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Quote:Why would she do that with a 10 point lead?


..... kind of like the general rule of thumb when you negotiate a good deal --- you immediately shut up and sign the papers .... don't keep talking.

10 points? 


In your example, are uninformed voters used to status quo the ones on the other end of that good deal?
Quote:Open and honest, huh? Like with his

Bogus doctor that said he's the healthiest man alive?

Or like how he openly released his tax returns?

Or maybe how he honestly said he had alot of information about Obama being born in Kenya?

Obama was once proud of his Kenyan birth.




[Image: Obama-Closeup-2.png]
Quote:what did you learn from Hillary's tax return other than she makes alot?

If there's nothing new we're gonna learn, why not release them? Hillary released hers. Seems like she's more transparent that trump in this one.

And to Stroud, so you admit that the "doctor's" note was totally bogus, right?

I mean, you'd have to be a grade A moron to believe that note was legit.

What doctor says that an examination "show only positive results".

A positive result in medical terms means the result shows there is something wrong with you!!

Lol, totally bogus. You agree, right?
Quote:If there's nothing new we're gonna learn, why not release them? Hillary released hers. Seems like she's more transparent that trump in this one.

And to Stroud, so you admit that the "doctor's" note was totally bogus, right?

I mean, you'd have to be a grade A moron to believe that note was legit.

What doctor says that an examination "show only positive results".

A positive result in medical terms means the result shows there is something wrong with you!!

Lol, totally bogus. You agree, right?b

Did I admit anything? Once again, you changed it and said it was said he was the healthiest man alive. No doctor ever made that claim and you know it.


Has anyone ever voted or not voted for someone based on a tax return? Don't pull a muscle with all this reaching.
Quote:Of course she bails on issues... because she's failed on all the issues.


Her economic policy is one that's destructive to the workforce, her tax policy works against economic growth as well, and every single thing she's done in office has been nothing short of failure.


"Reset button," Benghazi, private server, foundation... all embarrassments of the highest order.


A career politician with zero positive accomplishments for the American good.


Proving she's the most unfit candidate, professionally and physically, of them all this year.

 .... and you all screwed up by giving us Dems the only person in the GOP Primary that can't beat HRC ---- Wallbash      


Kasich & Rubio would have crushed HRC.  Heck, Romney could have beaten her by 10% this year.
Quote:If there's nothing new we're gonna learn, why not release them? Hillary released hers. Seems like she's more transparent that trump in this one.

And to Stroud, so you admit that the "doctor's" note was totally bogus, right?

I mean, you'd have to be a grade A moron to believe that note was legit.

What doctor says that an examination "show only positive results".

A positive result in medical terms means the result shows there is something wrong with you!!

Lol, totally bogus. You agree, right?

what are you gonna learn?  maybe like Hillary we will learn that he gives charitable donations to himself.  at which point you and the entire Clinton War Machine aka main stream news will FREAK OUT.... all the while Hillary does the same thing.  there is nothing to gain from it.
Quote:Did I admit anything? Once again, you changed it and said it was said he was the healthiest man alive. No doctor ever made that claim and you know it.

Has anyone ever voted or not voted for someone based on a tax return? Don't pull a muscle with all this reaching.

So he said the healthiest man to run for president.

Do you believe that the doctor's note is legitimate?

Yes or no.
Quote:10 points? 


In your example, are uninformed voters used to status quo the ones on the other end of that good deal?

whatever the margin --- the fact that PA, VA, and NC are now very likely blue states, there's no margin losing any more key swing states for Trump
Quote:So he said the healthiest man to run for president.

Do you believe that the doctor's note is legitimate?

Yes or no.

I don't know the health of previous presidents, so how could I believe it? I do believe he is more healthy than Clinton and I would bet my house on that.
Quote: .... and you all screwed up by giving us Dems the only person in the GOP Primary that can't beat HRC ---- Wallbash      


Kasich & Rubio would have crushed HRC.  Heck, Romney could have beaten her by 10% this year.

That's the problem with the GOP today.  It's what the D was back in the 90s... fractured into separate factions and interests that focus on their differences rather than what they have in common.
Both parties have been exposed and destroyed.  Hillary literally disenfranchised and cheated half of her own party.  Trump has proven the Republican leadership are really just Democrats with better tailors.  

Quote:Both parties have been exposed and destroyed.  Hillary literally disenfranchised and cheated half of her own party.  Trump has proven the Republican leadership are really just Democrats with better tailors.  

Yeah, but since their near extinction in the 90s, the D have trained their base to vote D regardless.


Republicans are too early in their learning curve to get it, and face a tougher battle... R's do not "fall in line" just because the party says so.  There' is no "R" candidate or bust mentality like the D has been able to cultivate on voting day.  They follow their beliefs, not what they are told to believe.
they bought in hook line and sinker that Trump will start WW3.... meanwhile Turkey WITH US SUPPORT has invaded Syria and is inches from ACTUALLY starting WW3.

Quote:All personal attacks and zero policy.
Pirk is exactly right.. all character attacks for now.

I will have a full bag of popcorn when these two finally get together to discuss policy. Because many of Trump's policy plans are drawn in crayon and have been justifiably criticized by many in his own party.
Quote:Pirk is exactly right.. all character attacks for now.

I will have a full bag of popcorn when these two finally get together to discuss policy. Because many of Trump's policy plans are drawn in crayon and have been justifiably criticized by many in his own party.

Debates should be real WWE for sure.
Quote:Pirk is exactly right.. all character attacks for now.

I will have a full bag of popcorn when these two finally get together to discuss policy. Because many of Trump's policy plans are drawn in crayon and have been justifiably criticized by many in his own party.

Ya, the Republican party is just full of swell people.  Let's listen to them.
Quote:So I wonder if anyone was able to listen to any of Hillary's speech from Nevada on Thursday, August 26th.

I thought the speech did a good job of first making sure that Hillary was not attacking the entirety of trump supporters.

Then she went into a history of Trump from the 70s to the present. From his redlining of blacks, making sure they could not get an apartment in his buildings, to the attacks he's had on women, to the birther nonsense against Obama, to the attacks on Mexicans, to the Alt-right racism and bigotry of his campaign.

I have a feeling this is going to be a theme for Clinton moving forward.

Moving forward? Have u been watching.
[Image: hURcwjw.jpg]

Quote:[Image: hURcwjw.jpg]

I'm surprised she can even stand with all that additional weight.
Quote:Ya, the Republican party is just full of swell people. Let's listen to them.

I think I can name about 10 politicians between the Dems and the Republicans I don't want to hurl feces at. I try not to listen. I try to see what they do and how they vote.
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