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Full Version: Things that make you feel good..
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Quote:Gotcha. My husband hates shopping. He's 5'8" and 225lbs with short legs and long torso and pants are almost always too long for him. I tell him he's lucky. I'm 5'10" with long legs and short torso so everything is too short unless I want to go two towns over and spend a butt ton of money on something that fits.

I noticed you pretty much gave us the long and short of both of you, including his height and weight, but only your height, completely leaving out your weight.


Probably just an oversight and you forgot to put it in there.
Smoking a bowl....or 5. Yep makes happy.
Watching an attractive woman put her hair up into a pony tail. 


Yep, good is how it makes me feel.

The Jags winning a game, any game, including practice. preseason, regular season, playoff and Super bowl games.

Getting to within half an hour of my finish time on a 12 hour shift..


Knowing the fridge is loaded with beers and the Jags are on TV tonight...



Quote:I noticed you pretty much gave us the long and short of both of you, including his height and weight, but only your height, completely leaving out your weight.


Probably just an oversight and you forgot to put it in there.

LOL.  Based on the last time I saw Americus I can assure you that "tonnage" isn't involved.  Me thinks you want to "get happy" with a mental image.
Quote:LOL.  Based on the last time I saw Americus I can assure you that "tonnage" isn't involved.  Me thinks you want to "get happy" with a mental image.

You seem to have self gratification on your mind in this thread.
Quote:Getting to within half an hour of my finish time on a 12 hour shift..


Knowing the fridge is loaded with beers and the Jags are on TV tonight...
Late tonight!


Gameday, and Bloody Mary's. Go hand in hand
Quote:Late tonight!

Gameday, and Bloody Mary's. Go hand in hand

By the time the game finishes I'd have been up nearly 24 hours.. Worth it though..

Currently drinking a cold one, eating take out pizza and watching a movie with the wife.. Life is good.
I can't lie. The first time I had an IV infusion of Dilaudid was something special. It was the only fun part of my cancer journey. After I went to the ER with a hemorrhaged kidney, I was a mess. Once they gave me that, I felt it go right up my arm, and within 20 seconds, things just didn't matter anymore. Banana


The sucky part of it all is once you go up, you must go down, and the detox from that stuff is quite possibly the worst I've ever felt in my life. I call it the flu on steroids with a touch of psychosis or schizophrenia mixed in. That's detox in a nutshell. :down:


A year and a half later, I think my biggest fear in life may quite possibly be pain.

Quote:I can't lie. The first time I had an IV infusion of Dilaudid was something special. It was the only fun part of my cancer journey. After I went to the ER with a hemorrhaged kidney, I was a mess. Once they gave me that, I felt it go right up my arm, and within 20 seconds, things just didn't matter anymore. Banana


The sucky part of it all is once you go up, you must go down, and the detox from that stuff is quite possibly the worst I've ever felt in my life. I call it the flu on steroids with a touch of psychosis or schizophrenia mixed in. That's detox in a nutshell. :down:


A year and a half later, I think my biggest fear in life may quite possibly be pain.

An article I read on opiate addiction, after the death of Prince, stated that Dilaudid was Elvis Presley's drug of choice.


Elvis was an experimenter. Just as he wanted the newest automotive 
extravagance, he wanted the latest drug. The best and newest on the 
marketplace. Valium. Ethinamate. Dilaudid. Demerol. Percodan. Placidyl. 
Dexedrine. Biphetamine. Amytal. Quaalude. Carbrital. Cocaine hydrochloride. 
He had once turned to Red West's wife and said, "Pat, I've tried them all, 
honey, and believe me, Dilaudid is the best." 


Must be good stuff to have Elvis's endorsement.
Quote:I noticed you pretty much gave us the long and short of both of you, including his height and weight, but only your height, completely leaving out your weight.


Probably just an oversight and you forgot to put it in there.

I'm 147lbs. Softer than I was before two surgeries and a lot of down time in 14 months, but I'm back in the gym. It's amazing how you can weigh nearly the same, within a few pounds, but 145lbs of muscle looks so much different than 147 of fluff. But I'm seeing progress.
Quote:You seem to have self gratification on your mind in this thread.

It's OK, he knows how to handle the problem.
Hitting a drive right on the sweet spot right down the middle of the fairway. 

Sinking a birdie putt.

Today I spent the day with the wife, watching movies... we also went to Five Guys..


Sucks to be at work tonight, though.

Lights out.


Guerilla Radio.


Turn that expletive up.

A good blow out after stomach cramps.

Sitting around the visiting team section, especially Eagle and Steeler fans when Jags beat them.

Then an ice cold Corona after a hot game at tailgate.
Quote:A good blow out after stomach cramps.
On the boss' time?
Quote:On the boss' time?

The best. Pay for spray.
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