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Quote:And here I always took you for a crotchety old IT guy who wouldn't let his company upgrade from DOS because "this Windows thing is just a fad".

This reminded me of my early days at COJ. The IT division charged all city departments for disk space as one way of allocating hardware costs equitably among city agencies. When the payroll system was upgraded to the latest (and probably last) version of COBOL in the mid-80s, the paymaster refused to allow us to expand date fields to accommodate 2 extra digits for the century. It's the taxpayer's money, he said, program around it if it becomes a problem. He wasn't about to waste money on unneeded disk space, and somehow got the department head to not only back him up, but also made it policy for all city financial systems.


Then the mid-90s became the late-90s, the paymaster had retired, the department head moved on and we billed all city departments much, much more in analyst and programming hours to convert their systems to Y2K compatibility than was saved storing less data for 10 years.


This may have been the most boring IT story ever, but my martini urged me to share.
Quote:This reminded me of my early days at COJ. The IT division charged all city departments for disk space as one way of allocating hardware costs equitably among city agencies. When the payroll system was upgraded to the latest (and probably last) version of COBOL in the mid-80s, the paymaster refused to allow us to expand date fields to accommodate 2 extra digits for the century. It's the taxpayer's money, he said, program around it if it becomes a problem. He wasn't about to waste money on unneeded disk space, and somehow got the department head to not only back him up, but also made it policy for all city financial systems.

Then the mid-90s became the late-90s, the paymaster had retired, the department head moved on and we billed all city departments much, much more in analyst and programming hours to convert their systems to Y2K compatibility than was saved storing less data for 10 years.

This may have been the most boring IT story ever, but my martini urged me to share.

Cool story, bro.

But seriously, it is a rather interesting look into governing. What is politically expedient may be costly in the long run...

Denying climate change, for instance. Or refusing to invest in infrastructure upgrades because you want to be fiscally conservative.

Or cutting art and music classes in schools...

Short term savings can lead to huge losses in the long run.
Quote:Cool story, bro.

But seriously, it is a rather interesting look into governing. What is politically expedient may be costly in the long run...

Denying climate change, for instance. Or refusing to invest in infrastructure upgrades because you want to be fiscally conservative.

Or cutting art and music classes in schools...

Short term savings can lead to huge losses in the long run.

Or noT spending money on border security.
Quote:You must have missed the last 8 years. We already suffered through that.

What makes Obama less qualified than Trump?
Trump is lauded by supporters for his incredible business sense and his ability to surround himself with good people.. (Is this his third campaign manager this election season?)

Trump says the media is corrupt and dishonest.. (now hires a media guy to take over his campaign.)

Trump bragged endlessly about his poll numbers in the primary.. (now sends morons on the news to reject the validity of polls.)
Quote:What makes Obama less qualified than Trump?

Obama is still in denial about Islamic terrorism.
Quote:Obama is still in denial about Islamic terrorism.

How's he in denial? Or does he not just want to punish all people of a religion when they haven't done anything wrong?


Realistically Obama would save many more lives if the 2nd amendment went the way of the 18th. Or just followed the bit about a well regulated militia.
Quote:How's he in denial? Or does he not just want to punish all people of a religion when they haven't done anything wrong?


Realistically Obama would save many more lives if the 2nd amendment went the way of the 18th. Or just followed the bit about a well regulated militia.

Clearly refusing to identify the Ft Hood Massacre as Islamic Terrorism demonstrates his coloring of reality.

Obama does not have the power to do either thing in your second statements because of the Second, all that would do is lead to massive loss of life most likely including his own.
First sign of a drone flying by and you would give up those guns so quick...
Quote:First sign of a drone flying Red Coat marching
by and you would give up those guns so quick...

The answer hasn't changed.


[Image: LFODS_detail.jpg]
Quote:What makes Obama less qualified than Trump?

His lack of life achievements, mostly.


So, it was no surprise that his greatest "achievement" in office, was an all out failure (Obamacare.)  Unless of course, breaking the system was the objective to begin with.  Which, is entirely possible if looking through the Cloward/Piven lens.

Waiting for don to sue the R party and declare bankruptcy.
Quote:His lack of life achievements, mostly.

So, it was no surprise that his greatest "achievement" in office, was an all out failure (Obamacare.)

I know he gets no credit for killing bin Laden from the right. W promised swift justice and couldn't deliver. At least he invaded another country with brown people a couple thousand miles away.
Quote:I know he gets no credit for killing bin Laden from the right. W promised swift justice and couldn't deliver. At least he invaded another country with brown people a couple thousand miles away.

With the intelligence they had, the killing of Bin Laden would have taken place no matter who was president.
Re: Obama -- the bank bailouts and saving the auto industry were incredible achievements.  At that time the Dow was hovering around 6,000.   I don't hear anyone complaining now about their 401k fully recovering an their property values soaring.


Re: Obamacare --- that's a disaster.  If you're sick you're most likely going to rush out and obtain insurance while people feeling healthy are going to risk going without it so they don't incur the additional expense.
Quote:Re: Obama -- the bank bailouts and saving the auto industry were incredible achievements.  At that time the Dow was hovering around 6,000.   I don't hear anyone complaining now about their 401k fully recovering an their property values soaring.


Re: Obamacare --- that's a disaster.  If you're sick you're most likely going to rush out and obtain insurance while people feeling healthy are going to risk going without it so they don't incur the additional expense.

Wouldn't get too excited about the 401k if you are young. The market is due for a huge correction. It isn't going to be pretty.
Quote:With the intelligence they had, the killing of Bin Laden would have taken place no matter who was president.

LOL ....


GW would have still been in Iraq looking for weapons of mass destruction.  

Bill Clinton would have been too distracted by Monica 
Quote:Wouldn't get too excited about the 401k if you are young. The market is due for a huge correction. It isn't going to be pretty.

... you mean the band-aid the put on china is not going to hold forever?   i thought it was going to hit ~ 4 months ago.   Also, the college debt write-offs are going to be significant.....
Quote:Clearly refusing to identify the Ft Hood Massacre as Islamic Terrorism demonstrates his coloring of reality.

Obama does not have the power to do either thing in your second statements because of the Second, all that would do is lead to massive loss of life most likely including his own.

He included the Ft. Hood massacre as being one of many terrorist attacks in a speech in which he said...


Quote:<div>Here's what else we cannot do. We cannot turn against one another by letting this fight be defined as a war between America and Islam. That, too, is what groups like ISIL want. ISIL does not speak for Islam. They are thugs and killers, part of a cult of death, and they account for a tiny fraction of more than a billion Muslims around the world -- including millions of patriotic Muslim Americans who reject their hateful ideology. Moreover, the vast majority of terrorist victims around the world are Muslim. If we're to succeed in defeating terrorism we must enlist Muslim communities as some of our strongest allies, rather than push them away through suspicion and hate.
That does not mean denying the fact that an extremist ideology has spread within some Muslim communities. This is a real problem that Muslims must confront, without excuse. Muslim leaders here and around the globe have to continue working with us to decisively and unequivocally reject the hateful ideology that groups like ISIL and al Qaeda promote; to speak out against not just acts of violence, but also those interpretations of Islam that are incompatible with the values of religious tolerance, mutual respect, and human dignity.

...showing he understands the reality of the situation, whether he utters the magic words so many long to hear, or not.



...showing he understands the reality of the situation, whether he utters the magic words so many long to hear, or not.

From the same speech, "We're working with Turkey to seal its border with Syria.", yet no mention of securing the border with Mexico....showing he really has no understanding of the reality of the situation in his own backyard.
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