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Quote:Its amazing. Same old: racist sexist bigot homophone attack line put a little spin on it and the lefties eat it up. I never understood that.

When Trump hires the head of Breitbart news what did you think would happen? Talk about a self inflicted wound.


And that's stuff you eat up. I've never understood that.
‘He hasn’t changed his position. He has changed the word he is saying.’

Trump Spokesperson.

So there.
Quote:Learn to discern fact instead of regurgitating talking points, assuming they are telling you the entire story.

Ha Ha. Look in the mirror clown boy.
Quote:There is a sucker born every minute. I think Breitbart has poisoned your brain.

Did Breitbart tell MIchelle to say her husband was born in Kenya?
Quote:Ha Ha. Look in the mirror clown boy.

Pee Wee Herman defense... typical.
Quote:Did Breitbart tell MIchelle to say her husband was born in Kenya?

What are you going on about?
she called it his "home country" in a speech.  but of course she misspoke.... OF COURSE she misspoke

Quote:she called it his "home country" in a speech. but of course she misspoke.... OF COURSE she misspoke

Doesn't much matter now. He has exhausted his eligibility. Awesome last 8 years. 4 more years!!!!
Quote:Doesn't much matter now. He has exhausted his eligibility. Awesome last 8 years. 4 more years!!!!

you would vote for an indefinite term for Obama if you could, wouldn't you?


i can imagine the media machine would probably support that too.  i can see it now, "YOU HAVE TO VOTE OBAMA FOREVER BECAUSE TRUMP IS A BIGOT"

Quote:Doesn't much matter now. He has exhausted his eligibility. Awesome last 8 years. 4 more years!!!!

Good Lord. You are not right.
Quote:Awesome last 8 years.

History proves that to be wrong, and will do so for all time.


Unless, of course, Idiocracy is real.  Which, we're also proving.  We're not all the way there... but well on our way in the last 8 years.
Quote:  Hillary needs a chair behind her at these things so she can sit down.

I understand there's a chair in the Oval Office.



William Saletan wrote a piece on how, with this speech, Hillary may be throwing Republicans a lifeboat
Quote:I understand there's a chair in the Oval Office.



William Saletan wrote a piece on how, with this speech, Hillary may be throwing Republicans a lifeboat

i dont understand what that proves other than Hillary (establishment trash) says she isn't the enemy of other establishment trash...


And its further evidence that Trump is truly the only anti-establishment candidate available (Bernie Sanders was the other and we saw how he was treated) who might do things differently.  Voting for Hillary, Paul Ryan, or the same old candidates we've been voting in since forever will yield the same results.

Quote:i dont understand what that proves other than Hillary (establishment trash) says she isn't the enemy of other establishment trash...


And its further evidence that Trump is truly the only anti-establishment candidate available (Bernie Sanders was the other and we saw how he was treated) who might do things differently.  Voting for Hillary, Paul Ryan, or the same old candidates we've been voting in since forever will yield the same results.

Trouble is, your entree of antiestablishment comes with a heaping dessert of bigotry.
Quote:Trouble is, your entree of antiestablishment comes with a heaping dessert of bigotry.

that's a myth cooked up by establishment owned media and the "offended" culture they helped create. they have been force feeding that narrative since day one.  that's what they do to opponents. call them racist bigot and claim the moral authority.  it's as predictable as the sunrise.
Quote:The same Robert Bryd who disavowed the KKK in the early 50's? The same one who became a champion of civil rights?

The Robert Byrd who was praised by NCAAP praised? Are you really comparing Robert Byrd to Davis Duke? Tell me how this is a bad look that Hillary respects him?

I even voted for the lynching... Before I voted against it.
Quote:When Trump hires the head of Breitbart news what did you think would happen? Talk about a self inflicted wound.

And that's stuff you eat up. I've never understood that.

Britebart? Loll.
Quote:I even voted for the lynching... Before I voted against it.

NAACP disagrees with you!

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.naacp.org/press/entry/naacp-mourns-the-passing-of-u.s.-senator-robert-byrd/'>http://www.naacp.org/press/entry/naacp-mourns-the-passing-of-u.s.-senator-robert-byrd/</a>
Quote:NAACP disagrees with you!

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.naacp.org/press/entry/naacp-mourns-the-passing-of-u.s.-senator-robert-byrd/'>http://www.naacp.org/press/entry/naacp-mourns-the-passing-of-u.s.-senator-robert-byrd/</a>

yeh, its amazing how many dems became stallwarts of civil rights legislation after the pictures of them spraying black people with water hoses shamed the country into allowing black people to vote.  Nevermind that the republican party was founded to end slavery.  nevermind that the entire reason that we needed a voting rights act in 1965 was because in 1865 a Democrat actor shot the republican president to put a democrat in office.  Nevermind the mascot of the democrat party in part symbolizes the miss treatment of native americans.  Never mind that when the first republican was elected to office the Democrats quit the country. 


nevermind the fact that LBJ called MLK a n#@$.  Nevermind he expressly said during the war on poverty to "give them something but not enough to make a difference" and "I'll have black folks voting democratic for a century"  nevermind that the policies they enact to help black people don't actually HELP BLACK PEOPLE (black poverty is up, black home ownership is down, black people on food stamps is up over 50% now that's change you can believe in!)  Never mind the fact that American Eugenics (think final solution) pioneered by Margaret Sanger (the virgin Mary in the eyes of progressives) has killed 20 some odd million black people


Forget all that.  Forget about the perpetuation of drugs in our community.  Nevermind the slaughterhouse that is the inner city.  Forget the fact that we sold the soul and the spiritual legacy of our community to become the rapists of our own women (only a 25% legitimacy rate that is functionally unsustainable for any society.)  Forget the fact that teachers unions and schools still get 10k plus per child not to educate our children. 


Forget anything having to do with reality.  Hillary Clinton said she carries hot sauce in her bag.  That means she cares.  I'm all in!!!


There was a time when white developers would go around to black neighborhoods and low ball them for their property.  you know how they did it?  lot worth a quarter of a million dollars, "I'll give you 50k cash and a BRAND NEW CADILLAC!!!"  Black America is heir to the same economic opportunity as anyone in this country and the special heritage of all those that struggled before us to allow us full access to the promises of this land.  You let a woman and a pants suit come in waving an EBT card and we sell out?  Really?
Quote:Doesn't much matter now. He has exhausted his eligibility. Awesome last 8 years. 4 more years!!!!

I gotta say, the last 8 years for me professionally, monetarily, and socially has been a complete 180 from the prior 8 years under Bush.


I bet you if you asked this to every american, most of them would agree.
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