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(05-26-2023, 01:19 PM)Jaguarmeister Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-26-2023, 12:37 PM)Caldrac Wrote: [ -> ]It's West Vs. East. As our Government and it's policies along with the rest of the Western Unified Front have specifically inched closer and closer towards Russia and China's neighboring countries, the entire stage has become more and more volatile. Something most Americans don't want to look at and accept is that we're the only country on this globe that has a [BLEEP] military base.... EVERYWHERE. Nobody would put up with this here on our soil. You would be on edge all the time if you had a Russian or Chinese base, knowingly within a few stone's throw's away (military weaponry wise) from your home, your children's schools, your workplace, your business, your parent's home, your grandparent's hospital, etc. 

Map of the Week: Mapping the Global U.S. Military Bootprint | UBIQUE (americangeo.org)

List of countries with overseas military bases - Wikipedia

It's an ugly truth man. It's not hidden in plain sight. It's pretty damn obvious that we're the Imperials in the grand scheme of things. But, but, but, but... it's for "Democracy" and "Freedom". Yeah, okay, or, maybe, maybe, it was just a rich man's trick for them to steal resources, set up a coup and establish their own personal political figure and government to play ball with us. Since, you know, "we're the good guys". 

Don't get me wrong. It's [BLEEP] up. Hate to say this. But, would rather it be them instead of us. But, at some point, a day of reckoning will come. It might be from the East. It might be from the West. At some point, we're going to see an event that's so devastating that it will ultimately unify us all into something we probably wanted to a degree, just depends on who or what the spearhead of leadership will be once the dust settles. 

It's inevitable though.

In all seriousness, I disagree on the last paragraph.  Many forms of government have come and gone throughout the history of man.  All of them flawed, some more than others.  Our existing form happens to be one of the least flawed, but still flawed nonetheless.  Man's desires, greed, self-interest and motivations have remained the same throughout recorded history though and the "elites" have always existed as well and always will exist.  They just operate under different rules depending on what the form of government is and some forms appoint who the elites are vs. inheriting the status or allowing someone to be self-made and achieve that status as our form of government allows.  I don't forsee such a unifying event (not a lasting one anyway) as you do aside from joking about aliens landing which would actually unify humanity for a time.

I hope you're right and I hope I am wrong. I understand where you're coming from though. It's in our nature. Since the dawn of man.
(05-26-2023, 01:01 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-26-2023, 11:22 AM)NYC4jags Wrote: [ -> ]Meh

Trump's team filed 50 lawsuits claiming fraud and they lost EVERY SINGLE CASE.

All of them.

Yes, Biden legit got that many votes, and you need look no farther than the most polarizing president in history running against him to understand why.

Enough people hated Trump enough to get off their [BLEEP] and vote when they may have otherwise stayed at home.

In fact - it's incredibly simple and I'm sorry so many otherwise sane and reasonable people have fallen prey to "the big lie" rather than accept a legitimate outcome.

Back on Topic:

This is some hilarious timing -


There's a difference between lost and dismissed. Iirc, there were 60ish cases on fraud. At least 50 of those were thrown out due to standing. I don't remember the actual numbers, but I'm in the ballpark. It's near impossible to have evidence without proper investigation, and, quite frankly, our investigative agencies are corrupt as hell. I've debated this topic ad nauseam, so I am not going to get back into the reasons why I think it's worth looking into, other to say I'm on board with almost everything Caldrac has said in this thread.

(05-26-2023, 08:38 AM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]I literally just disputed a lie you told me.  So no, I don't swallow every lie I'm told.
As for me settling for a "false sense of superiority," a person knows much more about their own motives than the motives of others.  
In other words, you're clearly projecting with that.

Which "lie" did I tell you, broseph?

You trotted out the false equivalence between protests in summer 2020 compared to the January 6 2021 event.  You're not the first person to insist on the similarity of the two events. I didn't accept that lie from them, and I don't from you.
One of my pet peeves is how the word "lie" is misused so frequently, not only on this forum, but everywhere. To "lie" requires an intention to mislead. You can disagree with someone's assertion, but call it something else please. Mistruth, untruth, whatever. Just because you disagree with it, doesn't make it a "lie". And just because something may be untrue, doesn't make it a "lie". It could just be untrue.
(05-26-2023, 01:43 PM)Jaguarmeister Wrote: [ -> ]One of my pet peeves is how the word "lie" is misused so frequently, not only on this forum, but everywhere.  To "lie" requires an intention to mislead.  You can disagree with someone's assertion, but call it something else please.  Mistruth, untruth, whatever.  Just because you disagree with it, doesn't make it a "lie".  And just because something may be untrue, doesn't make it a "lie".  It could just be untrue.

That's fair.  But I'm responding to L2L's insistence that I "swallow lies," that I'm gullible.  L2L may believe the untrue things he says, but that's not relevant to the question of if I'm gullible or not.  
Also, as Dominion Voting Systems proved, if members of the media knowingly lie, it is not very hard to prove that they did so.  So if L2L meant to say that numerous media outlets *knowingly* lie to me, well, where is the proof that they know better? Where are the personal text messages intimating such?  Those questions aren't necessarily for you.
Bro, you are gullible. It's not surprising you can't spot a real lie. I never directly compared Jan 6 to the summer of 2020. I said that our news would not portray these events the same way had it been the other way around. If Trump won, and the whole of the democratic party rolled out the narrative that Trump cheated, that's all you'd swallow.

And of course they knowingly lie to you. I think they walk a fine line about outright telling lies, but picking and choosing which stories to cover is the same thing. Companies hiring and firing based on who will toe the line is the same thing. You just can't admit it unless it's bottled up and fed to you.
(05-26-2023, 01:36 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-26-2023, 01:01 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]There's a difference between lost and dismissed. Iirc, there were 60ish cases on fraud. At least 50 of those were thrown out due to standing. I don't remember the actual numbers, but I'm in the ballpark. It's near impossible to have evidence without proper investigation, and, quite frankly, our investigative agencies are corrupt as hell. I've debated this topic ad nauseam, so I am not going to get back into the reasons why I think it's worth looking into, other to say I'm on board with almost everything Caldrac has said in this thread.

Which "lie" did I tell you, broseph?

You trotted out the false equivalence between protests in summer 2020 compared to the January 6 2021 event.  You're not the first person to insist on the similarity of the two events. I didn't accept that lie from them, and I don't from you.

You're right they're not similar.  The summer insurrection killed people.  

The capitol riot didn't.
(05-26-2023, 11:22 AM)NYC4jags Wrote: [ -> ]Meh

Trump's team filed 50 lawsuits claiming fraud and they lost EVERY SINGLE CASE.

All of them.

Yes, Biden legit got that many votes, and you need look no farther than the most polarizing president in history running against him to understand why.

Enough people hated Trump enough to get off their [BLEEP] and vote when they may have otherwise stayed at home.

In fact - it's incredibly simple and I'm sorry so many otherwise sane and reasonable people have fallen prey to "the big lie" rather than accept a legitimate outcome.

Back on Topic:

This is some hilarious timing -


As said above, he agreed to the premise, and then he agreed to the rules.   100k ballots dropped off with no chain of custody, Mail in to slow the spread.  

I just naturally assumed that he'd have the legal structure in place to mitigate that advantage.  I would have had war rooms in Wisconsin Michigan PA with the stated goal, I want a minimum of 50k mail in ballots from urban areas tossed.  Call me racist at my inauguration!!!

This was the most incompetent strategy in the history of electoral politics and may cost us the presidency in perpetuity.
(05-26-2023, 03:41 PM)jj82284 Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-26-2023, 01:36 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]You trotted out the false equivalence between protests in summer 2020 compared to the January 6 2021 event.  You're not the first person to insist on the similarity of the two events. I didn't accept that lie from them, and I don't from you.

You're right they're not similar.  The summer insurrection killed people.  

The capitol riot didn't.

People die to uphold the Constitution all the time.  It is regrettable when people die, and the perps should always be punished, but the Constitution dying would have been a bigger deal than a few people dying.
(05-26-2023, 03:41 PM)jj82284 Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-26-2023, 01:36 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]You trotted out the false equivalence between protests in summer 2020 compared to the January 6 2021 event.  You're not the first person to insist on the similarity of the two events. I didn't accept that lie from them, and I don't from you.

You're right they're not similar.  The summer insurrection killed people.  

The capitol riot didn't.
BOOM shaka laka!
(05-26-2023, 04:30 PM)NewJagsCity Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-26-2023, 03:41 PM)jj82284 Wrote: [ -> ]You're right they're not similar.  The summer insurrection killed people.  

The capitol riot didn't.
BOOM shaka laka!

[Image: FGShaqShove.gif]
(05-26-2023, 06:40 AM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-25-2023, 06:27 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]I never really cared about mean tweets.
Those were frequent, but I didn't care about them.
I cared about tweets that called for violations of the Constitution.  Those were less frequent, but very concerning.
And I cared about tweets and speeches calling for a mob to threaten Congress.
And I care about him continuing to say he won an election that he clearly lost.  People who are that deep in delusions about themselves do not belong in positions of power or trust.

I agree with all that, but as for the tweets, it just shows that he has the emotional maturity of a 12 year old.  Plus the fact that if you listen to him, the guy is a moron.  Plus the lies that pour out of his mouth.  The "stolen election" lie is proof that he is willing to tear the country apart.  He only cares about himself.

And yet you don’t see any of those same issues with the current occupant of the White House.
(05-26-2023, 03:58 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-26-2023, 03:41 PM)jj82284 Wrote: [ -> ]You're right they're not similar.  The summer insurrection killed people.  

The capitol riot didn't.

People die to uphold the Constitution all the time.  It is regrettable when people die, and the perps should always be punished, but the Constitution dying would have been a bigger deal than a few people dying.

No, silly rabbit.  Ur not listening.  

In the summer of 2020 communist revolutionaries took over a city, nnounced themselves as an autonomous governing body and people actually died.  There were guns and a warlord.   

Whoever heard of an unharmed insurrection.  

As for the constitution dying, the regime in charge, by definition, doesn't believe in aid constitution.  

I'm a "black male".   The first taste of the red pill for me was learning what "living document" theory was.  That's insane.
(05-26-2023, 09:33 PM)jj82284 Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-26-2023, 03:58 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]People die to uphold the Constitution all the time.  It is regrettable when people die, and the perps should always be punished, but the Constitution dying would have been a bigger deal than a few people dying.

No, silly rabbit.  Ur not listening.  

In the summer of 2020 communist revolutionaries took over a city, nnounced themselves as an autonomous governing body and people actually died.  There were guns and a warlord.   

Whoever heard of an unharmed insurrection.  

As for the constitution dying, the regime in charge, by definition, doesn't believe in aid constitution.  

I'm a "black male".   The first taste of the red pill for me was learning what "living document" theory was.  That's insane.

People actually died on Jan 6 2021 as well, if you think that's determinitive in any way (you don't.  You're not arguing honestly).
And you're proving my point.  Yes, the thing in Seattle went on for like a month.  And it didn't affect my life, or your life, or the constitution, at all.
The regime in charge indeed takes a very loose view of certain clauses in the constitution, but, so has every regime in both parties ever since the war powers act passed.  Many specific clauses of the Constitution unfortunately have been interpreted well beyond reason and the actual checks and balances between the branches aren't as clear in practice as they told you and I they would be in civics class.
But one essential feature remains.  The terms in office, and the method of selecting the person or people for the next term.  Every country, even those without written constitutions, has to answer the question, "when does this guy's time in office end?" and "who goes next?" Even if the answers are primitive, like "when he dies" and "his son," that's still better than the even more primitive, "when someone usurps him," and "whoever is strong enough to do it."
Here, the transfer of power had been done by the book, with debate but without violence, for no less than 44 regime changes. 44 in a row.  Some countries can't even get 1 in a row.  But we got 44.  Then we picked a guy who cared about himself more than he cared about continuing the good thing we've had going for 232 years. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.
(05-26-2023, 04:43 PM)Jaguarmeister Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-26-2023, 04:30 PM)NewJagsCity Wrote: [ -> ]BOOM shaka laka!

[Image: FGShaqShove.gif]

Which ball player in that gif represents the insurrectionist Ashley Babbitt?
Cold. I shouldn't have laughed, but I did.

But, to answer your question, it's Chris Dudley, of course. Which is exactly why it's absurd to pretend we had an insurrection that day. The only person who went where they weren't supposed to go got shot and killed.
(05-26-2023, 08:53 PM)copycat Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-26-2023, 06:40 AM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]I agree with all that, but as for the tweets, it just shows that he has the emotional maturity of a 12 year old.  Plus the fact that if you listen to him, the guy is a moron.  Plus the lies that pour out of his mouth.  The "stolen election" lie is proof that he is willing to tear the country apart.  He only cares about himself.

And yet you don’t see any of those same issues with the current occupant of the White House.

That's correct.  I don't see the same issues.  But I don't like him that much, either.  He's too old.  I am opposed to forgiving student loans.  We need to get control of the borders.  We need to get control of the federal budget (Trump didn't do that, either).  He needs to forcefully denounce the idea of reparations for slavery.  And a lot of other things.  

Surely we can do better than those two.
Mikesez is the The Jungle's Chris Dudley.

(05-27-2023, 06:04 AM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-26-2023, 08:53 PM)copycat Wrote: [ -> ]And yet you don’t see any of those same issues with the current occupant of the White House.

That's correct.  I don't see the same issues.  But I don't like him that much, either.  He's too old.  I am opposed to forgiving student loans.  We need to get control of the borders.  We need to get control of the federal budget (Trump didn't do that, either).  He needs to forcefully denounce the idea of reparations for slavery.  And a lot of other things.  

Surely we can do better than those two.

Yeah, no mention of his Ukrainian Laundry service I see.
(05-26-2023, 10:19 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-26-2023, 09:33 PM)jj82284 Wrote: [ -> ]No, silly rabbit.  Ur not listening.  

In the summer of 2020 communist revolutionaries took over a city, nnounced themselves as an autonomous governing body and people actually died.  There were guns and a warlord.   

Whoever heard of an unharmed insurrection.  

As for the constitution dying, the regime in charge, by definition, doesn't believe in aid constitution.  

I'm a "black male".   The first taste of the red pill for me was learning what "living document" theory was.  That's insane.

People actually died on Jan 6 2021 as well, if you think that's determinitive in any way (you don't.  You're not arguing honestly).
And you're proving my point.  Yes, the thing in Seattle went on for like a month.  And it didn't affect my life, or your life, or the constitution, at all.
The regime in charge indeed takes a very loose view of certain clauses in the constitution, but, so has every regime in both parties ever since the war powers act passed.  Many specific clauses of the Constitution unfortunately have been interpreted well beyond reason and the actual checks and balances between the branches aren't as clear in practice as they told you and I they would be in civics class.
But one essential feature remains.  The terms in office, and the method of selecting the person or people for the next term.  Every country, even those without written constitutions, has to answer the question, "when does this guy's time in office end?" and "who goes next?" Even if the answers are primitive, like "when he dies" and "his son," that's still better than the even more primitive, "when someone usurps him," and "whoever is strong enough to do it."
Here, the transfer of power had been done by the book, with debate but without violence, for no less than 44 regime changes. 44 in a row.  Some countries can't even get 1 in a row.  But we got 44.  Then we picked a guy who cared about himself more than he cared about continuing the good thing we've had going for 232 years. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

You're right.  An innocent protester and veteran was shot in cold blood by capitol police vs dozens of innocent people killed by the "freedom fighters."

In other news, the PA Supreme Court ruled that the drop boxes used (by the dem) in the 2020 presidential election violated state election law....

News @ 11
(05-26-2023, 11:00 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]Cold. I shouldn't have laughed, but I did.

But, to answer your question, it's Chris Dudley, of course. Which is exactly why it's absurd to pretend we had an insurrection that day. The only person who went where they weren't supposed to go got shot and killed.

That fact that multiple people did die that day means it wasn't quite the sick burn you guys are making it out to be.  
There's no real ref here, and I don't mind being the heel to the WWE match you've let this turn into, but I'm still mostly right about stuff and you guys are still mostly apologists for fascism.
(05-27-2023, 08:00 AM)jj82284 Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-26-2023, 10:19 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]People actually died on Jan 6 2021 as well, if you think that's determinitive in any way (you don't.  You're not arguing honestly).
And you're proving my point.  Yes, the thing in Seattle went on for like a month.  And it didn't affect my life, or your life, or the constitution, at all.
The regime in charge indeed takes a very loose view of certain clauses in the constitution, but, so has every regime in both parties ever since the war powers act passed.  Many specific clauses of the Constitution unfortunately have been interpreted well beyond reason and the actual checks and balances between the branches aren't as clear in practice as they told you and I they would be in civics class.
But one essential feature remains.  The terms in office, and the method of selecting the person or people for the next term.  Every country, even those without written constitutions, has to answer the question, "when does this guy's time in office end?" and "who goes next?" Even if the answers are primitive, like "when he dies" and "his son," that's still better than the even more primitive, "when someone usurps him," and "whoever is strong enough to do it."
Here, the transfer of power had been done by the book, with debate but without violence, for no less than 44 regime changes. 44 in a row.  Some countries can't even get 1 in a row.  But we got 44.  Then we picked a guy who cared about himself more than he cared about continuing the good thing we've had going for 232 years. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

You're right.  An innocent protester and veteran was shot in cold blood by capitol police vs dozens of innocent people killed by the "freedom fighters."

In other news, the PA Supreme Court ruled that the drop boxes used (by the dem) in the 2020 presidential election violated state election law....

News @ 11

"Traitor got shot for being a traitor"

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