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Its amazing. Same old: racist sexist bigot homophone attack line put a little spin on it and the lefties eat it up. I never understood that.
Quote:I don't know the health of previous presidents, so how could I believe it? I do believe he is more healthy than Clinton and I would bet my house on that.

So trump, who you describe as honest and up front, released this "doctor's" note.

This "doctor's" note was released to the public in order to disclose the health of trump.

The "doctor" claims that trump is the healthiest presidential candidate in the history of the usa.

So this "doctor" looks at a fat 70 year old man and then says that.

Are we to believe that trump is healthier than Barack Hussein Obama? Or Al Gore? George W Bush?

This "doctor" and his note is bogus.

Do you believe that this "doctor" and his note is legit?

Honestly, Stroud? Do you buy that doctor's" note?
he's just trolling at this point.  Trump walks around like a normal human being... stands around WITHOUT support for hours during speeches and interviews with Anderson Cooper.  it's common sense.  Hillary needs a chair behind her at these things so she can sit down.

Quote:Its amazing. Same old: racist sexist bigot homophone attack line put a little spin on it and the lefties eat it up. I never understood that.

Because it works with a demographic that sees every issue only through the lens of race... a nearly a 90% compliance rate.


Incomprehensible, since it defies all logic, but unfortunately true.
Quote:Its amazing. Same old: racist sexist bigot homophone attack line put a little spin on it and the lefties eat it up. I never understood that.

He retweets white supremacists... he has said he doesn't want black people handling his money, only Jews. He made sure blacks could not rent in is building.

If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck.
Quote:He retweets white supremacists... he has said he doesn't want black people handling his money, only Jews. He made sure blacks could not rent in is building.

If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck.

Now spin away Mar-a-Lago.


Oh, that's right.  That information wasn't included in your talking points/marching orders.  Not allowed to think for yourself by those who own your thoughts.


What you think you know is so incorrect.  Foundation of shifting sand... one day, you might mature enough to understand your folly.  Maybe.
Hillary legit made out with Robert Byrd and you're talking about building management from 30 years ago


[Image: QJ647Ko.jpg?fb]

Quote:Hillary legit made out with Robert Byrd and you're talking about building management from 30 years ago

[Image: QJ647Ko.jpg?fb]

Lol, you're on reddit alot, huh?
Quote:Now spin away Mar-a-Lago.

Oh, that's right. That information wasn't included in your talking points/marching orders. Not allowed to think for yourself by those who own your thoughts.

What you think you know is so incorrect. Foundation of shifting sand... one day, you might mature enough to understand your folly. Maybe.

His resort where the only color that matters is green? That's the best you got?

Sorry, I don't buy it.
Quote:His resort where the only color that matters is green? That's the best you got?

Sorry, I don't buy it.

Of course not.  Doesn't fit the false agenda.
Quote:Its amazing. Same old: racist sexist bigot homophone attack line put a little spin on it and the lefties eat it up. I never understood that.

When he has personally insulted 75% of Americans, who is he really counting on in November? Learn the history of your candidate.
Quote:Lol, you're on reddit alot, huh?

Hillary also wanted to build a wall.  i guess that means she's a bigot... edit: sorry, RACIST bigot

Quote:When he has personally insulted 75% of Americans, who is he really counting on in November? Learn the history of your candidate.

Learn to discern fact instead of regurgitating talking points, assuming they are telling you the entire story.
Quote:He retweets white supremacists... he has said he doesn't want black people handling his money, only Jews. He made sure blacks could not rent in is building.

If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck.

Black males are predators. Because I smoke weed cheat and lie I must be black. My husband and I were both mentored by segregationists.

Try again sunshine.
Quote:Hillary legit made out with Robert Byrd and you're talking about building management from 30 years ago

[Image: QJ647Ko.jpg?fb]

The same Robert Bryd who disavowed the KKK in the early 50's? The same one who became a champion of civil rights?

The Robert Byrd who was praised by NCAAP praised? Are you really comparing Robert Byrd to Davis Duke? Tell me how this is a bad look that Hillary respects him?
Quote:Lol, you're on reddit alot, huh?
r\the_donald is leaking.
Quote:Because it works with a demographic that sees every issue only through the lens of race... a nearly a 90% compliance rate.


Incomprehensible, since it defies all logic, but unfortunately true.

Some percentage of them will now look at alt-right websites, podcasts, etc.  Thanks, Hillary!
Quote:So I wonder if anyone was able to listen to any of Hillary's speech from Nevada on Thursday, August 26th.


I thought the speech did a good job of first making sure that Hillary was not attacking the entirety of trump supporters.  


Then she went into a history of Trump from the 70s to the present.  From his redlining of blacks, making sure they could not get an apartment in his buildings, to the attacks he's had on women, to the birther nonsense against Obama, to the attacks on Mexicans, to the Alt-right racism and bigotry of his campaign.


I have a feeling this is going to be a theme for Clinton moving forward.

First of all, today (Friday) is August 26th.


Second, that's really some "theme" for a campaign... you know, since she can't talk about her policy proposals or past "accomplishments".  Instead just try to attack her opponent.  The debates are going to be pretty entertaining.
Quote:Obama was once proud of his Kenyan birth.




[Image: Obama-Closeup-2.png]

There is a sucker born every minute. I think Breitbart has poisoned your brain.
Quote:whatever the margin --- the fact that PA, VA, and NC are now very likely blue states, there's no margin losing any more key swing states for Trump

Yep. Trump is putting new states in play - red states.
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