Jacksonville Jaguars Fan Forums

Full Version: ***Jaguars @ Steelers Gameday***
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Hope defense baby!
Let's go Rid
Wow. Go Calvin.
Ridley WOOOO
Looks like today is going to be a Ridley day.
Dropped right on the bucket
Love this team right now, good stuff
Offense humming.
Nice blocking
Good block, Strange.
Picked off.
Really good looking connections early today so far with Lawrence and Ridley. SAID IT LAST WEEK. Get Ridley moving more pre snap to shake those double coverages.
That was a hit to the head on Ridley when he was defenseless.
Looks like last year's Trevor what the [BLEEP]
What the hell trevor?!
Okay but why trevor
All those whinging about Ridley....suck it.
Stupid decision to force to Ridley

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