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Quote:A wake up BAD WORD REMOVED followed up with a BAD WORD REMOVED, and a nice hot shower.

You might want to stay away from that late night Cinemax for a little while.
4 days until we fly, 4 days!


That is all.

Quote:4 days until we fly, 4 days!


That is all.

I can't remember if you said this is your first trip here or not?
No, I've been a few times... I always get excited when we come over..


Plus we're doing some stuff we've never done before!!

Quote:I can't lie. The first time I had an IV infusion of Dilaudid was something special. It was the only fun part of my cancer journey. After I went to the ER with a hemorrhaged kidney, I was a mess. Once they gave me that, I felt it go right up my arm, and within 20 seconds, things just didn't matter anymore. Banana


The sucky part of it all is once you go up, you must go down, and the detox from that stuff is quite possibly the worst I've ever felt in my life. I call it the flu on steroids with a touch of psychosis or schizophrenia mixed in. That's detox in a nutshell. :down:


A year and a half later, I think my biggest fear in life may quite possibly be pain.


Quote:An article I read on opiate addiction, after the death of Prince, stated that Dilaudid was Elvis Presley's drug of choice.


<div>Elvis was an experimenter. Just as he wanted the newest automotive 
extravagance, he wanted the latest drug. The best and newest on the 
marketplace. Valium. Ethinamate. Dilaudid. Demerol. Percodan. Placidyl. 
Dexedrine. Biphetamine. Amytal. Quaalude. Carbrital. Cocaine hydrochloride. 
He had once turned to Red West's wife and said, "Pat, I've tried them all, 
honey, and believe me, Dilaudid is the best." 


Must be good stuff to have Elvis's endorsement.

The good news: I have a nice, fresh new bottle of Dilaudid.


The bad news: My remission is over after almost a year. Cancer is back. I will find out just how bad it is next week.


Until then, it's a fine cocktail of chemo, extended release Oxycontin, and Dilaudid.


More surgery to come soon. Sad
Quote:The good news: I have a nice, fresh new bottle of Dilaudid.

The bad news: My remission is over after almost a year. Cancer is back. I will find out just how bad it is next week.

Until then, it's a fine cocktail of chemo, extended release Oxycontin, and Dilaudid.

More surgery to come soon. Sad

That sucks Dakota...sorry to hear that. Go kick its [BLEEP]!
Quote:The good news: I have a nice, fresh new bottle of Dilaudid.


The bad news: My remission is over after almost a year. Cancer is back. I will find out just how bad it is next week.


Until then, it's a fine cocktail of chemo, extended release Oxycontin, and Dilaudid.


More surgery to come soon. Sad

Keep fightin' brother.   


We're all pulling for you. 
Hang in there Dakota Man..

Thoughts and prayers brother..
Keep fighting it!!
I love full moons.
Quote:I love full moons.

Not just the cheeks...but all the way down to the thighs?
Quote:Not just the cheeks...but all the way down to the thighs?

Nothing better than a full moon on a full moon
First cup of coffee in the morning.
Quote:First cup of coffee in the morning.

Your own machine? Whatcha rockin?
Not to butt in, but I've got a French press and a Hamilton Beach electric kettle. Even a guy like me can make a decent cup with that rig.

Quote:Not to butt in, but I've got a French press and a Hamilton Beach electric kettle. Even a guy like me can make a decent cup with that rig.

A French press? Well la dee da and put ma pinky in the air! :Teehee:
I have a Keurig...fancy smancy

Quote:A French press? Well la dee da and put ma pinky in the air! :teehee:

Make fun all you want. I'll just be over here enjoying a good cup of coffee. And Keurig's are the devil! They brew so strong!
Not if you put it on the 10oz selection.  And it's sooooo fast.

Quote:Not if you put it on the 10oz selection.  And it's sooooo fast.

Not all fast things are good.
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