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Full Version: ***Jaguars @ Texans Gameday***
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Great play design!!!
Cleveland out there blocking like a boss.
Great playcall
Cleveland with a HUSTLE play
(11-26-2023, 02:45 PM)Eye of the Storm Wrote: [ -> ]Always nervous when Tank carries but that was good

Moreso when they throw it to him
(11-26-2023, 02:45 PM)Marcos25067 Wrote: [ -> ]ETN may be injured

EDIT: nvm he's back


They just rested him and get DJ and Bigsby going
Lets get a freaking TD pls.
Cleveland is flashing immediatly, im a big fan already, its noticeable how much push he gets on the interior
Zay get out the way
four straight runs, now.
There's our zebra.
Son of a snitch!
they shouldve taken the penalty, punish their hubris Trevor
LETS GO!!!!!!

Come on offense put it in the endzone, stop being afraid to just let it rip.. bogus playcalling.
Yeah, baby!