberated" to now this major, major push to go Green? To get away from fossil fuels? I am sure this has nothing to do with OPEC telling us to go [BLEEP] ourselves. There's a power struggle, a great divide. We're seeing the head of it finally. We're on the verge of losing our grip on global domination man. It's our turn to fall soon. 

Retirement age is going up. Affordable housing is vanishing. The rise of AI is right around the corner. We're looking at a central banking plan to move away from real money and digitalize it completely. They're pushing more and more big government beliefs and continue to hammer away with this gender bending [BLEEP].

Surely you can sense that?

You're describing a struggle.  You're mostly right about it.
But understand that, if these elite forces really are struggling against each other, that really prevents them from conspiring against us.

It's West Vs. East. As our Government and it's policies along with the rest of the Western Unified Front have specifically inched closer and closer towards Russia and China's neighboring countries, the entire stage has become more and more volatile. Something most Americans don't want to look at and accept is that we're the only country on this globe that has a [BLEEP] military base.... EVERYWHERE. Nobody would put up with this here on our soil. You would be on edge all the time if you had a Russian or Chinese base, knowingly within a few stone's throw's away (military weaponry wise) from your home, your children's schools, your workplace, your business, your parent's home, your grandparent's hospital, etc. 

Map of the Week: Mapping the Global U.S. Military Bootprint | UBIQUE (americangeo.org)

List of countries with overseas military bases - Wikipedia

It's an ugly truth man. It's not hidden in plain sight. It's pretty damn obvious that we're the Imperials in the grand scheme of things. But, but, but, but... it's for "Democracy" and "Freedom". Yeah, okay, or, maybe, maybe, it was just a rich man's trick for them to steal resources, set up a coup and establish their own personal political figure and government to play ball with us. Since, you know, "we're the good guys". 

Don't get me wrong. It's [BLEEP] up. Hate to say this. But, would rather it be them instead of us. But, at some point, a day of reckoning will come. It might be from the East. It might be from the West. At some point, we're going to see an event that's so devastating that it will ultimately unify us all into something we probably wanted to a degree, just depends on who or what the spearhead of leadership will be once the dust settles. 

It's inevitable though.
(05-26-2023, 12:15 PM)p_rushing Wrote: [ -> ]If it wasn't clear before, it should be clear now that the elites are telling the commoners that they will select DeSantis.

Breaking now that Foxnews agreed to support him. All the RINO scum that joined Trump presidency are now no longer backing Trump but the big issue is they never supported him.

This is the party saying we reject the voice of the people who make up the party and we know what's best for you.

Either you stand up now or there likely won't be another chance to truly pick a candidate who isn't owned by the elites.

Sent from my SM-T970 using Tapatalk

The Democratic party's use of super-delegates (essentially an acknowledgement by the party that "crazy" is, in fact, a registered Democrat and has a seat at the table there) will never allow a legitimate candidate to emerge outside of party channels (i.e. selected by their mega-donors, elites or what have you).  I thought the Republican party was significantly different because of not having this mechanism built in. However, the past 8-9 years has revealed that even though the party doesn't have that "fail safe", it's own mega-donors, elites, etc. and their paid for shills in government will use whatever means necessary to sabotage an interloper that isn't there to represent their specific interests and do their bidding.
(05-26-2023, 12:37 PM)Caldrac Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-26-2023, 12:18 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]You're describing a struggle.  You're mostly right about it.
But understand that, if these elite forces really are struggling against each other, that really prevents them from conspiring against us.

It's West Vs. East. As our Government and it's policies along with the rest of the Western Unified Front have specifically inched closer and closer towards Russia and China's neighboring countries, the entire stage has become more and more volatile. Something most Americans don't want to look at and accept is that we're the only country on this globe that has a [BLEEP] military base.... EVERYWHERE. Nobody would put up with this here on our soil. You would be on edge all the time if you had a Russian or Chinese base, knowingly within a few stone's throw's away (military weaponry wise) from your home, your children's schools, your workplace, your business, your parent's home, your grandparent's hospital, etc. 

Map of the Week: Mapping the Global U.S. Military Bootprint | UBIQUE (americangeo.org)

List of countries with overseas military bases - Wikipedia

It's an ugly truth man. It's not hidden in plain sight. It's pretty damn obvious that we're the Imperials in the grand scheme of things. But, but, but, but... it's for "Democracy" and "Freedom". Yeah, okay, or, maybe, maybe, it was just a rich man's trick for them to steal resources, set up a coup and establish their own personal political figure and government to play ball with us. Since, you know, "we're the good guys". 

Don't get me wrong. It's [BLEEP] up. Hate to say this. But, would rather it be them instead of us. But, at some point, a day of reckoning will come. It might be from the East. It might be from the West. At some point, we're going to see an event that's so devastating that it will ultimately unify us all into something we probably wanted to a degree, just depends on who or what the spearhead of leadership will be once the dust settles. 

It's inevitable though.

It'll be when the aliens land and introduce themselves.
(05-26-2023, 11:22 AM)NYC4jags Wrote: [ -> ]Meh

Trump's team filed 50 lawsuits claiming fraud and they lost EVERY SINGLE CASE.

All of them.

Yes, Biden legit got that many votes, and you need look no farther than the most polarizing president in history running against him to understand why.

Enough people hated Trump enough to get off their [BLEEP] and vote when they may have otherwise stayed at home.

In fact - it's incredibly simple and I'm sorry so many otherwise sane and reasonable people have fallen prey to "the big lie" rather than accept a legitimate outcome.

Back on Topic:

This is some hilarious timing -


There's a difference between lost and dismissed. Iirc, there were 60ish cases on fraud. At least 50 of those were thrown out due to standing. I don't remember the actual numbers, but I'm in the ballpark. It's near impossible to have evidence without proper investigation, and, quite frankly, our investigative agencies are corrupt as hell. I've debated this topic ad nauseam, so I am not going to get back into the reasons why I think it's worth looking into, other to say I'm on board with almost everything Caldrac has said in this thread.

(05-26-2023, 08:38 AM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-26-2023, 08:33 AM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]No, buddy. You're just a sucker. I have never been a Trump apologist. I just know the state has real power. You don't understand that. You're a faux intellectual that swallows every lie you're told. You're incapable of getting that through your thick skull, so you're settle for a false sense of superiority.

I literally just disputed a lie you told me.  So no, I don't swallow every lie I'm told.
As for me settling for a "false sense of superiority," a person knows much more about their own motives than the motives of others.  
In other words, you're clearly projecting with that.

Which "lie" did I tell you, broseph?
(05-26-2023, 01:00 PM)Jaguarmeister Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-26-2023, 12:37 PM)Caldrac Wrote: [ -> ]It's West Vs. East. As our Government and it's policies along with the rest of the Western Unified Front have specifically inched closer and closer towards Russia and China's neighboring countries, the entire stage has become more and more volatile. Something most Americans don't want to look at and accept is that we're the only country on this globe that has a [BLEEP] military base.... EVERYWHERE. Nobody would put up with this here on our soil. You would be on edge all the time if you had a Russian or Chinese base, knowingly within a few stone's throw's away (military weaponry wise) from your home, your children's schools, your workplace, your business, your parent's home, your grandparent's hospital, etc. 

Map of the Week: Mapping the Global U.S. Military Bootprint | UBIQUE (americangeo.org)

List of countries with overseas military bases - Wikipedia

It's an ugly truth man. It's not hidden in plain sight. It's pretty damn obvious that we're the Imperials in the grand scheme of things. But, but, but, but... it's for "Democracy" and "Freedom". Yeah, okay, or, maybe, maybe, it was just a rich man's trick for them to steal resources, set up a coup and establish their own personal political figure and government to play ball with us. Since, you know, "we're the good guys". 

Don't get me wrong. It's [BLEEP] up. Hate to say this. But, would rather it be them instead of us. But, at some point, a day of reckoning will come. It might be from the East. It might be from the West. At some point, we're going to see an event that's so devastating that it will ultimately unify us all into something we probably wanted to a degree, just depends on who or what the spearhead of leadership will be once the dust settles. 

It's inevitable though.

It'll be when the aliens land and introduce themselves.

Project Bluebeam has not escaped my mind of theories. I didn't want to even accept that as a possibility. But, it's kind of hard NOT to take it seriously now. The Government and many Governments globally are now disclosing, discussing and confirming UFO and other terminologies to support their existence. 

I don't think an actual Alien race would care to land here. We're just a flea on a dog's [BLEEP] on a cosmic scale, and, if any race of intelligence had the ability to be here with their technology? Why bother? We're preoccupied enough with the circus we've enabled to develop here to be a true threat. 

I would think it's the Government's doing at the end of the day. Another tool of distraction, control and power. It's funny but I remember Bob Lazar's name from when I was barely six, seven years old. He was on Sci-Fi one morning on this show called "Sightings". He mentioned all kinds of things. Things that the mainstream know about today as of recently these past few years because of Rogan and Government disclosures. 

I think he's controlled opposition. We have to have "soft" disclosure leak into the public's eye and mind to make it more and more believable in the event they do decide to go live with this plan. Again, seems [BLEEP] crazy. And, maybe it was, back in the 90's, early to mid 2000's, etc. 

Today? [BLEEP]. Everybody is putting little compilation videos together on YouTube of UFO's for our viewing pleasure. I still think the Planet X theory makes the most sense. I could see a large body planet making it's way towards our solar system and causing all kinds of havoc globally with the poles. Emmanuel Veliskovky's book "Worlds in Collision" has a great hypothesis on this idea.
(05-26-2023, 12:37 PM)Caldrac Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-26-2023, 12:18 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]You're describing a struggle.  You're mostly right about it.
But understand that, if these elite forces really are struggling against each other, that really prevents them from conspiring against us.

It's West Vs. East. As our Government and it's policies along with the rest of the Western Unified Front have specifically inched closer and closer towards Russia and China's neighboring countries, the entire stage has become more and more volatile. Something most Americans don't want to look at and accept is that we're the only country on this globe that has a [BLEEP] military base.... EVERYWHERE. Nobody would put up with this here on our soil. You would be on edge all the time if you had a Russian or Chinese base, knowingly within a few stone's throw's away (military weaponry wise) from your home, your children's schools, your workplace, your business, your parent's home, your grandparent's hospital, etc. 

Map of the Week: Mapping the Global U.S. Military Bootprint | UBIQUE (americangeo.org)

List of countries with overseas military bases - Wikipedia

It's an ugly truth man. It's not hidden in plain sight. It's pretty damn obvious that we're the Imperials in the grand scheme of things. But, but, but, but... it's for "Democracy" and "Freedom". Yeah, okay, or, maybe, maybe, it was just a rich man's trick for them to steal resources, set up a coup and establish their own personal political figure and government to play ball with us. Since, you know, "we're the good guys". 

Don't get me wrong. It's [BLEEP] up. Hate to say this. But, would rather it be them instead of us. But, at some point, a day of reckoning will come. It might be from the East. It might be from the West. At some point, we're going to see an event that's so devastating that it will ultimately unify us all into something we probably wanted to a degree, just depends on who or what the spearhead of leadership will be once the dust settles. 

It's inevitable though.

In all seriousness, I disagree on the last paragraph.  Many forms of government have come and gone throughout the history of man.  All of them flawed, some more than others.  Our existing form happens to be one of the least flawed, but still flawed nonetheless.  Man's desires, greed, self-interest and motivations have remained the same throughout recorded history though and the "elites" have always existed as well and always will exist.  They just operate under different rules depending on what the form of government is and some forms appoint who the elites are vs. inheriting the status or allowing someone to be self-made and achieve that status as our form of government allows.  I don't forsee such a unifying event (not a lasting one anyway) as you do aside from joking about aliens landing which would actually unify humanity for a time.
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